Brioband (Prologue) | Teen Ink

Brioband (Prologue)

November 22, 2015
By Olivia Kerber GOLD, Walnut, Illinois
Olivia Kerber GOLD, Walnut, Illinois
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Our Briobands show us the way. They lead us to our calling or basically anything that will aid us to our future. Most people’s will light up when they are near something that is in touch with their future life. My brother is two years older than me and is a tattoo artists. His band use to light up when he was around ink, needles, or anytime he use to draw. Knowing this it still took him three years to figure out what he was meant to do. Mine on the other hand is hardly ever absent of its glowing blue light. For years my mother wondered if it was broken. Because our Briobands connect into our wrists with a long steel string leading to our hearts, if it was broken I, myself would be damaged. By the time I am eighteen it is necessary I be employed. If not you are considered an Excess, or an unnecessary citizen, and are thrown out of the city to fight for yourself. I am turning eighteen in three short months and I still don’t know where my Brioband is leading me. 

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