The Odds | Teen Ink

The Odds

March 13, 2015
By TatumPM BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
TatumPM BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

"The universe is vast and intangible. There are so many different types of extraterrestrials, so trying to give each of them a name and then expecting others to remember which classification goes with which is just idiotic. So when the space inhabitants began communicating with one another and the amount of species that the C.U. (Council of the Universe) recognized growing, the plan to unite all species was devised and then executed. A race of beings must first advance so far as a civilization on their own before they can join the rest of the universe.
An Odd has many responsibilities to their universe and their family of Odds. It is the job of the Odds to completely eliminate all future and past prejudices and discrimination in the universe, while simultaneously reinstating love. Each Odd has different colored skin and a different body layout. To avoid prejudices, one does not need to ignore differences, one must embrace them while knowing that every Odd is equal. Odds do not care if ones eyebrows are located near a pinky finger, or if they reside on their tongue. No matter what appendage lies where, if you are an Odd, you will be treated with the love, acceptance, and respect that all other Odds receive.
A lower species that could potentially become Odds, must be evaluated by a team of random Odds that come from different solar systems. The team of Odds will choose the fate of both the species and the planet. If deemed unworthy of being Odd, the planet and it's species will be executed."
That is part of the very long and boring Odd Manifesto that relates to the situation I was in a while back. You see, I was picked for that special "team of Odds". I recieved a letter in the mail and two days later I was blindfolded and taken to the planet that was to be evaluated next. I woke up in a tub looking thing with a note attatched to it. The note read "Room 225". I wasn't really in the mood to play games with the people that were forcing me to be on this team. But I knew that if  I wanted food and to get out of the hellhole sooner, that I would need to participate and try to cooporate with them.
I ended up in an odd hallway, but I didn't mind it. I was in no rush to make my way to where the mysterious bathtub paper said to go. I wandered around for what felt like a few hours when I finally came upon room 225. Walking around that palace for that long made me ache. I was about to open up the door, when I looked up first. On the wall above the door was a sign that read, "Go in, take a seat, stay seated until otherwise directed, and remain silent unless given permission."
It was such an unusual, yet direct sign. I followed those rules almost 24/7 while I was there. I didn't want to find out what would happen to those who deliberately disobeyed them. So I walked into the room, assuming that I would be the only one there, but my assumptions were very wrong. There were about 20 or so beings who were crammed into the small room. Us Odds sat in seats that were organized into straight rows. The chairs were incredibly tiny, and we wre all facing a large, dark, metal wall. None of us knew what was supposed to go on at this gathering, so we just sat in the chairs silently, following the only instructions we had been given.
We  had been sitting silently and still for two hours when the clanking began, It sounded like metal was being beaten against another peice of metal repeatedly. This startled some of the Odds, but we all continued to do what we were told to do and we silently stayed put. The rattling and grinding stopped after about five minutes and it was replaced with a horrid screeching. The wall infront of them began to seperate, allowing a blinding light to enter the room and illumintae everything in it. When the wall had disappeared completely and all eyes became adjusted to the light, a door that no one seemes to notice before. The door creaked open and slowly but surely came out two figures. The light coming from the door was just as bright as the light that shone in through the window. After my eyes adjusted for the second time, I saw that the beings were wearing flight attendent uniforms and were scared shitless. None of the other Odds noticed that they were humans, but I did. I for sure saw the part when human male fainted when he laid eyes on us "aliens". 
The two humans made a brief appearance and then they disappeared as quickly as they came. Taking their place was a tall, slender, elegant woman who seemed to have much confidence that it was leaking out of her pockets. She spoke with both clarity and dignity.  "Hello everyone! Welcome to planet X7KYSZ5, known to its natives as Earth." she paused as if she expected some sort of reaction out of the Odds. She sighed before she continued, "You are all probably wondering why we have put forth so much effort into showing you a young planet with inhabitants who are still convinced that they are the only things in the universe. Well, we are showing you this because these beings are very special."
"What do you mean?", a man from the audience interrupted with.
The woman was very professional with her attitude, so to keep that image up, she took a few seconds to gather her thoughts before she answered the man's question. She closed her eyes and she spoke softly, "These creatures are unpredictable. We are these humans are paradoxical species. In the history of the universe, there has never been things like them. These humans viciously beat each other because of the variations of their skins colors and they savagely murder one another in attempts to praise, worship, and show devotion to a higher power."
There was a distressing silence that plagued their surroundings. She was waiting for another comment or question, but judging by the looks on their faces, they were not interested in anything that she had to say about these humans. "You are being given an opportunity to experience a culture shock unlike any other. Before you try and look for a way out, please just consider how many times an experience like this just falls into your lap."
Many of the young men were sent home because of illness, but I stayed with two of the other men I had met there. There was only three of us, and it was a lot of fun in the beginning. We found those blood thirsty creatures terrifying and at the same time, incredibly fascinating. We Odds are such peaceful and accepting beings, though, so watching the humans be so horrid to each other, perplexed and enchanted us. The men I was with became obsessed with learning about the humans and their cultures. While "people watching", the humans were so reckless and crazy, that it began to rub off on their observers. A little evil can go a long way and poison even the most purest of hearts.

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