The Dragon's Quest | Teen Ink

The Dragon's Quest

November 7, 2014
By Piaxewulba BRONZE, San Jose, California
Piaxewulba BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rayden a ten year- old boy was living in this town called, Victolini, he is quite the energetic type do he always wondered off or he would run away if he saw something cool in the distance. Although he does act a bit crazy sometimes, he sleeps a lot after using up so much energy, but one day something happened to him, something very mysterious.
One day in the land of Kalos, it was a wonderful summer morning. The birds were chirping peacefully and the sound of the wind making the leaves rustle was soothing. At Rayden’s house, there was nothing but snoring in the distance.
“Rayden dear, wake up, breakfast!” shouted Rayden’s mother.
“ 10 more minutes mom please~~~!” Rayden groaned aloud. “No young man,        you need wake up, wash up, and eat up if you’re going to do some “searching” around the village.”
“Fine………….snore, snore,...” “ RAYDEN!!!” “huh?.. what, what’s going on? Ok,”
So Rayden was all prepared for some adventuring outside of the town. He ate breakfast and told his mom that he was going to go on a quest to find something incredible and bring it back, but he didn’t know what was coming for him. So he headed out toward the edges of the town and the last step he took in the town was probably going to be his last. He arrived at an intersection. There were three signs that said, “Viridian forest”, “Rocky Mountain, and the last sign was crossed out with a claw mark on it that covered up all of the letters. Rayden loved adventures even if he had to risk his own life for it. So, he took the chance and risked everything for this decision
He stopped at an entrance to some sort of forest/mountain/ocean but he couldn’t see the oceanic part of it from there. He was getting excited, intrigued, and cautious all at the same time so nobody could realize which was which. He entered prepared and ready for anything that comes at him he goes at. He would pick up objects that look interesting to him and stopped to take a break and examine them. Usually they would all be glowing rocks.
When he reached the oceanic part of this place, he found a fireplace that was still smoking. The moment he had realized that someone else is here, something came up behind him and the next moment he ends up being dragged away in the currents of the ocean. He was drifting away wherever the waves carried him. All he could see was the sky and some boulders, until he saw the mountain a few miles away from him. He swam as fast as he could, but his body temperature was already dropping down quickly and he was tired out quickly. He was cold, tired, and hungry for staying in the water for too long, that he lost conscience. By the time he woke up, he was at the shore at the island where the mountain was. He decided to rest up for the night and continue his quest the next day.
The next day, Rayden woke up and found himself in a whole different place than the shore. Rayden thought that this was just a hallucination, but he realized that everything around him was real. He heard a constant whirring noise and he found out that it was the glowing rock particles in his backpack. He took them out and thought, “ What is going on here?! All of a sudden I wake up in this weird forest or cliff or something I don’t know. And what is happening to my rocks? Maybe if I put them all together…” He laid them all out on the ground next to each other. The whirring noise became louder and they all came together as one turning into a very smooth and glowing egg shaped stone. He picked it up and was shocked that anything like this could happen in the world, but more surprisingly to him. He was wondering what to do with it, but couldn’t think of any options because of the shock. Then, he found something glowing under the grass patch a couple yards away. He dug a ditch and found out that it was an area for the stone to lay down on. He was blinded by a really bright light that came from the stone. He heard some kind of roaring sound but he couldn’t identify what it was.
When the light faded, he looked around for the stone but instead he found a cave that had the same glow as the stone, so he thought that the stone turned into the cave and the roaring was just the noise of the cave crumbling. He expected nothing very magical or mythical to happen after he entered, but once he entered. He took back that whole phrase about it.
When he stepped into the cave, he found himself  in a world where dragon’s lived and thrived all over the land. He realized that things that happen are not always about science. He looked for a way to go back to the world before this one so that he can go back home. He wondered if the roaring noise was from one of the dragon’s that lived here, but when he saw a baby dragon of the same color of the stone, he knew it was that one.

The baby dragon was sleeping all by itself with no mother or father. It woke up.

Rayden said to the dragon, “ Do you know who your parents are? Are you a boy or a girl? Do you know the way out of here? Obviously the dragon didn’t reply but it motioned towards Rayden.  It looked like it was thinking that Rayden was his father. Rayden backed up surprised that it was the stone that he put together. Since now he was sure that the dragon was going to follow he decided to give him a name, “ Your name should be… hmm…. Blitz! Try breathing fire or something.” The dragon listened and out came a flare blitz.. “Blitz was the perfect name for you.” As the days passed, Blitz grew bigger, stronger, wiser, and faster with Rayden. By the time Rayden could ride on Blitz and fly, Rayden thought that now he could finally find the way out.
One day while Rayden and Blitz was patrolling the area, Rayden saw something very familiar, but he couldn’t remember what it was. I wasn’t a weird forest place. He saw the cave. The cave was far, far, and very far away from where they were right now. Rayden wasn’t ready for the journey ahead, so he went back to their campsite to pack all of their needs for the long flight away. The next day, Blitz was pumped up and ready for the flight over to the cave, but Rayden was nervous and prepared. He realized that the last time he went through a cave like that he ended up coming here. “ I mean, what if we both go to a whole different world again?” Rayden thought to himself. They were ready, they were prepared, they were refreshed but Rayden was still unsure.
Rayden realized that for all this time he’s been living in a dragon world and he has been caring for a baby dragon of his own, so he thought that it would be okay even if he arrived in a different world.  They set off on their quest to the cave. They had run into older and more powerful dragons on the way there and had to fight them or run away to survive. They were running out of food and supplies to stay up in the skies, so they came down into a jungle, to rest and restock for the rest of the quest.
During their stay at the jungle, Rayden felt the same presence that he felt when he was knocked into the ocean in the real world. This time he knew what was going to happen thanks to Blitz, he was well protected. Blitz sent a blitz of fire toward a shadow and knocked whoever or whatever it was. Rayden took a better look at who it was and it was his dad.
His dad had set out on an adventure himself to find some money to bring back, but hadn’t returned for 4 years. Rayden and his dad had lots to talk about but the most important thing was that the cave disappears after five days. Rayden and Blitz have been at the halfway point on their arrival at the jungle on their second day after the cave’s appearance. So they were ahead of schedule right now. The next day they started off early to get their earlier just in case. They didn’t take a break in between and arrived at the cave.
Once they arrived at the cave, they looked at the other side, and Rayden was happy to see the real world again. All three of them went through the cave at once, but on the other side they were at the peak of the mountain Rayden had seen before being carried into the “hallucination zone”. Rayden and his father decided to make a home for blitz up here so that nobody knows there are real dragons, and returned to their rightful home safely.
The mother was overjoyed to see that Rayden came back safe and her husband back okay with Rayden. After the quest Rayden had gone on. He realized a lot of things about the world. One of them was that fate will always bring together family and not everything is related to science. “ This quest was worth it, I met my father, and met a friend. I also returned safe and experienced some thing incredible and unexpected, and because of Blitz I'll call this adventure, 'The Dragon's Quest'"” Rayden told his mother.

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