The Change | Teen Ink

The Change

October 15, 2015
By BenjaminBolduc20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
BenjaminBolduc20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I still have dreams about my home. The large city I used to live in, the rolling green hills just beyond the city limits, and a thick green forest full of life just past the hills. Everything was so green there. Sometimes I wish that I could go back just to take a look at the hills, the forest, even the big city, just to see what it is like now. Is it the same as when I left, or has it changed? Are the forest and the hills still there, or has the city taken them over? As I left Earth, I thought about how much the world was changing, turned the natural, bright green of life into place full of dull buildings, roads, and industry. Why would people do this, turning the beautiful world into a bleak city? Now that I think about it, I do not want to see the Earth because of its possible lack of life. No more green of life but gray and emptiness.
Now I live in a different place that is very far away. A place I still don’t call home after all of these years. Everyone living there calls it N.E., which stands for new earth. I don’t call it earth because it looks more like a desert with various dead plants, even though the plants aren’t dead. They are just brown.  Just like the land and the hills of this mysterious place are brown. The clouds in the sky that never leave are brown. There is no night, as if the thick clouds have trapped in the light and won’t let any in or out. This place is really depressing to me, but I volunteered to come and live here to start the new colony. Earth was becoming a place too industrial for me.
When the people formed this colony, there was no chosen leader. Somehow, I was the one who became the leader. It might have been because of my amazing strength in knowledge and the knowledge of science. I am the one who studies this planet: the life, the rocks and minerals, and the weather. The temperature stays the same, which is seventy degrees Fahrenheit. It occasionally rains, but the rainfall yearly averages are a lot less than Earth’s average. The water is brown, but through my tests the water is just mixed with the dirt. We made water filters to make pure drinking water.
Nobody mentioned earth anymore. Not even my best friend, Bob the professor. Bob was a cool professor who was the librarian and has written books on my findings. The last time I checked his library there was no books about earth. So I decided to tell him about it……
“Hey Bob!” I exclaimed when I entered the small library.
“Hello John! Why did you come here today? Are you going to borrow one of my books?
“Not today. I just wanted to tell you something I noticed.”
“Go ahead.”
“Why don’t you have any books about earth?”
Bob had this puzzled look on his face. “I have plenty of books about N.E.”
“No! Not this planet. The one we used to live at. A long time ago. Don’t you remember it?”
Bob looked even more confused. “We used to live on another planet? Maybe I remember that, but I haven’t written any books on that subject. I’m surprised you even remembered that. I did, but just barely. How long ago was this exactly?”
I was so mad I stormed out of the library as quickly as I could. Why does nobody remember?
That is when I decided that I didn’t want to see anybody at all and stay in my house as much as possible. I was mad at the humans, first of all, for ruining earth, and second of all, for completely abandoning it and forgetting about it.
I stayed isolated for many years. People wanted to know if I was okay, but I just ignored them. I wanted nothing to do with them. I even forgot that I was a human, thinking I was the difference in this colony. Being human was what probably saved me from the invasion and start the master plan to defeat evil. The evil was the aliens.
After several years of being alone in my house, I heard a knock on the door. As usual, I ignored it and continued with my various tasks. Then I heard it again, louder this time. I ignored it again, but I had this strange feeling within me. The humans never knock more than once on my door. As I was thinking this, a third knock, even stronger than the last, started terrifying me. I did not dare open the door, for something terrible might be out there. A final thunderous pounding at the door forced me to walk over, unlock the door, and pull on it. I pulled it so hard, I smacked against the wall with a loud CRACK! The door and the house were both made with hard rock found far under this planet’s surface, so nothing broke. Standing behind the door, was none other than Bob the professor.
I was shocked by seeing him here. He had never come to my house before. I was angry with myself for getting so worked up over nothing.
“What do you want?” I snapped at him.
Bob looked scared because I’m never mad at him. “I’m sorry for bothering you. Were you busy?”
“Not really. And I’m sorry that I spoke angrily. Why are you here?”
“First of all, I want to know where you have been for the past several years. I haven’t seen you since you came to the library and said something about earth.”
“I have been in my house most of the time.”
I really didn’t want to tell anyone about why I didn’t like humans, but Bob was my only friend. I had to explain my reason to him.
