The Switch | Teen Ink

The Switch

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

“Andrew Luck by far the MVP candidate for this year as he and the Indianapolis Colts get another win, beating the Patriots 30 to 17, Luck and the Colts having a strong 2023 season so far.”
I turned off ESPN and turned on the Xbox and started playing with Andrew Luck on Madden 23.
“ I wish I was like him.” I say.
I’m T.J. Green, 14 years old who lives in Indianapolis and loves football. There’s just one problem, I’m really bad. I have the knowledge, just not the talent. I hope someday that I get a scholarship at Notre Dame, then I get drafted by the Colts! My dad came home from the gym,
I got something for you T.J.,” he yelled.
  I was excited, really excited. I came to a stop in front of my dad, he pulled out an envelope. I opened it and it was, COLTS TICKETS! I jump and scream in happiness.
I hugged him and said “Thanks dad!”   
It was one of the best days of my life!
“When do we leave?” I asked, “Tomorrow around 9.” my dad responded. “Who do they play again?” I said,
“Texans, the other top team in the league with the Colts,” “Oh yea, the tickets are also field passes.” dad added.
“What does that mean?” I asked.
“It means that we can go on the field and meet the players, and watch the game from the sidelines!” dad said in excitement.
“You’re kidding right?” I asked jokingly.
  Tomorrow will be the best day I’ve ever been on this green earth. 

