Howlpacalypse | Teen Ink


May 11, 2016
By Fasd47 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Fasd47 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The end of the world didn't start with a bang. It didn't start with zombies. The beginning didn't even involve a nuclear bomb. It started with a decently dumb janitor, and some half pig half humans. Let me give you a better explanation. It's the apocalypse started by some scientist trying to win a war. The government was were making mind control nanobots, that didn't work. A while later a janitor in the facility accidently knocked them onto a baby half pig half humans cage, which was also an experiment in cloning gone wrong. A few experiments later they had mindless pig superhumans that were as strong and fast as a horse.
Nowadays, you can find these hybrid people everywhere, roaming the cities and towns. Most people call em' Howlings, and if they bite you, you start turning into one of them. If you don't know me, which you probably don't, I'm Jack Fenden, and I am about seventeen years old. I live in one of those big boxes you see at docks, you know the ones they stack, and have to lift with cranes. If you have a handheld laser-laser pointer, that can cut through steel you can have a whole catacombs of boxes to call your own. My ¨house¨ has twenty different boxes, and in one I worked out a bunch of solar-powered batteries in room 12 and that powers a lot. I had fridges full of food, and I had as good a life as some did before the apocalypse. Until one day, when I heard knocking on door part of the bottom box. I slid down the rope ladder down to that box, and ask the person who knocked on my ¨door¨. 
¨Friend, or freaky pig monster?¨ I yelled through the thick wall.
¨Friend... I'm a friend.¨ I heard in reply. Whoever it was sounded injured, so I opened the door, which is harder than it sounds with it being giant and metal. By the time I got it open, about three minutes had gone by. What I saw in front of me was not what I expected. I expected a guy, with a missing arm laying around outside, because chopping off the bit that was bit by a Howling, is the only known ¨cure¨.It also only works if you do it directly after the bite happens, that way the Howling nanobots can spread. But what I actually saw was a man leaning against a box opposite to mine. He was wearing a perfectly clean suit, which is relatively rare, because most people don't have washing machines that run. I know I do. He had a gun holstered, and he seemed to have large tan gloves with about two inch claws coming off where his fingers were. He looked at me and said:
"What? You're just a kid! My source said you could help me."
I was slightly confused, to say the least.
"Well aren't you a bundle of joy." I replied, "and I can help you, maybe. Now come in before a Howling is attracted."
He came in, and looked around the main room. It has a couple couches, and a semi-nice rug I found in an abandoned mansion. Otherwise it's pretty bare
"Good choice living here, Drake was it? No Jake?"
"How do you know me?"I asked him "Also it's Jack, so close enough."
"Well Jack, my name is Flint Alfors and I work for F.I.G.H.T. which stands for Fighting Impossibility Great Howling DesTroyers."
"Really?" I asked, "That is the single worst acronym I have ever heard."
"Well, anyway, word on the street says there has been a cure found, and I was told to see you about that. F.I.G.H.T doesn't have access to the cure, and as you can probably tell, normal people don't have access to it either"
"Who has the cure?" In the past I have done some theft-y type things. Let's just say this wasn't the first time someone had shown up and asked me to steal something from someone else.
He replied saying,
"The agency D.E.F.E.N.D.(Doing Experiments Finding Explanations Never Dreamed-of), which is the agency who first created the Howlings."
"Why won't they distribute it to Howlings, and people who have been bit?"
" It's not that kind of cure, it's a small metal box that sends out a signal that destroys all the Howling nanobots in the bloodstream."
"Tell me where, and I'll get it. For a price." I walked over to him, and he looked down at his pointed gloves and back at me, and he shook his head
"Better yet, I'll take you there, help you steal it and you end the apocalypse. That not payment enough?"
"I work alone, Always. And I'll still want some type of payment" he shook his head, then he turned towards me and the next thing I know I am out cold. He didn't punch me he just put his hand near my mouth, and everything's black. I wake laying in a bush. It is not a particularly soft bush and it's filled with sticks and rough leaves. Also it's spinning. Or maybe that's just my head. I sit up and see Flint Al-Whatever and I go to start yelling at him, and I find I can't.
"Ah, you're awake" he whispered "Sorry about the no talking thing side effect of chloroform-X. Knocked you out good and your brains reconfiguring, give it ten minutes-ish and you'll be good. Probably. Maybe."
"Where the crap am I?" I mouth
"You are outside the highest security building in the world: The Scientific Expedition Center For Genius Researchers."  He reaches towards the fence were behind and starts cutting with a laser-laser pointer (Real laser)
"S.E.C.F.G.R? That's the worst acronym ever, I'm gonna come up with a better one." My voice was hoarse, but it was coming back.
"Well, are you going to help me or not, Jack, 'cause I can get you home, but I need help stealing the cure"
"Cure, that's an acronym isn't it?"
"Cleansing Untraceable Rehabilitating Electromagnetic-wave, yeah it is."