“Well…” I answered, thinking about what could happen after my explanation. “I have grown on the feeling of disliking humans. The reason for this is because they have forgotten about what life used to be like back on our planet earth. They don’t remember the green life and the blue sky and so much activity, unlike this planet, where the brown hills, the brown sky, and the emptiness seem to be making the humans forget the beauty of earth.”
Bob pondered this for a few moments and finally answered, “Yes, you’re right. But you shouldn’t be mad at the humans for this. Their minds aren’t as strong as yours, so you should give some slack to them. You are human too, after all. Right?”
“Yes, I am human. Now, was there something else you were going to tell me?”
Bob got this excited look on his face. “Oh yes!” he exclaimed with great enthusiasm. “I’m pretty sure I found some signs of alien life on this planet!” 
My heart skipped a beat. Three beats! I never thought there could be any aliens on this planet since the humans had lived here for so long and haven’t found any signs of alien life while being here.
“Show me your evidence,” I responded with giddiness only I could have.
“Follow me!”
I left my house with a feeling that maybe this world isn’t so dull. Maybe the beauty is merely hidden in where you would least expect it. I followed Bob the Professor out of the colony, as expected, but I didn’t expect how short the trip was. We hiked up a very tall, brown hill. Clouds of dirt flew into the dry air as we trudged up the slope. Once we reached the top of the hill, I needed to stop and take a break. As I sat on the ground and rested, I examined the terrain of the planet. To my left was the colony that was built on a mostly flat plain and to my right were rolling brown hills with brown plants scattered around. I had never seen a view like this on this planet.
“Come on, let’s keep going!” said Bob after our short break.
We hiked down the tall hill, and that’s when I noticed the strange markings in the ground at the bottom of the hill. I jumped from where I was so I could get the drawings quicker. Jumping down the hills was not one of my better ideas. When I landed, I crumpled forward and rolled the rest of the way, creating a large cloud of dirt.
When I reached the bottom, I wasn’t too badly hurt, just a few cuts. I looked back up the hill to see Bob dropping on the ground and rolling down the hill, laughing all the way. I started laughing too, but those pictures caught my eye again, and I stopped laughing to examine them. Man, laughing was so much fun. I hadn’t done it in so many years.
Bob rolled to a stop next to me, still laughing very hard, and then started coughing.
“I haven’t had that much fun in years!” exclaimed Bob, still chuckling.
“Same here,” I said, pondering the last time I had fun. It was a least many years.
I started to examine the strange markings. I couldn’t make anything out of them, except one. It was a creature that looked a little bit like a human, except it had four arms and four legs, giant eyes and big fangs protruding from its snarling mouth. It looked creepy.
“Look at this, Bob!”
Bob looked over from the marks he was studying. He stared at the picture I was looking at.
“Do you suppose it is one of the aliens?” Bob asked.
I was about to answer, when I heard a raspy shout coming from behind me. I wheeled around and standing ten feet away from me was an alien. It looked just like the picture, with a slim body, light blue skin, and dark tar pool eyes. Its fangs were dripping a light blue liquid that looked like a poisonous substance. It was half as tall as Bob and me, but its vicious look made up for its height. I was terrified because it could strike at any time.
“Xiau ase zou eoioh iese?” it spoke in a language I have never heard of.
“We c-c-cannot unders-s-stand you,” stammered Bob.
“You have just spoken the language English. Now do you understand us?” demanded the alien.
“Yes,” I said.
“What are you doing here? You probably didn’t know that this is our planet and you are not welcome to stay.”
“But we come in peace, and we mean no harm to you or your planet,” I explained with growing concern of what the aliens might do because they clearly didn’t want us here, even if we were peaceful.
“Peace doesn’t matter. I demand to see your leader. What do you call yourselves?
“We are humans from the planet earth, and I am their leader on this planet.”
“I demand that you and your human friends will be gone from our planet or suffer the consequences.”
“We can’t leave. We don’t have a ship that can take us away.”
“Then let suffering commence!”
As quick as lightning, the alien charged at us, but we reacted quickly and sprinted up the hill. The alien’s legs were too short to run after us up the hill, so it sped off into the distance. Then the alien jumped and disappeared into the ground.
