My Protagonist | Teen Ink

My Protagonist

August 23, 2015
By KorahMay BRONZE, Florence, Colorado
KorahMay BRONZE, Florence, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I don’t want to be just a story you wrote anymore! I want to be better than this! Make me better!” Shrieked my character.
“That is the way I made you! Now shut up and let the story go the way it’s supposed too.”
“I want to be pretty! I want blue eyes and blonde hair. I want a skinny perfect figure and perfect skin. I want to be smart and have a nice life.” The character pleaded with me.
“Character…” I place my hand on my forehead and sigh, “your life is planned. You will go through hardships. But that is part of your life that you have to make it through.” I try to stay calm.
“What happens after that? Do I get a brake? Do I get to live ‘Happily Ever After’?”
“I… I don’t know Character. I haven’t planned your ending yet.”
“Can’t you just change me a little?”
“Character you must love yourself. You must fall in love with how I’ve made you. Now, don’t be full of yourself, but instead accept how I have made you. Just go with it. If you don’t love yourself then the readers will not love you.”
“Can’t I be the Antagonist?” The character sighed.
“Now why would you want to be that?” I asked in a caring tone.
“Because the Antagonist gets to be bad. They get to do whatever they want with no consequences.”
“But the Protagonist gets to fight and keep what is right in his heart. They get to be daring and brave, they have a sense of wonder and capability about them that the Antagonist can’t understand.”
“What if I lose the fight? What if the Antagonist comes out on top?”
“I promise that won’t happen. I love you character. You are perfect to me. That’s why I created you. You are my vision of a perfectly flawed person. You are everything I want to see in a human being. I love you more than any other character and you are always going to be alright. You know why? Because I love you and it would hurt me too much to see you suffer for long. Don’t worry, I’ll be here.” I smile sadly knowing that my character will face hardships that are almost unbearable, “Promise me one thing, character. Promise me that you won’t stop trying and you will let me write your life the way it needs to go. Promise me this? Please.”
“Oh, Writer! I promise! I promise to try and to be good. I’m sorry, Writer.” My character wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug. Then my character whispered in my ear, “I love you.”
“Good bye Character. Your story is just beginning.”
“Good bye Writer. Thank you for making me and having a plan for my life. Thank you for choosing me to be your Protagonist.” Then my character went back into the story. Then I wrote. I wrote until my character has gone through horrible things and my pen ran dry. My character always conquered the hard times. When I was about to finish the story I cried over the pages of fresh ink. The story had ended and my character had to go. I heard a small whisper float by as my tears dropped on the pages.
“Thanks for the amazing adventure, dear Writer. Goodbye.” Then I ended my character’s life and give my character a noble death. My character was ready to go because I had prepared my good and faithful protagonist.

The author's comments:

This is for whatever reason you find for it. 


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Nathan said...
on Sep. 21 2015 at 12:26 am
Good job korah, not as dark as I expected though haha.