The Rock | Teen Ink

The Rock

May 6, 2016
By Rags2019 BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
Rags2019 BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The asteroid was flying at a velocity that made it nearly impossible to stop. The solid ball of space debris was falling into the sun’s gravity well, and quickly. Jack Bernard, a top engineer at Quantum Corps was sitting at his kitchen table with his family when he got the call. He knew exactly what he had to do. He rushed down the stairs to the basement and typed in the six digit code on the blue keypad on his wall. Smoke rolled through the walls as they opened up to reveal a metal suit in the shape of a man. “The Balloon” Jack had designed at work the year before was in the back side of the helmet. The metal man was an armored suit, outfitted with an advanced array of weapons, including rail-guns and a cannon that could launch black holes.

“Mr. Bernard, we need you to activate the q-bot!”, said a young man working at nasa. “You are the only person with the know-how to operate the machine. We need it to stop the asteroid falling towards the Earth.” Even Jack knew the risk of firing up a suit of armor powered by a new form of Sub-atomic fusion. It has never had a test run nor a Quantum Corps inspection. He knew that they were right though.

Jack felt his heart racing as he hugged his little girl Felicity goodbye, for what was supposed to be the last time.He kissed his wife and watched as a shiny streak of a tear slid down her pale cheek. Then he was gone.Like an eagle he soared across the sky to the Quantum Corps headquarters in Ohio. The journey only took minutes. Flying faster than the quickest jets out there, he knew it would be fast enough to intercept the asteroid and he had time for a plan.

Jack landed on the ground outside of the tall, metallic looking structure and was met by two men, Dr. Thompson of MIT and a man everyone knew as Rags. Rags was the less thoughtful of the two and immediately suggested using the railgun to destroy the rock. This had its own theoretical problems though, as the rock would scatter into pieces, there was no certainty that it wouldn’t still fall to the surface and cause severe damage. “Sounds like a shaky plan.” Dr. Thompson replied. “What can that black hole cannon do?” he said with a smile. Jack grinned inside the heavy helmet. “Let’s find out.” he yelled as he zipped through the heavy air.

Running out of time, he had to speed up to reach the asteroid at a safe place. He pushed past the speed of sound and farther, nearing light speed he felt the world slow and then suddenly he was front of a large, dull rock. The lifeless blob was tumbling in toward him at an intense speed. At that moment Jack knew what was about to happen. He could hear the silence of space and feel the emptiness. He felt as if he were home. The chaotic serenity the engulfed him was so soothing, so relaxing, so comfortable he almost forgot the mission. Jack blasted a black hole out past the rock but it barely slowed its fall.He decided to sling a projectile from the railgun. It was destroyed and lost the momentum it once had,it then fell away from Earth and into the hole.

Jack signalled back to Rags and Dr. Thompson.”It is done and we will live on as a team. Now as Jack allowed the emptiness entangle him and his thoughts he was stretched like a noodle and slurped into the black hole, somehow destroying it from the inside out. Jack was lost in the only place he had ever felt at home, forever. Dr. Thompson and rags lost the signal and knew what had happened. They looked at each other and with a grim expression Rags said, “I’ll Tell Miranda.” Miranda was the young wife of the hero, Jack. When Jack arrived, Miranda knew what had happened. Jack was dead. She was unsure how it had happened until Rags said. The unfortunate event left her alone with a mission and a child. She would find him. She believed that black holes were gateways to other dimensions.

Right away she ran to felicity and woke her. “We are leaving she said. Let’s go bye bye” Felicity looked at her with big, gleaming, bright, brown eyes. She gurgled “Daddy!” Now Miranda was heart broken. The young child would never know her father. He, however would always remember her. The world would remind of the hero her father was. He, Jack Bernard, single handedly saved the world from utter demolition. Miranda drove. Drove for hours. All the way to Quantum Corps. HQ. She demanded the only other prototype and all of Jack’s lesser engineers teach her to use it. She would find him.

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