“Wait a second,” I told Bob, and sprinted back down the hill and flew over to the spot where the alien disappeared. There was a big hole in the ground, and no doubt, there were aliens down there because I could hear them shouting in their strange language.
Bob sprinted up next to me and fell forward into the hole.
“Bob! NNNNNOOOOOOOO!” I stumbled into the hole to save Bob, but the aliens were approaching. If I wanted to possibly save the rest of the humans, I would have to get out of the hole.
“Sorry Bob. I’m so sorry.” I scrambled out of the hole and watched as an alien ran up to Bob and bit him in the arm.
Bob began to tremble as the fangs sank into his skin. The alien stepped aside and watched Bob with an evil grin spreading across its face. The skin around the bite marks was started to turn light blue, and the light blue started spreading across his body. His eyes turned into dark pools of tar like the aliens eyes. Two curved fangs grew out of his mouth, dripping with the blue liquid.
I painfully watched him change until he stopped trembling. Then his dark eyes met mine, he shrieked, and leaped out of the hole. He still had most of his human features, but the blue skin, black eyes and hideous fangs made him look nothing like a human. He wasn’t Bob anymore.
I sprinted away from him as fast as possible and flew up the hill, creating massive clouds of dirt. I turned around a bunch of aliens starting up the hill, screeching. I sprinted down the hill and shouted “Aliens! Get away from here!”
The people looked up just in time to see the crowd of aliens at the top of the hill. One of the aliens, in their strange language yelled, “DIARSHE!”
The aliens flew down the hill at top speed. They ran a lot faster than the humans because of their four legs. The aliens began jumping on the humans and biting them, turning screams into battle cries. People were turned into half aliens, and they began turning other humans into half aliens.
A group of aliens surrounded me. I thought I was going to be bit, but the aliens said, “We want you the way you are so you, the leader of the humans, can accept defeat on this planet with our leader. Then our leader will decide what to do.”
I bolted out of the group of aliens, leaving a cloud of dust in the air. I knew they were going to catch me, but I could possibly get to my house and get supplies. The aliens were pursuing me and getting closer. My house came into view, and I thought, there’s no way I can make it.
Then, in the distance, I saw an alien running toward me and I thought, this is my chance!
When the alien was right in front of me, I jumped as high as I could. The aliens that were behind be collided with the alien running toward me, and they toppled to the ground. After that, I had enough time to get to my house.
When I flew through and locked the door, and began mixing chemicals and shaping metal. I was making a bomb for possible use.
The aliens pounded on the door, but they couldn’t break through. As I was finishing my bomb, the window next to my work station exploded, sending showers of glass everywhere and giving me significant cutting all over me. An alien started climbing through the window.
I pocketed my almost finished bomb, unlocked the door, and opened it. Behind the door were most of the aliens.
“You fell right into our trap. Don’t try to escape again.”
“Fine. I surrender.”
The aliens led me back to their hole, through several long hallways and spacious rooms with aliens eying me with suspicion. I tried not to look at them because they creeped me out, but there was so many rooms, I had to look around at the drawing and the strange words on the walls.
The room that horrified me the most was the room full of half aliens. They looked at me as if they wanted me to save them, but at the same time to kill me. I saw Bob, and I realized it was my fault that Bob was this way. I thought I could have save the humans from this fate, but now that I know that is no longer possible, I felt the guilt of losing his life.
The inner most room of the underground alien system was the leader’s room. Along the sides of his room were alien guards carrying metal boxes and shiny guns that looked very dangerous. Then I noticed the leader. He was twice the size of all the other aliens. His fangs were very long and his eyes were super huge. His look was more vicious than any other alien in the room.
One of the guards looked at me and pointed his gun at me. “He is armed!”
“Show me your weapon. You don’t need one if you are going to surrender.”
I had lost a lot of blood due to the cuts from the shattered window. I was very weak, and I couldn’t hold the bomb very well, but I pulled it out and showed it to the leader.
A mean smile spread across the leader’s face. “What kind of weapon is that? I expected some kind of gun or something. It seems to be useless, so the humans should just surrender now!”
“Okay, we surrender!”
“Yes!” exclaimed the leader in triumph.
“But in the future,” I continued. “The rest of the humans will come here to get revenge on you.”
“You really think so? Then I should put a stop to it. Guards! Activate the Uemeqosues!
