A Long Way From Home | Teen Ink

A Long Way From Home

October 26, 2016
By Gracielewis BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Gracielewis BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Long Way From Home
“Daddy, daddy, no no.”I gasp. I am huffing and puffing really hard from a bad dream.”Oink oink,” I am ok Borg it was just a dream, don’t you worry about me.” I explained to him. I get up and get ready for the next adventurous day ahead, good morning  Uncle Yak. “Good morning sierra!!” He welcomed me.
“I am just going out to get some batteries for my scooter.”I told him
“Be safe,”
“ I will don’t worry about me, I have Borg.”
I run super fast through the market looking for the tent. “Hey, isn’t it my best customer”Larry announced  “
“Hi Larry” I said.
“Batteries coming right up!”
When all sudden something was wrong with Borg “Hey Borg what's the matter boy?”I asked. A rushing dust of sand comes brushing in the tent, I get out of the tent and look to see what that dust was coming from. I see there was a rush of a crowd screaming coming right towards me.
I jump out of the way, I get up and see a huge white spaceship land a couple yards away from the market. They come out of their spaceship, a big white plank comes out of their ship they walk down. Then they placed this flag down and said “I’m proudly to pronounce this planet ours.”

    I ran as fast as I could to get back home, I tripped right over a rock and fell to ground so hard. My uncle yak picked me up and said “Run, go go, head towards the evacuation ships.I ran as fast as I could to the ships, I got in and uncle yak helped Borg in and said, “This won’t fit the both of us you will have to meet me there. “Where” I said, “To planet Sporp.” he pressed the ignition button shut the door and stood there, when all of a sudden one of the human beings jumped on him a took him out. “Uncle yak!” The ship launch into the sky, with me in it. All I could see is him being taken away by the human beings. I believe it, uncle yak got captured, all I was thinking about what will happen to me what will happen to uncle yak.Will he survive will I survive?

    Then all I could think of was, am I real, did this really happen, am I dreaming, is this all a dream, could I be dreaming. Well if I am I want to wake up in my own bed tell myself it was all a dream.
I awoke from this tap, tap, TAP, what the, what is happening? Borg was tapping at the glass trying to get out of the little ship we were in. Where am I? When all of a sudden another little ship can down from the sky. What is that, BOOM, I ran over to it thinking who could that be? When the front came off it with a big crash to the ground, a person came out it was my friend, FRANNY!

    Franny what are you doing here, “Escaping from the human beings.” Franny said. “Where is your family? “ I don’t know they got into the ships, they must of went to another planet.” Well better get a move on and see if there is anyone on this planet.
We’ve been walking for a couple hours, we were stinking hot so we stopped and hid under this weird looking boat thing. When we got in, it was like someone was living in the boat, when all of a sudden a moving figure from the back of the boat came out from the darkness and said “ Hey what are you doing in my house, what are you doing on this planet?” He said. “Why do you look so filmair,” I said. “You didn't notice I am your brother” he said.

Austin is that really you, “ This is your brother!” Yessss!!!! I ran towards him with a big huge hug, he gave a big huff from the impacted then hugged me back really hard. Is that really you Austin, “ It's really me” he said. All those years I thought you were gone forever, I thought that you were going to be missing forever. Why didn't you come back, “ I didn't want to go to jail” he said.  You were never going to go to jail. It was an accident they were never going to put you in jail. “ What did mom and dad say” they went looking for you, they got into a ship and left looking for you. They never came back for me again though. “ I never knew,” will you help us get back to planet normp to help uncle yak he is in big trouble.

“ What happened,” our planet was attacked by the human beings. “ I can never go back after what I did,” it's ok Austin I'm sure they will understand what happened.” But what I did was bad” “um excuse me, sorry to interrupt but what exactly did he do” franny said. Well, do you want me to tell her, “No, let me tell her. It all started when I was walking by the cliff side when someone came running by me, I so angry because I didn’t get the job I wanted, so I just shoved him and he tripped over a rock and fell of the cliff. Someone caught me doing it, they got up and ran towards the police station. All I think of was I’m in big trouble I ran towards the ships when sierra saw me leave.

