A Week's Journey | Teen Ink

A Week's Journey

October 30, 2016
By Sharat BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
Sharat BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The smoke wraps its claws around my throat, it gets harder to breathe with every passing second. I need to get out of here, I need to breathe, I run to the door in my bedroom opening it with a BANG and run outside, I feel slightly relieved but there's still something wrong. I look up to see the entire town in flames. The only things I hear are the crying of babies, the screaming of mothers and fathers as they all perish with the town. I glance behind me and catch a glimpse of a silhouette of a hovering sphere with its center glowing red, then it's gone. Then I fall to my knees, everything turning black.

The sun's harsh glare is all I can see, I roll over on my side and see what's left of the town small wisps of smoke from the still glowing embers twirl like tornadoes into the afternoon sky. With an immense amount of effort I pull myself onto my feet and think about what to do. I need to find survivors, so I work the rest of the afternoon turning over still warm pieces of wood but without luck. I give up and sit down leaning on what used to be the blacksmith's shop trying to process what had happened, my first thought is that there had been an accident and the town had burned down, but that didn't make sense because the town was built with a special wood that was resistant to most fires, so the only conclusion i could draw was that it had been done on purpose with a stronger fire but who would do such a thing?

I think for a little but i'm interrupted by a creak of wood, it sounded like it came a couple yards to my right so get up and look.I look for a bit but I don’t see anything.

I’m about to give up when i hear, “Axel?”

I recognise that voice immediately and whisper, “Zane?” and I ask “where are you?” I see a hand pop out behind a large wood board and i immediately grap it and throw it to the left and there he is. He looks a little cut up and burnt but for the most part he is fine.

“Are you okay?” I ask,

“yeah i'm okay.” I hear immediately. I offer him a hand up and he grabs it and pulls himself up.
“What do you think happened” I ask him.

“I'm not completely sure but i think this was done on purpose i saw something right before I blacked out it looked like a hovering sphere with its center glowing red.”

“ Yeah i saw the same thing, it was crossing the hill when I saw it.” I reply. “It must of had something to do with the fire.”
He says “yea we need to find it and avenge what it did to our town, our family, i'm almost completely certain that it belonged to the dark wizard Nixon of Dorcoast.”

“It must of have been, but how do we do we kill him we don't have anything.” I say. “ then we need to get what we need its a week's journey to Dorcoast.”

“Alright then let's go” I say without hesitation.

The first four days pass over without much happening. On day five we reach the town of Linacre. The town is well guarded and we meet a couple of guard at the towering gates. We tell them our story and they let us in. He are even kind enough to supply us with weapons, gear, and horses. They also give us a special staff saying.

“It is the only way to kill the wizard, he is immune to all other forms of weapons.” They also said that they were preparing an army for the past couple of weeks to take down the wizards kingdom and said that if we wait a little we could advance with an army. I politely refused and said that I need to avenge what the wizard had done to my entire town. He nodded his head, with a look of sympathy and understanding he wished us luck and bid us a farewell.

We continued our journey at a much faster rate with the horses and reached Dorcoast by day six. We slowly entered the tunnel into Dorcoast, swords drawn and ready. We inch down the tunnel slower than a snail and after a little the only thing we can see is the bright red glow of lava. There is a trail leading to a large mountain with a dangerous looking palace on top. This time we sprint across  the trail not wanting to linger near the lava too long we reach the foot of what looks like an infinite amount of stairs and we begin climbing. After what seems like years, we are looking at what's seems to be the world’s largest palace, it is a beautiful thing, in a dangerous looking way like the autumn crocus. We advance like ants to the palace doors. We slowly push them open and see a couple of the floating spheres, they try to stab us with daggers that suddenly appeared out of their sides, so we quickly finish them off. We walk down a hallway and at the end there are a large set of doors the size of me and Zane combined we push them open.

We are greeted with the sudden blasting heat of molten rock. Hundreds of the floating spheres all facing us and in the center is our mission, the wizard.

“There's no way we're going to be able to beat all the spheres and the wizard.” Zane says.

“You don't need to.”  We hear a familiar voice behind us, we see the guard and at least 3 dozen heavily armored men. Our eyes go wide and we are filled with an immense feeling of thankfulness as they quickly march to our side. The guard quickly charges the spheres and is closely followed by the rest of the army.

“We need to kill the wizard,” I say to Zane. He nods and we push through the spheres. We see Nixon, but  he also sees us and he draws his sword. I pull out the staff and Zane and I rush him.

I manage to stab him once with the staff, but he cuts Zane’s thigh and he immediately starts bleeding, a quickly growing patch of crimson is easily visible through his armor, I assume his artery has been severed. I quickly bring the staff up to my head and quickly smash it onto Nixon's neck and i see him go limp. I kick his body into the lava and turn to Zane. I see him on the floor with a pool of blood, the smell of it is overwhelming, like iron. I see the guard and a medic rush to his side and try and save him. I fall to the ground, curl up, close my eyes and weep.

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This article has 3 comments.

Sharat BRONZE said...
on Nov. 4 2016 at 4:33 pm
Sharat BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you :D @SciFi @Murty

Murty said...
on Nov. 4 2016 at 7:27 am
Great narration of the story. Good job.

Scifi said...
on Nov. 4 2016 at 6:33 am
Great work and scene description, keep up the good work and continue!