The Last Survivors | Teen Ink

The Last Survivors

October 25, 2016
By Crazyfuzzball BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Crazyfuzzball BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trust is a hard task to complete. You can’t just tell yourself that you can trust them, and then tell them a big secret that they can’t keep. It hurts. 100 years ago earth was engulfed in nuclear smoke that was covered with radiation. I guess you could say that we moved to the sky. We haven’t been down on earth for a hundred years, until 2 years ago on April 24, 2148.
Drawing is something I learned how to do at a young age. Drawing seems to be the solution for all of my problems. I love to imagine what the earth looks like, what it smells like, and what real food tastes like. I wonder what the feel of the stuff called grass is like. Or the taste of fresh water. I’ve always wanted to see all the beautiful trees, feel the rough bark on my hands and the soft leaves. Just then the doors to my Cell had opened. I looked up and the bright lights of the hallway shown into my concreate cell. I stared to get up, and just then two guards walked into my room with a small black box.
“what do you want? I didn’t do anything” I remorsed
“Hold her still.” The taller guard said
“No, I didn’t do anything! I didn’t do anything!” I screeched
“Keep her still! Hold her down!” they shouted as they were dragging her from her cell.
They pinned me up against the wall and grabbed my arm. The tall guard held my neck and three other guards held my arms and legs. The shorter guard pulled a syringe from the small black box, and pierced my forearm with some sort of injection. As I looked around all the doors to all the cells on the top floor were open. That was 250 of us kids. There was about 3 guards per 2 kids. I had 5 guards on me trying to pin me down, once they inject my arm they moved their grip from my neck and torso to my arms. They pinned my arms behind my back and shoved me forward.
“Where am I going?” I questioned
They didn’t reply, all they did was push my arms harder and force me to move faster. Every once in a while we had to stop because all of the other Prisoners were struggling to get out of the guards grips and they were running out of their cells. Eventually we reached the main cortex of the space station. All of the noises of all of the machines were very distracting, and the colors of all of the flashing lights were blinding. There were so many colors that I hadn’t seen before; they were incredible, reds, blues, greens, oranges, and some color called yellow. Most of the people that lived in the space station didn’t know what color was, their clothes were either grey or black, some ripped and some had brown parts. Each person on the station had only 2 pairs of clothes, and one pair of shoes.
“Can you at least tell me where I’m going? Please.” I begged
“You’re going to the ground.” The guard gurgled
My Stomach churned at the sound of ‘going to the ground’. They are sending us down there to die? I thought I didn’t do anything, that I know of… we were lined up at the cortex, and then one by one they hit us with the blunt side of their guns. We all blacked out. All 250 of us.
I woke up on this small ship thing. I didn’t know where I was, but all I knew was that I was strapped into this seat, and I couldn’t get out. My arm throbbed from the injection that they gave me. It must have been some kind of chip. Maybe they were tracking us. This ship had the same noises as the cortex. And some of the colors. It wasn’t just me that had woken up. People around me were stirring, and holding their heads because the guns had left behind a headache. All of a sudden there was a big commotion. Someone had gotten out of their seat. Everybody shouted for that person to help them get out. I was shouting to him to get me out too. I didn’t want to be in this restraining seat. Eventually he looked at me. His raven hair was spiked up in the front. His skin was darker than mine. And his eyes. Wow. They were the color of the ocean that I saw in my dream one night. I had read somewhere that it is very rare for a dark skinned person to have blue eyes. But apparently it was posable.
“Need some help out of there?” He laughed.
“Yea, get me outta’ here.” I sternly said.
“My name’s Matt.” He said as he was trying to pry off the restrains of the seat.
“Clark.” I replied.
“That’s a strange name for a girl.” Matt laughed.
“Well it was the name that my parents gave me so…” I was frustrated.
Matt just looked at me with a blank face. I didn’t give him any emotion. But eventually the restrain ripped off, and I was free. As the restrain fell off I started to float up. At first I was scared to let go of the handles of the seat, but eventually I let go. It was so much fun! It was almost like my hair had its own body. I flipped around, bumped into people, and stood upside down on the celling. Just then the ship shook, and everybody screamed.
“Get to your seats!” I yelled to everyone.
Just like tadpoles out of water, they wiggled and grabbed on to stuff to try to get back to their seats. I couldn’t reach my seat in time. The whole ship jerked and threw me and 50 other kids to the floor, the wall, then the celling.
