The War of Power Ch.1 | Teen Ink

The War of Power Ch.1

January 15, 2016
By Rust0101 BRONZE, Rootstown, Ohio
Rust0101 BRONZE, Rootstown, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wish I had been there when the fire started. Maybe things would have been different. Maybe I could have stopped it. I just wish I could have kept a closer watch on the boy, but I assumed he was no harm. What a fool I was. But now, because of my actions, my school has fallen, the students scattered or dead, and him out probably raising an army. Now, I need to find the teachers, get allies, and stop him before he causes any more damage than what he has now.
But perhaps my story should start earlier…
Let’s start at the beginning shall we? It all began billions of years ago… Actually, maybe too far back. For the story I am about to tell you, what matters began around 480 years ago, in the previous age, which was known as the Silenced Age. It started in the land known as Leaswen, in the city of Oran. A boy was born, who would grow to be the First. His name was Thomas Lewis, and he was different. Thomas could bend flames, manipulating the power of the element of Fire. People like him had been born before, but either hid their powers or were killed. But Thomas, once he learned of what he could do, he decided he had had enough. Once he reached the age of 19, he left home and traveled the work, seeking more like him. After several years, once he had gathered a substantial number of followers, he built a School to teach them. This would later grow to the First Academy, the Academy of Fire. Slowly, over the many years after his school rose in fame, a new school was founded by a Woman. This woman’s name was Lessia, and she, like Thomas, could bend the elements. Only she had power over water and ice, not fire. Two new schools sprang up soon after, one of earth and stone, and the other of air. These were the only schools, for a time. Then people were either born, or simply came out of hiding with the power to bend light. Or rather energy, but in a way similar to sun’s rays. Of these people, a subset was also founded, whose powers were not of bending light, but shadows. How they work is difficult to describe. Even they don’t know entirely how their own powers work, only that they can pull power from shadows and manipulate it. Finally, people with the power to heal, not with just herbs and medicines, but with their own and other’s life essence, came about. But just as their powers exist, so does the opposite, people who pull life forcibly from people. They are commonly referred to as Necromancers, and indeed they fit the myths, but they do not animate corpses, only command the husks of people they have drained. Not all are evil, but they are met with contempt from most of the other schools, especially the Life. These people, these groups, came together to form what is known simply as the House. These eight schools teach any and all who are born with the power in them, and even reach out to those who can learn. While these two kinds of people learn the same way, there is a kind of...Not hatred, but contempt, from the first group to the second. The feeling is shared by the second. Large fights, on both a physical and social scale, were started, simply over how each of them got their gift. The matter was eventually settled. Mostly. It still tends to be an issue between them, but they have learned to keep the peace. Personally, I was taught, though I somewhat sympathize with those who were born with it. But enough of that, it is time for the real story. My story, which starts now.
Chapter 1
My name is Alexis Montague Sicarrio, though my associates and friends simply call me Alex or Miss Montague. I am the headmistress of the Shadow Academy, and I have been for over a decade. Some say I am beautiful, though a dark beauty. I tend to ignore flowery praises. I am a short person, though it doesn’t make me any less imposing. My skin is an alabaster, which is contrasted by my black waterfall of hair. My eyes are clover green, which also stands out. I am a strange woman, and not just in appearance. But that is beside the point. My story for you starts on a fine spring morning, with me being awoken after having my hearing mercilessly assaulted by my familiar, Morinth, a very annoying feathered thing which calls itself a raven. After hurling a few rather well aimed throw pillows at him, I sat up, groggy. I knew I had to get up though, as today was a very important day. The envoy from the fire academy was coming, and I could not miss another assessment. I pulled myself out of bed and tossed Morinth a cracker from his sleeve of saltines on my nightstand to silence him before he could squawk again, then strode into the bathroom. Warm, glowing sunlight filtered through the window, warming my pale skin. I closed the curtain a bit so only a fraction of the light came through. I stepped into the tub and took a quick shower, disliking the feeling one gets from being submerged in water for too long. I climbed out and grabbed a towel, to dry off and cover my shame from Morinth. “Morinth.” I called to him while sitting and brushing out my long thick hair. “I need you to take a message to Master Vin to begin the feast preparations early. And make sure he knows to keep things clean, as the conditions of the kitchen will be assessed.” He looked at me for a few minutes, and then shrugged his tiny shoulders.” I dunno boss...” He said, a false curtain of wariness covering his voice.” I’m feeling kind of ti-“His complaint was silenced with another cracker shoved in his beak.” Silence and do it. I get enough complaints from my students.” He nodded and hopped out of the window, taking wing. I watched him for a moment, admiring the way his beautiful feathers shone in the sunlight, before turning away from the window. I dressed in a robe with the Purple Fist of the Shadow school on the front, and then strode out the door.
It was early Saturday morning, so most of the students were asleep. I did pass three though. Two are a couple, holding hands. I waved to them as they pass.” Such nice kids. “I muttered to myself, smiling. The third is a second year student, Jenny Baker. As usual, she was munching on a crisp, red apple.” How are you today, Mrs. M?” She asked, chipper as usual.” It’s Miss.” I corrected, and flashed my empty ring finger to show it was empty.” Oh, sorry Miss.” She hastily corrected. I nodded in satisfaction.” So how are your studies going?” I asked.” Oh, quite good.” She replied enthusiastically. I could tell she was dying to bring this up.” I’ve been learning about summoning recently, and some of the creatures you can bring forth are amazing. All the different kinds of Imps, Spirits, even normal animals-It’s all so fascinating!” I couldn’t help but smile. She was such a bubbly character. “Well, don’t bond one too soon. Wait until you find an animal or spirit that you truly resonate with.” I tried not to sound too droll as I recited the age old advice. Though it was advice I held very dear to myself, as I had nearly rushed a bond myself, and still regret my almost mistake. She nodded, having had heard the advice dozens of times, but she seemed to take it more to heart when it was me that recited it.”I know ma’am, don’t worry.” She said reassuringly.” But…is it true there is no way to break a bond?” I nodded. “None besides death of one or more of the bonded. And even if you despise who you have bonded, you will feel a great pain inside you when you feel the bond sever. Most die from the shock or pain soon afterward.” I finished speaking a bit sadly, having had lost a good few friends over the years from a loss of a bond. Jenny looked a bit uncomfortable, so I decided to change the subject. “So, excited about the assessment?” Jenny was one of the several students chosen to be assessed personally by the envoy. I expected her to be livid, but she shook her head. “Not really. I mean, I’m glad to, but I’m just nervous my skills won’t match up to the expectations.” “Now now, you mustn’t put yourself down. All your friends and the teachers believe in you. I believe in you. We know you can do it, so just try your best and I know you’ll pass, like everything else you do. It’s just another test like any other. And I will be very of you when you pass.” I put a very heavy emphasis on when, as if I had no doubt she would succeed. And truthfully, I didn’t. She was one of the top students, in this year and years passed. I thought she would one day become headmistress like me. She looked up and me with a bright smile on her face. “Thank you Ma’am, for believing in me. I do feel a lot better.” “Well that’s one of my jobs. Now, hurry along, I’m sure you’re needed somewhere.” She gave a nod and darted off toward the alchemy lab. I turned and began walking again. I took a right turn and started down toward the training yard, where I knew our Battle Trainer, Master Dorian, to be.
(This is the end of this first chapter of the writing. I appreciate your consideration and your reading.)

The author's comments:

As said, this is the first chapter of my first "work" if you will.

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