John and the LIghtning | Teen Ink

John and the LIghtning

October 25, 2016
By sandraremocaldo21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
sandraremocaldo21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Poseidon” Zeus said. “I can’t believe you stole the lightning. You are one of us.’’ They met at the coffee house.
“ I didin’t steal the lightning,’’ Poseidon said. Poseidon is  shorter he has brown hair and he like to do missions with his son and Gods.
“ If you didn’t then who did?’’ Zeus said.
“ You are accusing my son, I couldn’t see my son since he was a baby because of you Zeus,’’ Poseidon said.
“If he is the thief, he has to give me the lightning.’’ Zeus said.  “Poseidon, he has to give me the lightning in fourteen days,  at midnight.  If he doesn’t give me the lightning in 14 days by midnight, it will be War.’’
Poseidon found his son at the library. John is tall and has brown hair. He is happy. He plays a lot of XBOX. He likes to do missions with his friends, he likes to walk with friends. Poseidon tells his son, “ Zeus is saying that you stole the lightning.’’
John said, “ But I didn’t steal it.’’
Poseidon said, “ I believe you, son. I believe you.’’
John said, “So,  why is  Zeus  saying that I stole the lightning?’’
Poseidon said, “ Because he doesn’t trust me.’’
John said, “ Dad, but you guys have been gods for a long time. Why  can’t he trust  you?’’
Poseidon said, “ I don’t know, John.’’
Poseidon said, “John you have to go to the camp and find who has the lightning. You can just stay for a couple of days in the camp and if you can make true friends  They can help you. But you guys have to look for the lightning.’’
John met James in camp. James is tall and has blond hair and he is not a good friend. He likes to play XBOX and they start fighting but the fight its not real is practice. They become friends right away.
James said, “John did you want to go to my place and we can play on the XBOX.”
John said, “James, can I borrow your pajamas? I forgot my pajamas.’’
James said, “John, they are in the closet.’’ Then John opened the closet and he found the lightning in James’ closet.
John said, “James I want to go to my place because my place is more comfortable.’’
James said, “Ok I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’’
John said, “Ok’’ than John doesn’t go to his place he goes to talk with Poseidon.
John said “Dad, I found the lightning in Jame’s place.’’
Poseidon said “John, go to James place and take out the lightning and take it to Zeus.’’ Then John went to James place. James  was sleeping, while John took the lightning to Zeus. John met Zeus at  Olympus.
John said, “Zeus I didn’t take the lightning.’’
Zeus said, “ Who did?’’
John said, “James took the lightning.’’

The author's comments:

John and the Lightning inspire me because is kind of percy jackson

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