Placement | Teen Ink


January 31, 2016
By Alittletrust BRONZE, Eagle Creek, Oregon
Alittletrust BRONZE, Eagle Creek, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time: 9:24 Date: June 22nd Year: 3021

I haven't slept in over four days. My insomnia has continued to get worse each night I got closer to today. It's time to acknowledge what's about to happen today. Each day leading up to now has been drawn out, expanded as if time itself was mocking me.

Early on, children get genetic testing to see what you will be capable of physically, mentally and emotionally and they assign you courses and training classes to suit that career. You don't actually get to know what you're training for until placement day. Which happens to be now. Placement day is the day where the people over the age of 50 get kicked out of the working class and replaced by the next generation, my generation.

Since the ‘Downfall’ restoration of life has been extremely unsatisfactory. We, as the remaining 12 states, which happen to hold the last of humanity, have been neglected of basic rights. We have no freedom, no choice, our lives are completely controlled by our government. They claim to be trying to restore humanity to what it once was but that's impossible. Our men are being sent out to The Wall to fight whatever it is that is out there that the public is not allowed to know about. And the men that get sent out there don't come back.

Due to the courses I've been assigned to and the physical training I've received, I'm certain that I'm going to be a guardian and get sent to The Wall. My family knows this as well but they refuse to accept that it's true. I've had time to cope with what is to become of my ever so short life. Well, time to go be assigned to my bitter end.

Time: 23:24 Date: June 22nd Year: 3021
“Today is the day where the remaining 12 states can join together and reflect on our nation's past and celebrate the next generation. They will have their hand in bringing the United States to its former glory. Let the placement begin.” The words of our President loop through my mind on repeat like a broken record. Each time infuriating me more than the last. Celebrate what? You just chose 79 of my fellow classmates and myself to go march to their certain death. Whatever is coming for us they're going to get in eventually. There has to be a better way to go about this issue.

My briefing is at the 13:00 tomorrow. I will find out the secret that's been hidden from the general public, a secret that only I and my fellow guardians can know about. So I shall stay up with my family tonight and try to enjoy the last time we have together before I leave. My father keeps saying how proud he is that I will be protecting our people from harm but he knows what's going to happen to me.

Time: 17:00 Date: June 23rd Year: 3021
So I learned to secret, of course, I'm forbidden to write about it. But what I can say is humanity did this to themselves. And what the government is doing is not training soldiers to fight back and defeat the enemy. They and training you to be a sacrifice, they train you and implied that you can defeat these things. But in reality, you're running dinner for these things. The government is sacrificing some to feed the danger to protect the people within The Wall, and the people within The Wall will never know the truth. I was right this was all a game, a game humanity is going to lose.

The author's comments:

I have a lot of crazy ideas about the future, and this happens to be a preview of one of my crazy ideas. 

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