“Ohhhhh, so thats what she talking about all those years. I thought she didn’t have a brother I thought she was joking” franny said. Please austin, please take us back to planet normp. I just got to save uncle yak. “No means no,” please austin if we don’t save the planet or uncle yak you might not get to see that planet or any of our family members again. “ ffffffine, I will help you get back to help uncle yak.” For our parents, “for our parents. First thing in the morning we get ready to leave.” Thank austin, thank you.
I wake up with a big sigh, thinking what is going to happen when we get there, what is going to look like when we get back. I sit up pet borg and stood up and got ready for the biggest adventure to come. We start packing up the ship with the stuff we will need to survive the wrath of the human beings. “ You ready to go” austin says. As always i’m ready for what comes ahead of me. We get into the ship, buckle up and say, our last words if we didn’t survive this, pushed the ignition button and held on. We launched into deep space, I felt a deep chill go down my back, like I wasn’t feeling good. “It is going to take like about an hour to get to planet normp” austin said. So we decide to rest so we could save up our energy for when we got to planet normp. “Goodnight” I said, “Goodnight” they said.

    I awoke by this alarm going off, Austin has been trying to wake us up because we were going really fast down, we were heading straight for planet normp. I got up and got in ready position for the landing. Franny was already in her position for the landing so was austin. Then all of a sudden I’ve got this sudden move to be brave and courageous and don’t worry about anything. Then we impacted the ground. “Is everyone okay” austin said, “yeah” me and franny said. “Onik, onik,” borg snorted. Hey  what's the matter borg, the market was destroyed but there was this huge building where the ship landed. “That must be the building where they are keeping everyone,” austin said.

    We camped out for the night and were thinking of plans on what we were going to do. Well I think we should go up the air vents, then find the rooms they are keeping them and one of us should get the keys. Then unlock the cages and heard them to the door and sneak them the out the back, then implant a bomb in the middle of the building. Then set it to 50 min. Then get as far away from the building as we can. That sound like a plan austin, “I think that might work, YESSS, yes. That will work great well.” Well then, 7:00 is when we will strike.

    I awake by the noise of borg snoring of borg, so I get up and stretch. Then get ready for the biggest adventurous day yet. Come on get up franny it’s time to get up to save the world, “ I’m up, i’m up.” Austin has been already up and ready to strike. Hey austin you ready to go, “Yes, I have been ready for couple hours now.
    We started heading towards the building think what is going to happen once we get there. “Do you think we are going to survive sierra,” franny asked. I’m sure we will live through this to tell our grandchildren. Why wouldn’t you think we will survive this? “ Well there is this three of us.”

    We got to the building, leaning against it and looking at each other we all nod open the air and crawled up then started crawling around listening for cries of help.While austin went looking for the keys. When we heard this distance crying, we crawled and crawled until we could hear of it loud and clear. We looked down and there was this little girl crying. Hey, hey, little girl it’s ok we came to rescue “you have” the little girl said. Me and franny dropped down quietly, then austin came through a door with the keys. We unlocked the door she came running towards us, she gave me a big hug saying “ Thank you!!!!!” We started unlocking all of the cages and telling people go to the door. There was uncle yak in one of the cages sleeping, uncle yak!!!!! “ sierra?” I unlocked the door and gave him a big hug. “ I was so worried about you” we have no time to talk uncle yak we need to go set a bomb. When all of a sudden one of the human beings walked in.
“No, please don’t do that I have a little girl in the building please don’t blow up the building. Please,” well we can’t just blow up the building when there is some incense human beings. I think we can reason with them, what do you think austin, “I don’t know should we” austin said. “I think we should” franny said, Ok that settles it we will write a note explaining where to meet and when to meet. This human being “ Harold” harold will go and give them this note while we escape the building.
I was writing it down took a deep breath and said it’s ready. We gave him the note then took of silently to the back door and ran out. 20min. Later they came, we talked and talked for a long time until we finally came to agreement to never mess with each other planets again. Hey austin are you so glad they will never come here again, “sigh” austin huffed. What’s the matter I’m leaving to go back to planet sporp. To be continued...

The author's comments:

The piece I wrote can have some weird words but once you keep reading you will get it.

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