"I actually like that one, but I'm still going in alone and I still want payment."
"Jack," He looked at me for a minute, "If you go in alone, you will die, and that's not a threat, It's a fact and I will just have to find some other "expert thief". You have achieved many things in your life, and you can help me end the apocalypse, and if you don't, then you are a selfish brat."
"Excuse me? What did you just say?"
"B.R.A.T. Big Really Annoying T-idiot."
"T-idiot? Really? Can't you come up with one good acronym? I will pay you if you come up with one, and on the going in alone you're probably right. I don't know what's in there, but you hopefully, hopefully do."
"I do. Sort of. Anyway, we're going in through the front door."
"That's not a good plan."
"No, it wouldn't be, but I've got lab coats and a twin brother who works in this building. Meaning that I have the right eye for an eye scan and we can blend in with the other scientists. And we can get in and out." He chucked me a lab coat with an ID card clipped to it.
"Umm... This is a black woman's ID card. I'm not black, or a woman, so...?"
"Stop being a baby, put on the lab coat. These are the only ones I could get, they were in a pile over by the main gate, no clue why someone would leave those there but oh well. Let's go" he said. We climbed through the hole in the fence that he cut and walked up to the main gate. Flint looked around and came to a panel in the wall with a small glass circle about the size of an eyeball. He leaned down and put his eye to it and said,
"I really hope this works, my brother is only a janitor here." I hated this guy sometimes
"So this might set off alarms."
"It possibly might, but we are identical twins. So good chance it will work." He put his eye against it and the door clicked open. I was surprised that it had worked. Then alarms started to go off.
"But we are identical twins so good chance it will work.You sure? Those sound like alarms you idiot! We gotta get in!" I am not a nice person sometimes. This felt justifiable though, Because he had been pretty dumb. Behind the door there was a long hallway sloping down with doors all over the place we ran down the hall.
"Where is it?" I yelled,
"End of the hallway follow me!" But the doors directly to the sides of us opened up and two giant ant-like robots burst in and start chasing us. We both said:
"That is not a good!" We ran to the end of the hall and Flint handed me his gun.
  "Know how to use this? Pull this bit back then pull the trigger."
"What about you?"
"I got my gloves"
"They're robots" I said, but by then the previously mentioned robots caught up and I shot at the one on my side till it "died" I looked over to the one that Flint got and I saw scrap metal, several pieces all over the hall.
"Like I said, I got my gloves." He said clawing through the wood door in front of us. The room was filled with tanks filled with water, with different humans and Howlings alike floating in them. It was the first time I had seen a Howling and it was quite terrifying. It had the head of a giant pig and hooves, but otherwise it looked like a human, human chest legs arms, just ending in hooves. But I had a job to do so I kept after Flint. Ahead of me he had reached the end of the room, and was searching through desks and drawers and cabinets.
"What's it look like?" I said, joining searching
"Not a clue," Flint said.
"Is it this?” I said, showing him a strange green glowing cube, gears spiraling over the surface.
"Lets hope so," he said as we started running out, until we were stopped by about six or seven Howlings who it appears we woke up and they burst out of the cages or cryogenic chambers, or whatever they are. Flint threw to me another gun and nodded at them.
"Why do you have two guns?" I had to ask,
"Kid, I have seventeen different guns at all times, and they are all named. The one you got there is Bethilda. I'm gonna want her back."
Then the Howlings started at us on all fours and it was not good, they were fast bullets flew, Flint Flew through the air, Howling body parts flew and the room was a mess. I kinda felt bad for whatever janitor had to clean this room. Unless it was the one who started the apocalypse, than I felt pretty good about the cleanliness. Or lack of cleanliness, you could say. I also kinda felt bad for the Howlings, but they were long gone, but with a facility probably mostly empty, except for the weirdest security system ever and a few cryogenically frozen guys, so we pulled out chairs and started looking over the box.
"Try turning the gears. There's no big red button to press." Flint handed it to me. I tried to turn any of the gears, but none of them would budge.
"Nothing, let's see if there's any instructions on how to use it." I said starting to shuffle through the papers on the desk, until about 20 minutes later Flint found a piece of paper with a picture of the box on it.
"Okay, here give me the box, hold my gloves for me." He handed them to me and I put them on. They were light as a feather.
"Okay so if you turn the corners," Flint Turned them easily, "Then you can pull them out and then turn the gears and a button should pop out." It popped out and I pressed it.
A blue wave shot out of the box and the Howlings that were still in pods started writhing around and a small black cloud flew out of their mouths. All was going well and it kept going well, the day was going pretty well, except, the Howlings weren't changing. They still looked like hideous pig monsters. But that is a story for another time.


                                                    The End? Possibly!

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