Lions Oath by Solaiman G Chowdhury | Teen Ink

Lions Oath by Solaiman G Chowdhury

January 3, 2016
By SGCYOLO BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
SGCYOLO BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I opened my eyes, seeing only a void filled with nothing. “I am Jallen Measent the heir to the sword, Gladio Ignis, and master of Pyroar, the sun lion.” that was my name but who was saying that. The voice was deep but gentle. I turned around to see the voice. my mind was shocked at the sight I saw. It was me! The impersonator then started morphing into some kind creature. I hope my eyes aren’t deceiving me because in front of me is Pyroar.

“Where am I, and why am I here?” I said questionably.

“We are in your mind, also known as my domain. You have great power and potential but there is a great force coming. You must be prepared.”Pyroar stop for a moment. “All I can say is you will make a decision of great importance.”

“Jallen Measent, it’s noon and you're still sleeping!” scolded Jallen mom. I opened my eyes seeing the same old mom telling him to get up. Thank god I was back to reality. Wow, it was just a dream. But it was so vivid. Strange enough, I had this dream a couple times. “Jallen come on. you have to do your chores. I know you don’t like doing them but some one need to wash the Bullken.”

“Yeah right, I’m  going to Philosopher Square.” I threw the sheets off the bed, jumped out the window and then casted “Feather Fall”. I may have been in my pajamas but didn’t want to waste any time.

My home is the city called Sifad, land of spirits. There were many cities in Manara but Sifad was my favorite. The walls were covered in moss and the air was tinged with a scent of earth and nature. Even some houses were crumbled ruins. The towns folk glowed with joy and happiness.  It was a perfect place for the humble.  But at the center was the statue of Hakom Deleore, the greatest spellcaster in manara. There were four pillar with ruby tips and amethyst bases surrounding the statue. Legend says that the pillars held a secret within.

I step toward the statue and then then i saw the black coated soldiers marching toward the statue and the formed a circle. weren’t they going to attack us. They been coming for weeks. They’re the Dark Dragon Alliance, an evil group of mercenaries and thugs created 4 years ago, around the the time my father left.

Just then a “phosphorus bomb” spell was casted, scattering the pieces of the statue everywhere. Some people were on the ground crying out from pain while others were standing in shock.. I was telling myself to run but my feet felt like lead I had to warn my mom. she might be in danger.

“Let this be a warning,” I turned around and saw Kec Kall, the lieutenant of the dark  dragon army”. Like I was saying, they have been intruding into the city for weeks searching for something. “The Decimator is coming and when he does don’t think about messing with him” Kec glanced over at me. “hey aren’t you Jallen Measent”. I nodded my head in fear. “well, why don’t I kill you to show my point” he raised his hand to sky and called out to his weapon. “limina murmurationis mortuis! he summoned ‘the blade of the screaming dead’. The weapon struck fear into everyone especially me. Kec Kall took one more look at me and then charged.

I closed my eyes hoping it would be a swift death. NO, I’m not going to die today. I put both of my hands forward. I don’t know why but my instincts just told me to do it. I concentrated my mana, my spirtual energy, into my hands. I felt a surge of  immense power and then exerted it all out.

“Arrrahhh!” I opened my eyes and saw a large palm sized wound on his chest. “ how could you, a child, be able to cast ‘palm pulse’ without a manastone to make the symbol?” honestly I don’t know either. “whatever I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to take down*cough* Butcher-Red.”  He raised his hand with the manastone ring and started summoning Butcher-Red. “ Quidon  enim dicunt, aliquis ambulet, tamen quaedam dicit currit, ut quilam dicant occiderit”.The his ring shined out the summoning symbol for Butcher-Red.

The creature then appeared. It was 13 feet tall with a chainsaw hand and a clever hand. Its skin was pale gray and  its eye were crimson red. It even had blood dripping from his mouth.

“You want me to kill this runt, he isn’t even a snack.” Butcher-Red then just stared at me with a grimace. “Then again his mana force is quite unique.” His grimace the turned into a frightening smile. He chopped down towards me ,luckily, I was able to evade it.

“Let’s see if you can handle the heat.” I casted “dragon breath” hoping Butcher-Red would get burned. But man was I wrong. The lumbering beast was unscaved. Then I tried “razor spiral” but Butcher-Red just sawed it in half.

“Guess I got to save you, but you owe me one.” I recognized that deep voice it was Pyroar. Pyroar ran right through Butcher-Red, scorching him from the inside out. “I took down your little pet now it’s time for you Kec.”

“Well aren’t you full of surprises. You summoned a high level creature without an incantation or symbol.”

“He didn’t summon me ,I with my own powers. now the prepar-”. While kec was distracted I uppercutted him real hard. I even knocked him out. “Well color me impressed, who knew a scrawny teenager could knock out an adult.

“Hey when you got it you got it.” I hide the pain pretty well. man what was his skull made of? Cast iron? Wait what about mom, was she ok?


