The Wait | Teen Ink

The Wait

May 25, 2015
By ChristopherSeay BRONZE, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania
ChristopherSeay BRONZE, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Malcolm sat there in the lobby and watched as the medics rolled Emily through the hospital on the blood ridden gurney. He just sat there, full of frustration, thinking about what he could have done and what wasn't done. If only she had listened to him. Why was she out there? What was she looking for? Malcolm released a bellow that brought the walls in the hospital to life. He sat for hours in bile going over and over what he could've done if only he had known. After a while he just shut down. Doctor Connors came rushing into the lobby but was unnoticed by Malcolm. He looked at Malcolm in confusion, as he wasn't able to understand how Malcolm could sit there in such stoicism. Malcolm looked up and noticed that Doctor Connors had entered the room. He walked over to Malcolm shaking his head as if to insinuate bad news. "Malcolm, what happened to my niece? What did you do?" Malcolm looked at Doctor Connors with a blank face and then spoke in a booming voice. "What did i do? I had nothing to do with this. I have done nothing but protect niece!" Malcolms voice shook the whole room. "I knew you were a bad influence. You have done nothing but bring trouble into her life and it has to stop!" Doctor Connors tried but failed miserably to match Malcolms voice. "I've done nothing but protect your niece from things you could have never protected her from." Malcolm wasn't yelling but the room still shook every time he spoke. A cold air made its way around the hospital lobby and bit at necks of those occupying the room. Malcolm had an uneasy look on his face. Doctor Connors continued to talk as if he didn't even feel the cold. "What things could you possibly protect her from that I couldn't?" Malcolm put a stern look on his face and looked around the room. "Something tells me you're going to find out soon." Another doctor entered the room. "Malcolm Henley?" Malcolm walked up to the doctor. "What's the news doctor?" The doctor looked disappointed to have to talk about it. "We're not exactly sure she's going to make it. She's suffered several massive abrasions on her arms and legs. She has severe damage to her skull. Whether or not she has any brain damage is unknown." Doctor Connors head fell. "Mark" the other doctor said. "We'll keep you posted as often as we can but until then we need you back at work and take your mind off the situation." Doctor Connor walked out of the room to return to his work. Malcolm thought of everything he was just told. How could Emily's uncle not trust him after all these years? Why was she in such a terrible state? What made her think it was a good idea to stray so far from home when she knew what was out there? Malcolm slumped into a chair and began waiting for the doctor to return.
     3 hours later, the doctor returned to the lobby to find that Malcolm was no longer there. The doctor looked around in confusion. "He's in the waiting room upstairs darling" The receptionist at the front desk handed the doctor a note that Malcolm left for her to give the doctor. It just read: Upstairs. Lobby was too cold. "Thanks Bridgette" When the doctor got upstairs he found Malcolm sleeping on the chair closest to the door. The doctor put his hand on Malcolms shoulder. Malcolm was exhausted and awoke in a delirious manner. He immediately began to prattle about how things were his fault and how he could've prevented it. "Malcolm, calm down. This isn't your fault.." Malcolm cut the doctor off"This is more my fault then you know. Can you just show me to her room?" The doctor stood up and led Malcolm to Emily's room.
     Malcolm entered Emily's room and was immediately instilled with anger. He watched as Emily lay there in her bed. She had cuts and bruises all up and down her arms and legs. Her eyes, swollen shut. He sat in the chair next to her bed, and began to ramble about all the things that happened that night. He was getting up to leave when he heard a deep breath. "Malcolm" Emily was awake. "Emily who did this to you?" Emily seemed hesitant to answer the question. "Emily. Tell me who did this to you." Malcolms voice was beginning to shake the room. "I can't trust that you won't do anything extreme" Malcolm quickly responded "And I can't promise I won't but I need to know now." Emily's voice broke. "Samael" Malcolm stood in shock. "My brother?" Emily just looked at him. "But, they said his escape was impossible. The gods themselves couldn't break out of that prison. What.." Malcolms face burned red. His body structure rippled as if to change form. "Malcolm, you have to let this go." He turned to Emily in such disgust. "Let this go?!" His voice boomed once again down the halls of the hospital. The lights flickered. "He has taken everything from me. My Mother, my Father. I don't need you to be next." Malcolm walked towards the door and drew his death-ridden pistol. " I have to do this." Malcolm walked out of the room and out of the hospital, in search of him, Samael.

The author's comments:

I'm still working out the kinks with this one. It originally started out as a vocab creation that was supposed to be a paragraph long but i just continued writing. I have 2 different endings that i wrote up: the one i'm posting which leads to a more supernatural feel of things. And another that leads towards a more realistic story. I hope you enjoy! 

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