The Knight and the Dragon | Teen Ink

The Knight and the Dragon

October 25, 2016
By BraydenLane BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
BraydenLane BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a kingdom in a far away land. In this kingdom there was a King. This King’s name was Arthur. King Arthur was one of the most powerful kings to ever rule the land. He was wealthy and powerful and was very kind to the people in his kingdom. He had many servants and he got what he wanted when he wanted. King Arthur was a brave man, so he usually went with his knights into battle. One thing many people didn’t know was that the King was very fearful of dragons.
One of King Arthur’s best friends was the head knight named Jeff. Jeff was a brave and loyal man, and he was up to any challenge he was faced with. Jeff was in charge of the other 500 knights who were there to help protect the kingdom. Jeff and the King had a friendship that went back a long time. When both of them were really young and in Knight School, they became best friends. Since Arthur’s family was wealthy and powerful he became King. King Arthur got to pick who he wanted as head knight so he chose his best friend Jeff.
One day there was a dragon that came and started to cause havoc in the kingdom. The King knew he had to put a stop to this dragon’s madness, but he had a fear of dragons so he didn’t want to have anything to do with this task. King Arthur called up Jeff to see what he would do.
“What should we do,” asked King Arthur.
“How about me and you go talk to the dragon and see why he’s doing this,” asked Jeff. Now the king didn’t want to sound like a coward and not take responsibility for this job.
“ Sure,” said King Arthur, “But how about you talk to the dragon and I’ll just stand back and make sure nothing goes wrong?”
“No,” shouted Jeff, “Maybe if the King of the land talks to him he might stop?”
“Fine, I’ll do it,” said King Arthur.
So the two of them set off on their journey to approach and talk to the dragon. Soon they came to an opening of a cave. They walked deeply into the cave and then they saw a dragon fast asleep.
“Well we better go, we don’t want to wake him up,” said King Arthur.
“No. We didn’t come this far to turn back,” exclaimed Jeff.
The two didn’t know how to wake him up, so they sat and waited for the dragon to wake up. They waited a long time and ended up falling asleep themselves. Then the two men were woken up with a gust of wind across their faces. They looked up and saw a dragon right in their faces staring at them.
“Well hey there buddy,” said Jeff in shock, “This is King Arthur, the king of the land. He would like to talk to you.”
“Hi there,” said King Arthur shakingly. “What’s your name?”.
“My name is Baxter,” said the dragon. “What seems to be the problem?”
“You are causing destruction in the land and we need you to stop,” said King Arthur.
“I’m terribly sorry,” said Baxter. “I didn’t realize that I have done anything to the land. I’ve just been looking for my lost child. One morning I woke up and he was gone. I will do everything I can to help clean up the messes I made… If you guys can help me find my child?”
“That sounds great,” said King Arthur.
They took Baxter back to the Kingdom with them and helped him find his child. After they found his child, Baxter fulfilled his promise by cleaning up all the messes he made. The people in the land ended up loving Baxter. The King had his servants build a huge house for Baxter and his child.
After all this happened, the King had gotten over his fear of dragons, Baxter was living an amazing life, and in return of Baxter helping in the land and kingdom, Baxter and his child got treated like loyalty.

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