School Spies: Chapter 1 | Teen Ink

School Spies: Chapter 1

May 13, 2016
By MichaelTanner BRONZE, Springville, Utah
MichaelTanner BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lora is so cute, with her bright, blue eyes and her long, blond hair and the freckles that cover her nose. Someone tapped me on the shoulder catching me off guard. I turned around real fast in my chair and was surprised to see my teacher, Mrs. Ball, standing behind me.
In a whisper she said, ¨I need you to stay in from recess today to help me with something,¨ then she walked away back to her desk.
¨Oh no,¨ I thought. ¨Am I in trouble?¨ In my seven years of being in school I had never gotten in trouble. Not even once. Not even for just talking to my friends. I looked up at the clock that hung on the wall in the front of the room. Oh no! Only five more minutes until recess.
When the bell rang to excuse us for recess I just sat in my seat waiting, sweat building in the palms of my hands.
¨Aren't you coming?¨ asked Avery, the girl that sits next to me.
¨The teacher wants me to stay in from recess this morning.¨
¨You finally got in trouble?!¨
¨I don't know why she wants me to stay in.¨
Then Avery ran to the door that leads outside to tell her friends that I had finally gotten in trouble after all these years of school. The teacher waited until everybody had left the room before telling me what she wanted from me.
“Come here,” Mrs. Ball said after everyone had left the room.
She was sitting in one of the two chairs behind her desk that were forbidden from the students unless the teacher had asked them to sit in them. I’ve only heard a couple of people say that they had gotten to sit in the chair and they said that it was because they had done something really bad; so bad that they weren’t allowed to go to recess for the rest of their elementary school years.  When I was next to the chairs the teacher motioned for me to sit down in the chair sitting next to her, now I was really worried that I was in trouble. I hesitated but finally got enough courage to sit down.
When I sat down on the forbidden chair, I don’t know why, but Mrs. Ball started rummaging through her filing cabinets. When she finally got to the file she was looking for she pulled something out of it. I didn’t get a very good look at it but it looked a little bit thicker than a piece of paper. As soon as she pulled whatever it was out of the file I felt the chairs shift and the floor underneath us started moving down, like an elevator.  Now I was even more worried than before. It kept moving down until it hit a concrete floor. They were in what looked like a dungeon.
Mrs. Ball got out of her chair to go and talk to Jake who was standing next to some sort of computer that was hanging on the wall. Jake!  What was he doing here? Jake was one of the kids who had been banned from recess for the rest of his elementary school years and it made me even more surprised when I looked to the left and saw George, the other kid that got banned from recess, standing there looking at another computer that had been attached to the wall. When Mrs. Ball was done talking to Jake she walked over to me and stood directly in front of my face.
¨Welcome to the School Spies lair,¨ Mrs Ball said.
¨What?¨ Was all I could say.
¨You are now part of the School Spies; a group of spies, a student from each grade, that protects the students from bullies.¨
¨Okay, so I´m a spy now?¨ I said.
¨Yes,¨ said Mrs. Ball ¨Unless you don't want to be.  We can find someone else in your grade to do it, but we'll have to erase your memory first.¨
“Are you kidding me?” I thought, “I've always wanted to be some kind of spy or detective my whole life!”
¨I'll totally be a school spy!¨ I said ¨I´ve always wanted to be one!¨
“Cool,” said Mrs. Ball, in a really professional voice. “Jake, do you want to tell the newbie here what we’re trying to accomplish?”
So that’s why Jake and George have to stay inside for the rest of their elementary years. They didn’t get into trouble at all. They were spies this whole time! Jake motioned for me to come and stand by him. For the first time that I had been down into the School Spies lair I got out of the chair.  I walked over and stood in front of the giant computer hanging on the wall.
“The bullies have been up to no good lately,” Jake said, “They have discovered a weapon called the slave creator. It’s a golden ball which when activated, will shoot a purple beam out of the ball. If the beam hits someone, they will follow the person who fired the weapon´s every command.  The bullies are planning to set the ball on the school's roof and connect the ball to every light bulb in the whole school. When activated they hope the beam will hit every kid that goes to Rannet Academy making them become the bully’s slaves.¨
¨And so we have to try and stop them?¨ I asked.
¨Yes and the only way to do that is to destroy the slave creator.¨
¨How do we do that?¨
¨There's only one way.  There is a golden rod that has been missing from the slave creator for years. If we can find it and put it in this hole that is on the slave creator it will be too much power for the slave creator and it will destroy itself.¨
That’s when we heard the big thud outside of the school.
¨And if you see any of the bullies make sure to watch them so they don't do anything suspicious. Oh, and don't tell anyone,” was the last thing Jake said before we all got on the elevator to go back up to the school to see what was going on.
When we got outside, there was a mear standing right in the middle of the field behind Rennat Academy.  Everyone was running around the field screaming like they were madmen. Mears are large frightening creatures.  If mears bite someone the victim will turn into a bully. Then I noticed something in the mear’s huge, blue, fury hand.  He had Lora captured.
“No!” I shouted before I noticed what I was saying but I didn’t care what was coming out of my mouth. I had a plan. I ran into the school’s gym and grabbed one of the bows and an arrow sitting on the bleachers of the gym. Right now in P.E. we are learning how to shoot a bow and arrow. Not to brag, but I’m probably the best shooter in my whole class. I hit the bullseye on the target almost every time. There’s only been a few times that I have missed. Now, time to put this gift to some use.
I ran back outside, bow and arrow in hand. I made sure the mear was distracted by Lora, still in his hand, and as soon as I got into range I knocked the arrow, aimed at the creature's heart and fired.  As soon as the arrow impaled the mear right in the heart it fell, dead.
When the strange animal fell on the ground the people running around immediately  looked confused. Lora looked like she was having trouble escaping the big blue hand. So I ran over to where the big creature was lying and I held out my hand. Lora grabbed my hand and after a few tugs I finally pulled her free. As soon as Lora was safe, she let go of my hand and gave me a big hug. I didn’t know what else to do so I hugged her back. While she was still grasping me in her arms she said, “Thank you,” but what really surprised me was after she let go of me she gave me a big kiss on the cheek.
  I think I’m going to like being a School Spy.

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