Salvus | Teen Ink


December 12, 2014
By William Vo BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
William Vo BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

January 1, 2222; 12:00 AM was the date of the meltdown of the Global Nuclear Energy Plant, more known as GNEF, which ruled the world in terms on energy distribution. As citizens watched on their 8k televisions the breaking of the artificial diamond ball at the global capital of the world, named Pangea, after the first landmass on Earth that separated into the 7 seven continents until country leaders decided it was time to unite all cultures into one huge culture. As newly invented tectonic plate shifters were put in place by undersea robots, the tectonic plate shifter did their job of moving the tectonic plates into form one huge landmass. After their job was done, the shifters then self-destructed before anymore shifts could happen. As people celebrated the newly created landmass named “Lydia” was formed, people cheered as tectonic plates were shifted exactly at January 1, 2122 at 12:00 AM and the hover cities started to fly overhead and place themselves 100 meters above the polluted ground.  Now, fast-forward 100 years to the present where citizens were proportionally crafted condos for them as they laid on their perfect, too perfect couches and watched the perfect television. As the national clock in Pangea struck 12 AM, GNEF suffered a meltdown that caused radiation to leak out. The meltdown caused 80% of the population to be wiped out, but one girl found herself lucky to survive. Her name was Lillian Song and she was a 21 year old.

As Lillian watched in terror as her dorm mate and her boyfriend drop dead in front of her as the artificial diamond ball was shattered. As she stared outside, she saw that all electric hover cars stopped and dropped onto the polluted ground. She heard a lot more cries and thumps as people were killed by their own hover cars trapping them and flattening them. As Lillian’s eyes water, she realized the hover city she survived in only ran on electricity and that the backup generators kicked in. Lillian only had 30 minutes to pack up her stuff before she had to leave the hover city, which covered 90 percent of the land surface of Lydia.

As Lillian started packing up her electronic radiation suit, and her invisible air filter mask, she realized there was no way she could pack everything she needed. She realized she needed to pack lightly. As she packed some of her plain clothes, her electronic suit, and her air filter, she grabbed her phone, which still ran on solar power, she heard a faint whizz before the power in her room cut out. Lillian felt her stomach drop as she started getting nauseated. As she grabbed her bed, there was a huge explosion and everything went black.

Lillian woke up with a throbbing head as she realized a new feeling in her body. She needed water, but she didn’t recognize the feeling until she found an aluminum bottle filled with an unknown liquid that had no taste. As she felt herself get satisfied, she felt the word she was feeling coming to her. I am thirsty, Lillian thought. As she looked around, she recognized the shatter glass building of the once famous hover city, now in ruins. Lillian realized that her life was now much more than a helmet was virtual lessons.

As Lillian trekked slowly toward a random location, she felt something stir under her shoes. It was an object with a certain feel to it. Paper, Lillian mouthed. As she looked at it she tried to pronounce the word on it. As she did, she heard a hiss in front of her.

There was a large, serpentine creature in front of her. Snake, Lillian thought, as the creature slithered toward her. As it did, Lillian did something that was that she never knew she could do. She grabbed a rock and smashed the creature’s head. As she did, a red liquid seeped out of the snake and Lillian jumped back.

Blood, Lillian thought, as it stained the polluted ground. As she trekked away from the snake, she found that the whole hover city had dropped to the ground, even the nearby capital building, which was designed to last forever and run off of solar power. Lillian knew now that she had nothing else to do but survive, and only survive.
As Lillian trekked throughout the destroyed city for days, she felt something gnaw at her stomach. Hunger, Lillian thought, as she grabbed a pill from inside her pack and ate it. She continued to trek for days, walking endlessly toward a destination she did not know. Lillian had shut off her emotions and feelings for anything as she knew she did not need them or so she thought.

Lillian continued to trek endlessly, until she accidentally bumped into the body of a person. She gasped, thinking the body was a dead body, until she realized the uneven movement of the chest. As she waited patiently for the man to wake up, she couldn’t help, but realize how masculine he was. She studied his jaw, his cheekbones, and his peaceful face. Suddenly, the man opened his blue eyes.

Lillian screamed in terror as the man jumped on her and pulled out a knife, until he realized it was a girl.
“Sorry, my bad, I thought you were an animal,” the man stated.

“You are forgiven. Now please get off of me,” Lillian said.

“The name’s Parker,” said the man. “I’m only 25 years of age, and the capital already shut down.”

“Well, I’m Lillian, and I’m sorry I bothered you, I’ll be on my way,” Lillian said before walking away. As Lillian was walking away, Parker grabbed her wrist because he knew she was pretty and wanted her to stay with him.
“Please stay with me,” Parker said. Lillian just nodded and stopped walking. When she stood there, he heard a crunch inside her pocket and decided to reach inside her pocket. When he did he found a piece of paper with the word Salvus and the photo of a shelter inside the city that was a zone for survivors to go to. Parker grabbed Lillian and told her about the photo and Lillian just nodded. Parker and Lillian decided together they would reach Salvus.

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