Rise of the Bulls | Teen Ink

Rise of the Bulls

March 18, 2015
By Afrokidd BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Afrokidd BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

In the year 3,000 the bulls took over the world after an experiment gone wrong. In the year 2,789 on March, 17 a Sunday   afternoon. A group of scientists tried to see which group of animals could be made to evolve faster, and would be a better race, but every test failed. They were going to stop the test until a bull started to laugh, and then it broke out of it’s cage and killed the scientist. The rest of the bulls broke free as well. Everyone was too busy to notice what was happing that day, because everyone was watching the Super Bowl, and it was the Detroit Lions vs. the NY Jets. The Lions were winning when the news came on telling everyone what was happing, but by then it was too late.
Now they’ve grown stronger, smarter, faster and they have us out numbered, but not out skilled. I am the smartest and the second most dangerous man on the planet my cousin was the first, then it’s my cousin and then my big brother. We have been training for years to defeat the bulls and to take back our planet. It’s been going great so far, we have taken down three of their commanding officers and the bases that they commanded. They weren’t easy missions, but we got the job done and we didn’t even lose anyone in the fight. Just another small step to take back the world we once called home.
The great three bull leaders are going to be the hardest mission of them all. The great three are of the first three bulls who became like humans, but they’re way worst then the rest. They were tested so much that they became as strong as Thor. One of them they call Hulk because he’s the strongest. He’s smarter than the rest, stronger than the rest, and he knows every fighting style.
We went to take over their palace it was the day my oldest brother died, it was going smoothly until we ran into the great three. My brother took on all three of them, but then Hulk picked my brother up and ripped him in half. I got so p----- I tackled him into the next room. The other two tried to interfere, but my oldest cousin was with me and he was also p----- to the point he wanted to kill anyone who got in his way. He put one of them in the animal hospital, he wanted to kill all of them, but I told him to get everyone out of there before anything else happened. While he was getting everyone out I fought the Hulk for revenge the most difficult problem I have ever faced.
I had to fight him alone to avenge my brother’s death, but I wasn’t able to do that. He was too strong, I was able to give him a run for his money, but I was still too weak in the end. My cousin came back for me giving him a black eye and broke one of his ribs, that allowed us time to escape before the Hulk got back up. After that all I did was train before we take him back on I told no one to mess with the Hulk cause he was all mine. I wanted to avenge my brother’s death. I wasn’t doing it because it was out of anger I was doing it because it felt right. My brother was a good man and his soul will live on in me.
Three years has passed since that day and there isn’t a time I think about what happened, but there’s no time to dwell on the past. Today we take out one of their command towers. We snuck in some of their weapon trucks.
After we got in and the trucks stopped we started our attack.  One of the great three was there my cousin took care of him by rushing him and fighting him his-self while the rest of us took care of everything else. We rushed to the head of the command tower because we didn’t want to waste any time. Everything was going according to plan, it was pretty easy maybe a little too easy. I kept my guard up the whole time thinking something bad was going to happen, but so far nothing happened. By the time we got to the head of the command tower my cousin caught up to us, I asked him what happened to the bull he was fighting and why his breath smelled like ribs, but all he could tell me was that the bull disappeared. I didn’t know what happened or what he meant, but I went with it, we had more important things to take care of. When we opened up the doors all h--- broke loose, there was a giant explosion there was smoke, pieces of the door, and rubble were everywhere. They must have known we were coming, so they wired up the doors to try to kill us, but lucky for us we came prepared for this. We had some protective armor. Even with the armor many of us were injured. They had either broken something or had bad bruises.
I and my cousin had some bad cuts on our arms and legs. They looked like we got cut by falling out of a tree. One was on my cousins face and he had a really bad one on his back, but he was still able to fight everyone else wasn’t though. Instead of fighting we helped the injured get out and back to our base, but we had to hurry. I could hear them coming after us, those loud stomps and their heavy breathing was coming closer and closer. It would be hard to get everyone out in the condition we were. We started to run, but we kept getting lost at every turn, in the panic we were in we forgot how to get out, there was no time to stop and clear our minds to remember how to get out because they were getting closer. With every turn we could have fought them, but I didn’t want to risk everyone’s safety.
We kept running until we hit a dead end. They came around the corner so fast I thought it was over, for some reason something told me to start to pray, and that’s what I did, I closed my eyes and prayed. Then out of nowhere I heard a big BANG!!  When I opened my eyes there was a big hole in the wall that my cousin made with one punch, that’s when I remembered my cousin was also super strong, but only when he is mad, but I don’t remember him getting that strong. 
He turned around and said our ride was here. I didn’t know what he meant until I looked out the hole he made, there were a couple helicopters waiting for us. One at a time we got everyone on while my cousin held off the bulls. He seemed like he was doing ok with that, so I continued to help everyone on to the helicopters. When everyone was on my cousin threw a bomb and got on the helicopter right before the bomb went off. We started to fly away until we heard a loud noise coming our way. We didn’t know what it was until one of us looked out the window. Out of nowhere we saw a missile coming our way! I told the pilot what was happening and that he needed to get us out of here now, but by the time that all happened the missile hit us and the helicopter blew up……

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