When I woke up there were people moaning. My vision was blurry and it had tints of white and black. There was a slight ringing in my head that hurt like crazy. When I regained my vision and my hearing I had to plug my ears, the dreadful sound of people crying and moaning for their loved ones. We were only teenagers; this wasn’t fair to us. We had at least 40 more years to live. There were so many teens that were asleep. They laid there peacefully, without motion. Then, I saw Matt. He just sat there against the wall, with his hands on his knees, and his head against the wall. He was one of the few that weren’t sobbing, he just sat there and looked like he saw his family being murdered right in front of him. His eyes were glazed and his face was flushed.
“You ok?” I asked him.
“Yeah, just a little shocked, I guess.” He looked at the ground with foggy eyes.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Yea, it is, I got out of my seat first, and then everybody wanted to. I killed them.” His voiced cracked.
“Don’t worry about it, I guess that means that there will be more supplies.”
“I saw the whole thing, I never blacked out. They all just flopped on the ground and the blood that sprayed from them was horrific.”
All I could do was sit there and put my hand over him. Then, it struck me that we were on the ground. I looked to that door with hope. As I got up, I grabbed Matts arm and drug him along with me. There was a small leaver next to the door; so I pulled it. This weird white gas shot out from the cracks in the door, and then it descended. There was a white light that shone from the open space of the door. As the door opened more and more the light got brighter and brighter, I had to squint my eyes. Without a heartbeat I walked into the light. As my eyes adjusted, I saw it. It was beautiful. There were greens, blues, yellows, reds, purples, oranges, and other colors that I didn’t know how to pronounce.
It smelled fresh; nothing like the ship. The ship smelled like body odor and socks. People never bathed on the ship. But this smell was wonderful. It was like there were scent papers that were sewn into the earth. The sun lit up the earth like a candle light in a dark room. There were things in the sky that were called birds. I read somewhere that they are small creatures that have hands that can fly called wings. They made such a beautiful noise. There were these beautiful shapes that were growing from the ground. Some were yellow with pink, some were purple or just blue. I plucked one up and smelled it, it was the most amazing scent I had ever smelled.
“They’re called flowers.” Matt said.
“They’re beautiful.” I whispered.
“Yeah, they are.”
“Ok, we need to find fresh water somewhere.” I said as I tossed the colorful plant on the ground.
“Everybody, we need to find some food and water, and find some way to take these chips out of our arms, we can’t have the ship knowing where we are and if we are alive or not. Me and Matt are going to find food and water, I need some people to start setting up a camp, and figure out a way to get these chips out of our arms. I also need 3 other people to come with me and Matt to find food. Any volunteers?”
“we’ll do it.” A tall and skinny guy stepped forward with another guy that looked just like him. They both had brown hair with green eyes that looked like the leaves on the trees. They both had bushy eyebrows, and a speckle of freckles on their nose.
They’re probably twins. I thought.
“I need one more person.” I said
There was a silence amongst the crowd. Everybody just looked at each other. No one wanted to volunteer. Just then a girl stepped forward and raised her hand. She had pale skin and red hair. There were red freckles splattered all over her body. You could barely see her actual skin color. It almost seemed as if her eyes reflected the colors of something called the season autumn. They were an orange mixed with a little brown.
“Alright we will head out; we should be back by tomorrow morning.” I said.
Just then all 140 teens started working on getting the fort set up. Some went into the ship and I assume to try to work on the chips in all of our arms. Me, Matt, the two boys that looked exactly alike, and the redheaded girl all took off to start our journey.
“So, what are all your names?” Matt asked.
“I’m Cylus, and this is Tony.” The boy that first spoke up said. “My twin doesn’t talk much, but occasionally you will hear him murmur something.” Cylus laughed.
“I’m Susie” the red headed girl proudly announced. “I grew up with 4 other brothers and my dad. My mother passed away when I was born.”
“My name is Clark, and both my parents were murdered.” I solemnly said. “I know how you feel.
After I said that there was about 5 minutes of silence.
“My name is Matt; I was in prison for theft.” He said. “I’m a thief.”
Just then, we heard an explosion. It seemed to echo throughout the woods. I looked back and saw a big smoke cloud emerging through the top of the trees around where our camp was at.
“The camp!” Matt shouted.
We all were pulled to alarm and started to run. We ran and ran to try to get back to the camp as fast as possible. We reached the outer ring of the circle of fallen trees that surrounded the ship. We were at least 10 meters away from the ship and the heat was intense. We could barely push forward. It felt like our skin was melting, and all our hair was sizzling off, but we pushed forward. There was a huge flame bursting out from the ship, like a lion in a battle, it roared and hissed. People were running back and forth trying to find some way to put the gargantuan fire out. But they couldn’t find anything to help, because the fire was so big. I looked all around me and one thing caught my eye. A small figure, rocking back and forth with tears in his eyes. He looked like a small kid, but he had facial hair. His dark skin was coated with a crimson liquid, and mud. His shaggy black hair was all messed up and thrown to the side. His eyes shown with fear.