Well I guess that answers that question. But I wonder, when will the decimator come. who knows maybe a weeks, months, I just hope he doesn’t come-.

“ You ignorant fools, you don’t know what’s coming your way. The Decimator is coming tomorrow at noon. you are so dead.” Oh boy, everything is turning out so well.:( Kec passed out but I wish he was still awake so I could beat the snot out of him.

Everyone in the city meet at the remains of  Philosopher Square. People were very worried and some had lost loved ones. there was a moment of silence for the loss of the monument and the people.“We need an attack group for a main strike at the Decimator. Then a defending wall for if the attack group fails.” I suggested.

“No we should leave and go to another city.” said Billy Bob.

“How about if we let them come and don’t mess with them.” said Hobo Joe.

“jhoyjioryhbsgjsyyrgdfgfvwqjfbhfwyfgwjgg!?!?” said Kylie Jener. Her lips were WAY disproportionate.

After that I saw my friend Salicina Diece, also my soon to be girlfriend. I told my mom I was going to go talk to her. “Hey Salicina, are you ok?”. Come Jallen, act cool.

“No, not really my brother got injured during the explosion. The medics say they may have to amputate his arm.” she depressingly said. Then a cute two inch tall bunny creature jumped on the top of  her head. It was Bunna.

“Don’t be sad be happy, happy, happy, HAPPY!!”squeaked Bunna.

“Don’t worry Salicina everything will turn out fine” I said cheerily
That night my head was filled with possible outcomes. What if the Decimator attacks us? what if I have to fight? What if the Decimator beats us? I fall asleep with the uncertainty of the day tomorrow.

The morning was filled with the marching of men and worries of people. I saw most of the men of the city were marching in unison towards the outskirts of the city. Of course my dad wasn’t there. He was somewhere else gambling his life away. I went outside and joined the men. When we got to the edge of Sifad we saw a shadowy figure in a dark cloak and evil mask. The first platoon charge straight towards him casting “blast shot” on the their gear muskets. Decimator raised his hand and unleash the spell “rock piercers” on the platoon. We all watch the massacre happen in cold blood. “We shall avenge you!”. Every soldier rushed towards the Decimator unleashing attacks, weapons, and creatures.

“ Et sic per diabolum mortis” whispered the Decimator. Out of thin air a scythe called “deaths will” was held by the villain. With one single swipe he wounded all of the soldiers except me. I looked at his him with with every ounce of bravery.

“GLADIO IGNIS!” My weapon came to my grasp and I was ready to fight. “If you even think about going near my city then you're going down.” Decimator just stood there clutching the scythe. Then he started laughing like a crazy hyena.

“You think I actually want to go near that pile of junk. the real reason is because-”

Perfect he was distracted and wide open. I charged with my sword and slashed him right in his- wait no, he couldn’t have blocked this attack. Then all of a sudden both of our weapons shattered. That was so strange. I had to do something fast or else I’m dead. “Superbia leo, cor ductu.” I exerted my mana and formed the summoning symbol.

“Time to party!” Pyroar bellowed.
“Tenebris draco impetum.” whispered the Decimator. Without a summoning symbol Drako,a dragon with black and purple scales and battle scarred wings was summoned into the fight. Pyroar and Drako duked it out while me and the decimator. I used “fiery fists” to attack the Decimator. He dodged all my attacks. “I bet you’re wondering how I summoned Drako.” I just kept attacking. “When you have a strong control over a creature it can be summoned by incantation only.” How can he not be throwing a single punch. “well if you’re not talking to me I might as well attack. Have you ever heard of ‘shadow strike.’” He did the same thing I did and made the symbol. His shadow split up into pointed arrows piercing into my body. Time seemed to slow down when I got hit with the attack. I could feel my life draining away. I guess this is how it going to end.

“No!! Jallen, you can’t die!!” yelled Pyroar.

He’s right who’s going to protect the city, who’s going to protect Salicina, who’s going to protect mom. I’m on the ground bleeding. I try to get up but my muscles are torn to shreds. I can do it, I can do it. “Decimator, I’m not going down. I’m going to beat you to protect my people. I will protect them.” It takes me a while but I get up, the Decimator stands there in shock. “Well have I impressed you.” I concentrate all my mana into my core. I feel a burning sensation in me. I feel the fire burning inside of me. I fired it out towards the villain. I created a new spell, ‘spirit fire’. the Decimators mask came off and then I saw it was my father. I was shocked. I rushed to my father with tears in my eyes. “Where have you been all these years? Why are you a villain? Why did you come NOW!?”


“I came to see you one last time. what I’ve done is horrible, I know that. I was crazy and look where I am. At least I can rest in peace knowing that you are a good man.”

“Dad you are a worthless, lowlife, scum but I still love you.”

“Thank you son.”

I clenched my fist with anger and despair. “On this day forth, I, Jallen Measent, vow to protect all of manara from all harm that comes, this is the Lions Oath.”

The author's comments:

#Pyroar and Jallen

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