Frankenstein Epilogue | Teen Ink

Frankenstein Epilogue

May 11, 2016
By SHHeeren BRONZE, Jasper, Indiana
SHHeeren BRONZE, Jasper, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Dearest Margaret,
Oh low, how long it has been since I last wrote to you. I hope you do recall the man I once met in the North Pole. He told me his story of how he created his own form a life and asked me to continue his expedition in search of the great monster when his time had to come to pass. That time was now a long time ago. And this, my story, is the of my expedition in search to never break the promise I made to my dear friend, Victor Frankenstein.
I woke the first day after the funeral to my dear friend and set off on my new adventure. I took my crew and told them about how the desires of my adventure had changed and was willing to let go anyone who does not wish to continue on my crew. Very few left, and those sailors were replaced promptly due to the utmost importance of starting .
I continued my search for weeks upon never ending weeks to never encounter the monster until one day he appeared. He can only be found when he wants to be found, Margaret. If there is only one thing you come to know, it must be this. He told me that he had taken notice that I was following him, or attempting to follow him as he put it. He told me that if I were to continue with these untasteful actions he would give me a first hand experience to how Victor felt when his family was mysteriously killed. And then he was gone. I did not get a single word in the conversation and I am not sure why but seemed happy about the outcome, just because I got to see him. It was only the second time he had let me embrace his untamed beauty. My goal to find and dismantle him for my dearest friend who had tried for many years became an even bigger desire than a goal.
Dearest sister, I have only but a slight confession to be made to you. I understand Victor’s uncontrollable desire to once again see the monster, embrace him, and soak yourself in the words, even when those words have not even been spoken. He truly is mesmerizing Margaret. I hope that one day you can enjoy his untamed beauty much like Victor and I have. He is an astounding creature. I do not believe that anything else could ever be created quite like him.
I do have to be sad to admit that this might be the last time in a long while that I will be able to continue my communication with you sister of mine. I am not sure how far and to where my search will continue. I will be in touch with you as soon as I can be. Wish me the best of luck to avenge Victor, may he rest in piece.
Capt. Robert Walton

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