“Boy in the corner! Come ere’” I yelled.
Of course he looked up and scurried over to me,
“Y-yea? What do you n-need?” He whimpered.
“Why are you in the corner shaking while there’s a fire that needs to be put out?”
“I-I don’t know.” The boy lost eye contact with me, which just made me think that he did something.
“What happened? What did you do?” I sternly put my hand on his tiny shoulder, although I loosened my grip because it felt like I was going to break him. Just then he broke out in tears, and fell to the ground.
“It’s my fault! I was trying to see if I could communicate with the station and I tampered with the control panel of the ship, and then I cut some sort of wire, and it burst out into flames. I didn’t know what else to do, so I broke the window with a wrench and jumped through. I just left all those people to die there. I killed them all!”
By now he stopped crying and he just stared at the ground with big open eyes.
“How many people?” I sighed.
“At least 40 kids were. That only leaves about 100 of us left.”
I took a deep breath in, and let it go slowly.
“Ok, we need to figure out a way to keep people alive, and out of harm’s way.”
“I will follow whatever you want me to do.” He agonized.
“I need everybody to listen up!” I yelled.
As I said that they all scurried over to the place where I stood, and they all looked at me with big sorrowful eyes.
“I know this past 24 hours has been difficult for you all. Weather it was through a loss of a loved one, being ripped from your families, death, or massacre. We need to stick together. We are all the same on the inside, and we need to learn how to trust each other and not get into trouble. We can’t afford anymore deaths in this camp! We started off with 250 teens. And now there’s only 100 of us left. We lost some in the crash landing and we lost some in the explosion. We need time to morn for our loss, but we need to move on and fight for our lives!”
Everybody cheered and chanted. Then they all got back to work. Most of the people went straight to the wreckage of the ship and started to clean it up. All together they moved big pieces of the wreckage and little bits of it. About 3 hours had passed and it was twilight. People were coming back with boars, and deer, and nuts. We had found a fresh supply of water that was close, and we had stripped the bodies of their clothes and belongings. We had cut trees to make forts and houses, and we had foraged weapons from the wreckage. We were ready to survive.
“It’s mine! I put hard work into this dagger!” There was a blonde boy who shouted while he pushed another brunette boy over.
“There’s other daggers, so get your own, I want this one!” The brunette yelled.
“No!” The blonde shoved him harder.
Both of the boys threw their fists at each other and they screamed and yelled. Then the brunette thrusted himself at the blonde and tackled him to the ground. There was a huge crowd of people huddled around the boys chanting; Fight! Fight! Fight! The blonde reached for the dagger, but the brunette grabbed his arm and pulled it backwards. The blonde screeched. Then with all of his strength, the blonde used his other arm to grab the dagger and thrust it into the brunette’s stomach. There was a moment of silence and the brunette just sat there with big eyes and blood trickling out of his mouth. There was blood gushing out of his stomach where the dagger had been gouged. The blonde had blood running out of his nose and ear. Just then the crowd parted way for me.
“I saw it all. Why would you fight when we have so much to live for! It was over a stupid weapon! And you KILLED him! This isn’t work of humans. This is work of beasts, monsters.” I yelled.
I then went to the hut with all of the weapons and grabbed a sword. I walked over to the blonde and stuffed my sword up to his neck.
“This is the penalty for murder.” I said.
And with one swift move I sliced the sword through his neck and he fell limp to the ground.
“Someone clean this up, we can’t afford to lose anyone else! We are down to 98 people now! Get your act together!”
Two men walked over and picked up the limp bodies and drug them to the outside of the gate, and buried them with all the other bodies. The rest of the people just carried on with their work. People working on the last pieces of the wall, and the rest of the homes. The homes were sectioned off, the couples were in one house, and the singles were in a house of their own. Two separate sides, until some of the singles become couples. We all slept outside by a bonfire. Everybody slept with caution because they feared what was going to happen to them. We were stuck here, for the rest of our lives and there wasn’t anything that we could have done about it. All we needed to do was survive. And that is what we are going to do. Survive and nothing else.
  Two years had passed since the landing. We now are a growing population of 100 and soon to be more. We are living peacefully. But we still have to watch our backs, because anything or anyone could sneak up on us. Me and Matt grew closer over the two years and now we are best friends, he has a spouse and I am still a single, but it’s all god because I live in the big house, but one day when I have a spouse and kids, they will get it when I pass, and hopefully they will carry on my true and rightful legacy to try to keep these people safe, and out of harms way.

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