When? | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By Fasd47 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Fasd47 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Things are getting complicated, and I can't imagine being normal at this point. Ever since I was a young child I when I go to bed, I wake up. My name is Finn Alos and this is the story of my overly complex lives.
I woke up, sat up, a into metal ceiling. Spaceship for sure, I thought getting out of my bunk. The year 2409. The one above me is my father's bed. Since it was a Saturday I didn't wake him, he had a mining job that ran late into the night, mining large asteroids that had all sorts of space ores, gold, iron, silver, and anything else. I let him rest. I ducked into our apartments kitchen pulling out an instant bacon package. Dumped the powder in a bowl. In just two minutes it was done and I started eating.
“Finn?” I heard my dad yell from the room
“What dad?” I shouted back
“Could you grab me some cereal?” He sounded pretty tired. Even though advancements in technology made mining much safer and less dangerous, it was still just as strenuous, as the laser mining technology had quite the recoil.
“Sure dad.” I poured the milk and cereal, and brought it to him. He was sitting in his desk in our room, and I gave it to him.
“Thanks.” He motioned for me to sit on my bed, and he turned to face me.
“You’re getting done with school, and your getting better grades then I ever got, and you need to start considering what career you're going into. Mining is not a good choice, especially with your grades.” He was right, I turned 16 in a week and that's when I was considered a man. Everyone said I was probably in for the job of doctor, as the one on the ship is getting old. I told my father that I wanted to be a doctor and he nodded,
“That’s a good job, a high paying job.” He stood, “ Well, were running low on food, so i'm heading down to the store today, and-” I cut him off
“No you are resting at home making a list and sending your son off to go do the shopping. Dad I know how tired you are. I can run and do it for you.” After a bit of him protesting I eventually was on my to the store with a list. The ship was massive with tons of shops and homes, like the world's biggest apartment building and the world's biggest mall had a baby. I headed to the store and ran into my friend Rolf, who was a ZzzZZxXiean, which is a race of aliens. He looks fairly human, except for his grey skin and his head, which is similar to a hammerhead sharks, with eyes on the pointy out bits, and a mouth at the bottom.
“Hey Rolf!” I walked over to him
“Were you going?” I asked
“To the store,” He said, “Gotta buy some food supplies, my family is running low.”
“Me too” I told him as we walked to the store we talked about whatever until we were cut off by someone saying behind us,
“Give me all your money!” We turned around to a man in all black, including a shining metallic black mask with no apparent ways to see through. Getting mugged on ship colonies was not normal, as you have to get a background check to come on board.
“No thanks i'm good, my money is mine and I would like to keep it that way so ???????? ????????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???.” when Rolf got nervous or afraid he slipped into his native language Tridssssltisian.
“Why should we give you our money?” I asked him, still thinking how he got on board, also looking for possible weapons. Suddenly I saw the guy swinging a club at me. Then just blackness. I woke up in a bed in a green walled room, with shelves and wood floors. Earth, 2021. I realized it was daytime, and I never understood this. I stay up all night one place, doesn't effect the other. I always awake in the other world at morning time. Mostly… It's hard to explain. I tried to fall back asleep but it wasn't happening. I have no school in this world, as I had all the info I needed inserted into my brain when I was five years old. For some unknown reason (to me at least) no one uses this in year 2409. I walked into the hallway outside my bedroom running into my mother.
“Fin!” She said “Watch where you’re going.” I went to apologize but then I remembered, on earth (year 2021) I'm mute. Can't say a word, except of American sign language. And before you ask me to explain… I have absolutely no idea why I can speak one place and not the other.
Sorry I signed to her
“It's okay, sorry didn't get much sleep.” She looked like it, her job as a sleepologist often left her up late.
It's okay, you should go back to bed I signed, and she laughed
“I wish, I have to watch Lily.” As if on cue I heard my sister waking up.
“Mom! Mom! Mom!”
I can watch her, you should go to bed I signed to her. Actually it was more like Me watch you bed. But she got the point
“You sure you can deal with her?”
“Okay yeah i'm gonna go back to bed.” She walked to her bedroom and fell onto her bed and fell asleep almost immediately. I walked into Lily’s room and signed to her
Moms sleeping be quiet. I did it slowly so she could understand what I was saying.
“Moms sleeping be square? No no be llama, be parking? No be quiet.” I nodded and she followed me to the kitchen where we ate cereal, and pretty much spent the whole day watching tv. Yeah i'm a responsible adult, don't judge me… But while I was watching the news, they started talking about a new terrorist group W.A.S.D.E.F.M.O.W (We All Should Die Except For Members Of W.A.S.D.E.F.M.O.W) which blew up a government building in England. When they showed what the members wore I gasped, as they wore the same stuff as the guy who knocked me out. My mind was flying. When I went to bed, And woke up, I was in a white room, no anything, just white. White walls on white ceiling. At least I could talk now…
“Hello?” I said
“Hello?” I said again.
I was all alone…
I slept and woke up on earth daily. Now my “nights” are stuck in that room and food is dropped in it every day or two. I am fairly normal now. Maybe the room is a dream? Don't know if i'll ever figure out what's happened. Probably wont.
                                        TO BE CONTINUED…...

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