The Wolf with a Name | Teen Ink

The Wolf with a Name

May 6, 2016
By Midnightcrow BRONZE, Baker, Louisiana
Midnightcrow BRONZE, Baker, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was running through the forest, looking for a way out. The footsteps are getting closer and closer until all I can hear is the rhythmic thumping of his paws beating at a faster pace. I can’t keep this up or ill be torn to shreds for sure. I look behind me and suddenly the dark wolf leaps on my back and seeks his teeth into my fur on the back of my neck. I let out a terrifying howl as everything goes black.

I jerk up in my bed, breathing heavily, as I imagine the dark figure clawing at my throat. I pat my body to check for fur or a tail that might be wagging behind me. Relieved, I lay of the mattress still in a cold sweat. Why does this dream keep happening? Is It a sign or just nightmares that are too horrifying to forget? My hunger gnawing at my stomach surely doesn’t help. I stumble to my feet and speed down the stairs. Mom is not up yet but I guess I can make a simple ham and cheese sandwich. As soon as I put the top slice on my neatly made creation, I hear a load boom at the back door. Someone couldn’t possibly be robbing me this early in the morning.
“Who is it!”, I yelled cautiously, waiting for a response or at least a sound to signify someone was there. Nothing happened. I hurriedly grab a knife in case I needed to defend myself. Creeping over to the doorway, I open the door with my weapon ready to strike. There was only a translucent gem attached to a golden collar sitting on the concrete stairway. “Wow, it’s beautiful” I whispered. I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to touch the collar. As I picked up the collar my knees buckled and suddenly my vision faded to black.
“Oh god my neck hurts” I moaned as I quickly wake up to choking sensation around my neck. “Hey!” the figure dragging me turned around and it surely wasn’t someone or something I was expecting. I look up to see a massive black wolf with eyes as silver as the sea of glimmering stars. While I was dazed looking into his eyes I saw my own reflection in them. I had a face just like the wolf except I was slimmer with fur as white as snow. He didn’t seem to notice my confusion and turned around to continue dragging me across the forest. “Hey! At least be a little more careful with who you are dragging” but he didn’t turn around again the whole painful trip to a place I never knew existed in the middle of the woods.
It seemed like an hour of continuously being dragged across the soft forest floor covered in Autumn leaves.
“Are we there yet” I sighed as I watched the trees slowly pass by.
“Almost” he mumbled under his breath, obviously irritated.
Finally, I got an answer out of him. Maybe I can get another question in and see if this plan works again a second time. Just before I can utter a word, he dropped me on the ground.
“We’re here” he said as he walked to go meet a shaggy hazel/black wolf standing guard in front of a massive cave. All I could hear is distant whispering and then they nodded, ending their conversation. “Get up and follow me” he said as he commenced to walk to the entrance to the cave. Obediently, I tried to get up but noticed I had to walk on all fours. I guess walking like a human was out of the question unless I want my face to be buried in the dirt.
“Ok. One paw and then the other” I said as I tried to clumsily walk to the cave. ” I rather stumble than to be dragged again!” Oh how difficult it was to walk on all fours. It somehow seemed right in a weird way. My body was aligned and didn’t make an arch when I took a step. Slowly, I made my way inside the cave with a new found confidence to face whatever hides in this mysterious domain.
It was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen in my life. The smell was overwhelming as the smell of fresh meat filled the air. Wait, fresh meat? My eyes quickly searched the area and found a deer carcass about ten feet away. “Ew!” I couldn’t even stomach the sight of the poor deer but was drawn to the aroma it gave off. Drool unexpectedly dripped from my mouth as I stared at the delicious piece of meat.
“Back off!” A brown furred beast jumped in the gap that separated me from the carcass. He was the same size as the black wolf that dragged me through the forest but this one was different. He had a scar on his left eye that still looked fresh. If he is the kind of wolf that loves to start a fight, then I’m surely going to have my paws full.
“Hey I was just looking!” I yelled as I slowly backed away from the ferocious beast.
“Hal, there is no need for a fight! Why don’t you go take your carcass where it isn’t stinking up the entrance.” as black wolf’s voice boomed with agitation.
“Ha! Do you really think you scare me Dante? Do you really think because you are the king’s son that I’m going to gently bow my head and say yes sir?!”
“Yes I do. Now leave this area and take this carcass with you before you are sorry you talked to me in that manner” he orders calmly. He didn’t even break a sweat. Hal also said Dante is the king’s son. What kind of father would name his son Dante? It’s like his name is straight from hell itself. Now that you think about it, his coal black fur and silver eyes does say that he is someone not to play around with.
“Umm Dante? Is it true that you are the whoever this king is son?” I murmured. He grimaced and beckoned me to keep walking. My stomach started to twist in a knot and my knees started to buckle. Would you even call what I have knees anymore? All I could do was keep my paw in front of the other and keep myself from having a panic attack.
After ten more agonizing minutes of listening to the patter of our paws hit the moist stone underneath us, we reached another entrance but this one was covered in moss green vines. “Here is where you will be staying for the rest of your time as the goddess of our society” he said as he opened the curtain to a new world. The overwhelming light was strong at first but my eyes soon adjusted. I never knew a cave could have a sunroof! It was absolutely beautiful! His words soon echoed into my head. Did he just say goddess?!
“Wait! There has to be a mistake. I am nothing even close- “he cut me off with a loud “shhh”. “You will be named goddess because or people need hope and you fit the bill” he moaned. What hope could he be talking about. I’m no savior and surely not anywhere close to godlike. Maybe I should just play along like he said.
After a tour of their colony, he finally brought me to his father, the leader of this successful home. “Everyone gather around! We welcome our goddess Helia of the Forest.” Did he seriously call me Helia? It’s not a bad name but it surely doesn’t sound pleasing. Might as well give them a show. I hop up onto the tall rock and tilted my face up to give off a snobby personality of being all high and mighty. “Today my fellow kin, we have the hope of destroying our rival clan with the help of our beautiful goddess!” My eyes widen when he utters the words “destroying” and “rival clan”. “The preparations will be started right away for the upcoming battle! We shall end this 4-year conflict tonight!” All I could think was that I’m going to die a horrible death. There will be no mercy when the enemy sees I’m the cause of this battle.
“Sir, may I have a word with you” I stuttered while thinking about the upcoming bloodshed. “Are you sure you need me to help out?” He gawked at me like I threw mud in his face.
“I know you are a random human we found out of nowhere but we need someone they don’t know to be the goddess. I’m sorry we put you in this mess but I had no choice. Without hope, we shall surely die.” he cried. The one feeling I’ve hardly ever felt. Pity. Maybe it was my destiny to die there or live another day as a savior to a colony. I’ve never done something so important in my life. I looked around me as everyone waited for their goddess to give them a message sent from the Heavens. I shall fight and I shall win was all I thought.
“Here me my people! Tonight shall be a difficult battle filled with blood, sweat, and tears but we shall not fall.” Their eyes lit up in excitement as I gave them the magic words they wanted. “I, your goddess, shall help you fight for your lives and to keep your beautiful home! Who’s with me!?” The whole crowd cheered and hopped for joy. In the back corner of the cave, I could see the Dante, the King’s son, give a hopeful smile that I will surely succeed.

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