Ino Stevens | Teen Ink

Ino Stevens

November 19, 2014
By ErzaHinata BRONZE, Cupertino, California
ErzaHinata BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
- Dale Carnegie

   It was the year of 3003, and everyone was a genius. They finally invented technology that was able to transfer knowledge into a human brain with simply attaching it to a cable. Everyone in the society was turned into a genius by the age of sixteen, and was moved to a new and a more high tech society.

The procedure was simple really. Newly turned sixteen year olds enter a science lab. They, then get their skull broken so a intelligence/memory chip can be transmitted into their brains, and lastly, they try to have trust in the scientist who is inserting the chip to put it in the proper place so the chip won’t explode in their brains and lead them to their deaths.

The citizens under sixteen were known as un-intells or the intelligent. These were the the stupid people in the eyes of the geniuses and also themselves.

Seventeen year old Ino Stevens watched as her experiment came to life. She jotted down notes on her holographic pad and activated hover mode on her shoes. “Greetings,” Caroline, Ino’s present surgery partner spoke with pure instinct.

The truth was Caroline and Ino were complete rivals and always competed with each other. For everything. Experimentation, writing skills, speed while collecting data,inventions, etc.

Ino glanced at Caroline and smiled a fake smile. She lifted up her glasses by the end of their rims and put them back up to her eyes, her long blond ponytail falling to her back.“We have a patient we need to take care of,” Ino reminded Caroline bluntly. “ I know that ,” replied Caroline calmly, her short brunette hair waving side to side.

Their first surgery was a great chance for each of them to prove to each other who deserved to be on the top. “Incapable creature,” Into muttered to herself enviously. This past week Caroline had built the first ever time machine. A job that Ino had planned to accomplish. Her blue eyes eyed Caroline and then stared ahead. Now, Ino planned to build the first ever manmade planet in outer space that was compatible with human life.

Ino winced to the tone of her mental messaging system. “Open mind message,”she said out loud. “The patient is ready and accounted for,” replied a robotic voice from inside Ino’s brain chip. A few second later it offed itself .

Ino winced. Again. And this time a huge headache hit her like a bullet. She grabbed her temple and moaned. Caroline continued walking. Her shoes hovering over the metal white floor. Ino screamed and collapsed on the floor, blood pouring out of her mouth and her left ear. She gasped and all her thoughts scattered.

Caroline turned and smiled. “Well, well” she began, “It finally happened,”. Tears were at the rims of Ino’s unblinkable eyes. “You finally overloaded your chip,” Caroline laughed. “Seems like, I need to do the surgery myself,” she said ebulliently and hovered away from Ino’s body.
Ino’s still, bloody, and unmoving body.

The author's comments:

This a piece which I tried to take to an extreme case senario

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