Perspective | Teen Ink


November 13, 2015
By indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Daddy, are we going to be okay?” My daughter looks up at me, terrified. I really wish I could answer her, but I just can’t. I pick her up and hold her tight. I peek out the window, rustling the blinds, and see that they're everywhere. I don’t know what they want, but everyone has been ordered to stay hidden until the government can help us.
    I set my daughter down on the couch, tickling her. She giggles and I sit down in front of the TV. The picture is blurry, but I always keep it on the news. It's never anything interesting anymore, all they talk about is the invasion and how others have been using their emergency spaceships to evacuate the planet.
    “Why don’t we do that, Daddy?” My daughter asks.
    “Well, Anna, we can’t. The spaceship is outside, and we can’t go outside right now. There are bad guys outside.”
    “Oh. Okay Daddy.” She goes back to playing on her tablet, projecting her drawings into holograms. She giggles as her flower comes to life, right in front of her. I wish I didn’t have any stress. Carefree, just like Anna. I sigh, and go back to watching the news, but something catches my eye.
    “If you are still stuck inside of your house, help is on the way. The military will be out, clearing houses tomorrow morning. Please stay tuned for more information.” The news lady goes back to talking with her other anchorman, but I tune it out. I sit there, speechless. I turn to my daughter and say,
“Anna, we’re going to be okay.”

    The next morning, Anna and I wait anxiously in our front room. Of course, I'm the anxious one, and Anna hasn't a clue to what's going on. Suddenly, something pounds on our door. I jump, edging towards the window. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see that it’s the military and not any danger. Anna and I grab our belongings, and they protect us as we run to the tank. I lift Anna in, and a few others help me in. When I'm at the top of the tank, I see a few of the those things looking our way. There aren't very many, but now they're all looking towards us, their pale faces bewildered and curious. I don’t have a chance to see anything else because I'm forced into the tank. There are a few other families already squeezed in, but I don’t recognize any of them. I hold Anna in my arms, calming her. She falls asleep, curled up in my lap. Soon, I feel my eyelids getting heavy too. I let myself drift off to sleep, knowing that we’ll soon be safe in another galaxy, one without humans.

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