Not Your Typical Superheroes | Teen Ink

Not Your Typical Superheroes

October 12, 2015
By HaleyHoward BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
HaleyHoward BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    In 2019, the internet crashed and President Obama put our country in so much debt that people had to flee the country and we went into poverty.  There was a World War III that lasted for twelve years. After that major catastrophe, the year was 2031, and the country was a graveyard. The entire world went into debt and poverty, and what was left of the money was worth nothing. People finally realized that the earth was ruined and tried to clean it up. That lasted for about five years. The reality was that there was nothing we could do to make it better. We didn’t have enough money to try to build a rocket to fly to a different planet, and we couldn’t anyways because we hadn’t found a better planet. In 2999, we relied on mining, farming, and building. There weren’t any schools until 3000.
    The story all starts in a small apartment in the middle of New York City in December, 3024. Our characters in this story are Asher and Jordyn Johnson, the only set of twins in Central Washington High School. They live in a small apartment in the middle of the city.
Jordyn has really long and wavy dark brown hair, big brown eyes, a kind smile, and is very beautiful. She is a very muscular athlete. She does track and cross country, and plays volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, and soccer. Asher has short blonde hair, big green eyes, a kind smile, and is very handsome. He is a very muscular athlete. He does track and cross country, and plays volleyball, football, basketball, soccer, baseball, and tennis. Asher and Jordyn have (besides themselves) two sisters, three brothers, and a mom and dad. They are sophomores.
    Let’s go over to Asher and Jordyn’s high school where we will find them in the middle of seventh period honors Language Arts.
    “Let’s begin with first fives. Does anyone know what the pronoun in this sentence is? Asher?”
    “They is the pronoun in that sentence,” he said.
    “Very good, Asher,” said Mrs. Carson.
    “Can anyone tell me what the verb in that sentence is?” said Mrs. Carson.
    Jordyn raised her hand.
    “Jordyn,” said Mrs. Carson.
    “The verb in that sentence is made,” said Jordyn.
    “rrrriiiiinnnngggg,” went the bell.
    Jordyn and Asher went immediately to basketball practice. They were scrimmaging against each other today.
    Jordyn was the MVP (most valuable player) for both her freshman and sophomore year. She played on the Varsity team as a freshman last year and this year as a sophomore.
    Asher was the MVP his freshman year, but not this year, his sophomore year. He plays on the Varsity team this year and is one of the best players. 
Jordyn sprinted down the court as the ball was passed to her. She ran up to the basket and did a layup to score the winning shot of the scrimmage.
Practice was over, so they walked home. It was a five minute walk to their house.
When they got home, they ate dinner, took a shower, did their homework, and went to bed.
The next morning, Asher and Jordyn were walking to school when they saw a burglar steal an old woman’s purse. They didn’t think, they went right into action.
They chased the burglar down the street and Asher tackled him to the ground. Jordyn wrestled the purse out of the person’s hand.
“What do we do with him?” said Asher.
“I guess we could either take him down to the police station, or we could call the police and tell them to come and get him,” said Jordyn.
Just then, the woman that had her purse stolen came up to them as the cops arrived. She had a giant grin on her face as she walked up to them and said, “Thank you sooooooo much for getting my purse back from the burglar! I appreciate it very much. I can’t imagine what I would do if I lost my phone, ID, and all of my money! Thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” Jordyn and Asher said at the same time.
“What are your names?” the woman said.
“I’m Asher Johnson,” he said.
“I’m Jordyn Johnson,” she said. “What is your name?”
“I am Amelia Green. I own a large business downtown called Go Green,” she said.
“Our mom works there. She is one of your lawyers. Our dad works at Samuel Adams Elementary School,” said Asher.
“Yes. Your mother is one of our best lawyers. And I see your father often. He comes in after he gets done working and helps your mother,” Amelia said.
“Cool,” said Jordyn.
“You are heroes,” Amelia said. “I will have to have someone put this in the paper! Once again, I am so thankful that you were there. Thank you!”
Jordyn and Asher continued on their way to school when another robbery happened. This time it was the next block over. Jordyn and Asher raced over to where the robbery happened. The robber already left. Jordyn went over to the woman who was robbed and started talking to her to try and calm her down.
“It’s going to be ok. My brother and I are going to find out who stole your purse,” she said.
“Asher, come over here,” said Jordyn.
Asher walked over to Jordyn as she said, “Please try to calm this woman down while I go talk to the police.”
“What happened? That poor woman over there just had her purse stolen, and all of you are just standing here, talking!” she said with so much force and attitude that the police all turned and stared.
