The Door | Teen Ink

The Door

April 29, 2016
By jct100503 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
jct100503 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  Chapter 1

Every day I walk down a long hallway of doors which are always locked shut. I’ve walked down this hallway every day for 13 years because my grandmother had a stroke and died where she stood in this hallway. I always walk this hall and pay respect to my grandmother. Strangely, one day I was walking down a hall when I came across a door that looked like it was broken into. Behind the door was a portal of some kind glowing a dull purple color. I decided to step into the portal to see what was inside. When I stepped in, I was falling and hit in the chest with a force that blacked me out.
I woke up on hot orange sand with red hills all around me and an asteroid like object in the sky. Suddenly, I heard siren blaring over the hills and I saw a massive airship with pods on the side and wings with engines. I hid behind some boulders and massive creatures with helmets and protective gear and some kind of rocket launcher jumped out ten at a time. Hundreds of them were grouped up and I could be blown to bits. But, I saw six mysterious figures standing on the hills above the creatures. One of the figures leaped onto a creature and summoned what looked like a hammer and started to hit the creatures out of the way. Another one of them jumped and used some kind of staff which summoned a portal that sucked in the rest of the creatures into, never to be heard from or seen again.
One of the figures must’ve spotted me because one of them came to me and grabbed my arm and took me to the other five. Two of the warriors wore heavy armor and had some kind of marks hanging from their thighs. The other four wore robes and a type of bond on their forearm. One of the armored soldiers asked “who are you?” “My name is Jason” I replied. “What are you doing on mars?” he asked. “Mars, what do you mean to tell me that I went through a portal, blacked out, and ended up on mars?” I replied angrily. ““You came through a portal?” he asked. “ “Yeah from earth, why? “


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