I hear my alarm go off and I wake up trying to remember what I was doing. How could’ve I forgot?  I’m going to the Colts game! My door opens and my dad walks in, trying to be quiet so mom doesn’t wake up.
“You ready?” my dad asked.
“Of course I am,” I respond, “Why wouldn’t I be?” I added.
“Alright, get dressed, brush your teeth, do your hair, all that good stuff.” dad said.
After hour and fifteen minute drive to Indy, we made it. Then we got a bite at Colts grille, that was one of the best steaks I’ve ever had. After we found our parking garage, we walked to the stadium about an hour before kickoff. My dad and I were talking while we were on the sideline with our field passes. Then all of a sudden, Andrew Luck walks out of the tunnel to warm up! It felt like I was watching a god. I didn’t speak, didn’t move, I was in awe. Like when a kid sees the toy they want, or when a person has tons of shoes, and they see their favorite pair. I could go on and on about how I felt, but I won’t.
“T.J.!” my dad exclaimed.
“Wha, huh, what?” I said confused.
“Dang, that’s like the tenth time I said your name.” he responded.
“Sorry, I was watching Andrew Luck.” I said.
“Haha, me too,” “He’s something special isn’t he?” he added.
“Duh” I respond.
All of a sudden he started walking to us. Even my dad was surprised. Then he started getting closer, and closer, and closer, then he was right up in front of me. I had to look up at him, like when you’re in downtown Indy and you look up at the Chase tower. It’s huge! Then you say “wow” because you haven’t seen anything so big. Well that’s how I feel right now.
“Hello?” he asked
“Uh, hey.” I say scared.
“Haha, hi I’m Andr-”
“ I already know who you are Mr. Luck.” I interrupt.
He has a football in his hands and he gave it to me. The both of us were touching it at the same time.
“I wish I had the talent you have.” I say.
All of a sudden we both jolt up like a lightning bolt both hit us, or like some energy transferred. I think we just both got the chills.
The game was really fun. The Colts won the game 23-20, but Andrew Luck was awful. He went 9-36, 104 yards, 2 interceptions, and a fumble. It was really bad. This game will hurt his MVP running for sure. Now I had to focus on my game tomorrow against Carmel. My school, North Central middle school, is undefeated so far.
It was the next day, Monday, the day no one really likes. Unless you have a game, then go home and watch some Monday Night Football. There was one thing missing at school today, our starting quarterback! He’s our best player! I’m the backup too! This means I’m going to start!
5 minutes until game time. Coach Carhart already told me what the first play was, an that I was today’s starter. The first play was a quarterback run for me! I was nervous, but then when I heard the foot hit ball for kickoff, I got my game face on. We got the ball at the 32 yard line, I get the guys in the huddle, I tell them the play. We looked ready.
“Down, Set, Hut!” I yell.
I’m running, I feel the fastest I’ve ever felt. Two guys get in my way, both a little bigger than me. I truck one then juke out the other one. Then, a corner comes after me and I just outrun him. I go and keep running til I go to the back of the endzone.
“Wow,” I say to myself, “I didn’t know I could do that.” I get to the sidelines and my coach says to me “What the, how’d you do that?” “I have no idea,” I respond.
I would finish the game with seven touchdowns. Our team won 42-7. Even my parents were surprised, they didn’t know I could do that either. It was one of the best days ever!
It was sunday and the Colts played at the Denver Broncos. I think Andrew Luck will play way better than last week. It was game time and I was hype. Andrew came out to the field, and the first play of the game was… A interception for a touchdown. That brought me down, knowing that was the very first play of the game. Especially after him not doing good last week. The game was over and it was not pretty. 24-0 Broncos won. This game will hurt even more for his MVP running.
The next game for us was today against Bishop Luers. One of the best teams in the state. We weren’t afraid of any team.The kick was good but we returned it to the 28 yard line. The first play of the game was the same first play of the last game. QB run. Called the huddle, told them the play, they lined up.
“Down, set, hut!”
I got the ball I take it left outside, there’s a blocker out in front of me, he blocks him, now there’s just one man between the end zone, me and the safety. I have one thing in mind, truck him. That’s exactly what I did. Ran him over like road kill. Then it was just green in front of me and the end zone. I score on the first play of the game again. Then I’d go and score 4 more times. Another great game for me and my team.
It was Sunday again, Colts played the Jacksonville Jaguars. Summary of the game, Luck another horrible game and the Colts lost. 17-3. I don’t know why he’s playing so bad. He was doing so good, then after the game where we saw him. The more I thought about it, it might be my fault he’s not doing so well. When I said “ I wish I was like him”. We both jolted up like we got shocked by lightning. I might’ve stole his talents, we both were touching a football at the same time too.
Week after week I was dominating games. I was named the the full time starting QB! One thing was wrong tho, Andrew was awful. I think I could go in there and play QB! I had to get back down to a game after the championship. A day after my game was the playoffs! I have to find a way to get him back his talents. If not then we will loose in the playoffs!
The day of the championship game. We played Bloomington South who’s a really good team. We will have to fight hard if we want win this game. Gametime has came we were ready. I wanted this game so bad. Like I’m Andrew Luck in the super bowl. I hear the sound of the foot kick the ball. We got the ball at the 29 yard line. I got my guys in the huddle. It’s the first play of the game as it’s been all year. QB keep to the wide side of the field.
I take the snap, I run and, I get stopped. How did this happen? They tackled me like no team ever has. This will be a hard game.
It has been a close game through three quarters and it’s tied at 24. There was two minutes left in the game we had the ball, except we had it at the other side of the field at the one yard line. I think we can pull it out, we deserve to win. The ref blows the whistle that they were ready to begin. The coach called a QB sneak,
I get the ball, the middle was stuffed, I look to the outside and it’s wide open. I bounce it outside and there’s nothing between me and the end zone. He’s at the 30, the 20, the 10, the 5, I get tripped up, I try my hardest to stay up. I’m falling down and I reach the ball over the pylon. I’m waiting for the refs signal, and the ref calls a, TOUCHDOWN! I stayed on the ground a little longer for how out of breathe I was. All my teammates came to help me up. I love my team a lot. Now our defense needs to hold them for the win. We kick it off and there’s a fumble! We recover! We are going to win! One of the best days of my life! I was really happy, but then in my head I think
“I have to get Andrew his skills back,” I thought to myself.
They have a game tomorrow!
It was the next day and I woke up remembering what I had to do!
“Dad, I have something to tell you,” I say.
“What is it son?” He replies.
“My talents are actually Andrew Luck’s” I say worried.
“What the heck that’s impossible,” He says.
“When we were at the game, I said I wish I was like you, then we both felt shocks, we both jolted up, I was an absolute monster, and that came out of nowhere, he became really bad.”
“Wow, you are right, so what do we do.” he says.
“We go to the game.” I say.
After the hour and a half drive, we get there. We get to the stadium, and we don’t have any tickets. Then we had to buy some off a guy on the street that was selling them for way too much, but it’s ok. We get in and as soon as we get in there I see Andrew. I sprint to the field.
“L.J.” my dad yells.
I keep running. I grab a football and go to him.
  “Andrew touch the football!” I command.
“What? Why?” he wonders.
“I’ll explain later, now say I wish I was like you!” I say.
“I wish I was like you.” he says.
We both felt another huge jolt in our bodies. It was way bigger than the last one.
“What was that for?” Andrew asks.
“I stole your talents.” I said.
Then I sprint to my dad and sprint out of the stadium. I didn’t know what to do, so that’s what I did. After all Andrew was back and him and the Colts won the superbowl. I went back to my original life. We all lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

If you like sports and a good story to read, this will be the one for you!

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