Highschool Creeps | Teen Ink

Highschool Creeps

May 12, 2015
By Franky-Friction BRONZE, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin
Franky-Friction BRONZE, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Defeat is a state of mind; No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality."
~Bruce Lee

Wandering through the halls of my old highschool, I heard a strange, inhuman sound. I looked around, confused. There was nobody there except me. Nobody was supposed to be here. Not even me. Quietly, I crept towards the sound. It got louder as I recognized it as footsteps. The only problem is, one foot was dragging on the shiny tiles. Was the person okay? Should I help? Questions raced through my mind. The closer I got, the louder that terrifying sound became. I could make out more than one person dragging their feet.
I peeked around a corner, towards the empty pool, and saw a small group of people. No. Not people. Half rotten, bloody, shredded skin hung from their hunched bodies. Getting a better look, I noticed something wriggling on the ground. Another body. I was stunned with shock as I realized it was skinless. The shredded skin on the, the things bodies are not theirs. I had to turn away. I had to run. My feet wouldn’t move as I continued watching this horrible sight.
After what felt like hours, maybe two minutes, I finally turned around. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed my throat and the smell of rotting flesh hit me. The scene was horrible.Something straight out of a zombie/ horror movie was holding me tight. Gagging, I lashed out, making contact to the things head. It exploded into a pile of nasty goo as I sprinted towards the exit. I jumped into the fresh air and saw a strange, black car that wasn't there before. Two men in suits walked up to me and asked me to stare at this metal stick thing. They put on sunglasses and it flashed.
¨Who are you?” I asked.
¨We are the administrators of the school district. You just took part in a series of tests. Thank you for participating! You may leave now.¨
¨Ok. umm, bye.¨ I walked away and never looked back until I was home. Tests? I didn't remember any part of the tests. Feeling tired, I sat in my chair and took a nap. A creepy image kept popping into my mind, a zombie looking monster with human skin for a coat. Must be one of those dreams that nobody can explain.

The author's comments:

I was thinking of Men In Black at the time I wrote this.

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