No! Why did I say that? Now because of me, earth can be taken over by these aliens.
There will be no humans left! I thought.
One of the guards pressed a button on the wall, and shouted, “EARTH!”
A big hole appeared in the middle of the room, and through the hole was earth. I saw a big city, which was the same city that I used to live in a long time ago. My home! After all these years, I finally got to see where I lived. I could see past the city, and I noticed the hills and I gasped. They were green! They hadn’t  been taken over by the city! It was the first green life I had seen in over seventy years! Don’t think I’m old, the humans have developed technology the makes humans age slower. I look thirty.
The combination of the mesmerizing view and the major blood loss caused me to faint. As I toppled to the ground, the last words I heard before I fell asleep were “Go, and destroy humanity!”
I woke up an hour later. The hole in the air was still there, but what I saw was the city in ruins and I heard more screams. The aliens were destroying the city and biting the humans!
“Hey!” I called, still lying on the floor in a pool of blood. “The humans have weapons too!”
The leader looked down at me with his enormous eyes and said, “You think your lower level of technology would ever defeat our guardian shields?”
“What guardian shields?”
The leader pulled out a gun and shot of a rock, but instead of a bullet coming out, a laser beam shot out and melted the rock, leaving a burning pool of lava. Then he threw the gun at me.
“Shoot me,” said the leader with determination.
But instead of shooting at the leader, I shot at the button. The button melted and a shower of sparks erupted from the wall. The portal to earth disappeared, and all of the aliens that went through the portal appeared in the leader’s room. They all looked around with confused looks on their faces.
“HA!” I shouted. “I saved the humans from your destruction!”
A large evil smile spread across the leader’s face again, and he said, “Wrong human. Even though you brought back all of the aliens, all of the half aliens are still on earth, and they can still turn humans into half aliens.”
“What? NO!” I jumped up, very weak from blood loss, and then I started running away as fast as I could. I only made it to the doorway before one of the aliens jumped on me. I shoved it off me and got back up, but they were too close for me to be able to outrun them.
One of the aliens jumped on me and my head hit the ground so hard, I couldn’t move. Then it happened. The alien sank its fangs into my arm, and I began to tremble.
I could feel the alien venom overpower me, and I watched as my skin turned blue and I could feel the alien sense overwhelm me. I felt my eyes grow and my vision become clearer. I felt fang starting to protrude from my mouth and keep extending out. I had turned into a half human.
Suddenly, the alien sense wasn’t so powerful. It wasn’t powerful enough to completely control me, but was hard not doing what the alien wanted me to do. The alien in me wanted to go into the room with all of the other half aliens. I decided to do what the alien sense told me to do so I wouldn’t be suspicious.
As I stepped into the half alien room, I was greeted by shrieks from the other half aliens. I shrieked back because that was what the alien sense told me to do. I realized that none of the other half aliens still had their human sense and were just aliens with half human bodies.
One of the guards came into the room with the half aliens and he shouted, “SILENCE! The leader a told me to choose one of you to search the land for any humans that might have escaped, and turn them into half aliens.”
The guard searched through the crowd of eager half aliens, trying to find the right one. Then it inspected me. “I will choose you,” it told me. “I want to put your loyalty to the test, to see if you have full alien sense. GO NOW!”
I obeyed the guard and ran down all of the halls and through the rooms and found the exit. I climbed out of the hole and hiked up the tall, brown hill. It was sprinkling a little, but I didn’t care about being wet.
When I reached the top of the hill, I looked over the ruins of the colony. Most of the buildings were piles of burning rubble. Some of them were still standing, like my house. But I abandoned the destroyed colony and went as far away from the alien hole as I possibly could. I was still a half alien, and the alien sense was still strong, but I was so used to fighting it, it seemed to leave me.
It’s now been many years since the destruction of the colony. I have not found any of the humans that escaped, but I believe I will some time. I am writing this story for them and leaving sending it into the wind. Here is my plan. When we get all together, we will find a way to leave this planet, to go back to earth. Hopefully, the alien apocalypse didn’t become worldwide, so there will still be humans and we will find a way to defeat the aliens. That is my master plan. This is John Johnson, signing off.

The author's comments:

I had a lot of fun writing this, I hope you like it as much as I do.

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