“Do you think that you can just walk in on this crime scene and take control?” said a voice in the back of the swarm of police. “Who do you think you are?”
“I am Jordyn Johnson, and you are?” she asked with a sassy tone in her voice.
“I am the chief of police, Xavier Sanders. What is your rank, Miss?” Chief Sanders said
“M-m-my rank isn’t, uh, isn’t that important,” she mustered. “But what is important isn’t being taken care of. I realize that i have no right to walk into a police investigation, but I feel that it is important that someone keeps the people here on task, no offense Chief Sanders.”
“None taken, Miss, but I believe that we just about had this handled until you barged in.” Chief Sanders then walked over to  Jordyn and whispered, “Come find me after school is over. I want to talk to you.”
Jordyn left without another word. She walked over to Asher and dragged him away from the woman.
“What are you doing?” Asher said in a sassy tone.
“The Chief of police wants to talk to me after school today. I want you to come with me and defend me in case I get into trouble.” Jordyn said shakily.
All Jordyn could think about for the rest of the day was what the Chief was going to say and how much trouble she would be in.
She was not only surprised, but also relieved about the news that the Chief gave her when she arrived. As it turned out, the Chief offered her and Asher jobs on the police force as “special forces.” The Chief created this job specially for them. The Chief assigns them cases to work on with a team of police officers, that the Chief chooses, and lets them solve the case.
It’s the first day on the job and they already have a case.
“Since you have such an interest in this case, I saw it only fitting that this is your first case,” Sanders said. “Your team is in your office.”
“Thank you, Chief!” Jordyn and Asher said at the same time. They practically ran to their office.
“Team, today, we are trying to solve the burglary that happened yesterday on Center St.” said Asher.
I could work here forever, thought Jordyn as she walked out of the office with her brother and the rest of the team.
This is my dream job, thought Asher. He was deep in thought about how he thought his future here was going to go when another report came in about a murder.
“We need to get on that case,” said Jordyn to Chief Sanders.
“Alright. You can work on this case, but you have to work with the same group I already gave you,” said Chief.
“Ok,” said Jordyn
“I will take the case that you already had and assign it to another group,” said Chief.
“Ok,” said Asher
They ran to the office to get started on the case. They needed to go to to the crime scene to gather more information and to help solve the crime.
They figured out that the murderer was left-handed and he used a knife to kill Danielle McGrange. The murder was at the top of the old clock tower.  After the murderer killed Danielle, he pushed her off of the platform, so the body was at the bottom of the clock tower.
“We need to see the body of Danielle McGrange,” Asher said to the secretary.
“Why?” the secretary said.
Jordyn said, with a sassy tone in her voice, “Because we are investigating her murder.”
“Ok. I will have someone come right now to take you into the autopsy room,” said the secretary.
When they arrived in the autopsy room, there was a man in there.
“Hello,” the man said enthusiastically. “I am John King, the man that does the autopsies. You wanted to see the body of Danielle McGrange?” he said. “Here she is. We have already done the autopsy and we found out-”
“Thanks, but we already read the report. We wanted to know if you had the knife that the murderer killed her with?” said Jordyn.
“As a matter of fact, I do. Let me get it out of the evidence file,” said John. “I have tested it several times, so we don’t need to worry about doing it again. Here are the test results,” he said as he handed them the papers.
“Thank you, John. Were there any fingerprints?” Jordyn said as she quickly flipped through the papers.
“Yes there were. They were the murderers fingerprints. I am not allowed to find out who he is or anything, but I can direct you to the testing room,” John said as he started walking out the door. “Follow me!”
They went up the ramp, down the hall, made a left, went down the hall a little bit further, and the room was on there right. It was a small room with just a computer sitting on a desk with a couple of chairs.
“I’ll leave you to it,” said John.
“Ok, thanks,” they all said.
They ran the fingerprints through the computer and it came up with the name Samuel Hansworth. They ran immediately down to the front desk and told the secretary that they solved the case. They hopped in the car and went speeding down the highway to Main St. When they got there, there were three cars. One was an old pickup truck, the second one was a rundown slugbug. The third one was a beat up van with a crappy little sunroof. They ran up to the door and knocked. A muscular man wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off opened the door and said,
“What do you want?”
“Are you Samuel Hansworth?” said Asher.
“Yeah, why?” he said.
“You are under arrest for the murder of Danielle McGrange,” one of the police said as the handcuffed Samuel.
“I was going to get caught anyway,” Samuel mumbled as they put him in the police car.
“That was the perfect end to the perfect day,” Asher said with a sigh.
“I agree,” said Jordyn.
That wraps up our story, until next time.

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