Kingdoms | Teen Ink


November 6, 2014
By ErzaHinata BRONZE, Cupertino, California
ErzaHinata BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
- Dale Carnegie

                       KINGDOMS CHAPTER 1

                              Section 1

The moon seemed to be shining it’s brightest. The pitter- patter of rain drops filled the air. Lightning and thunder struck down back to back as if trying to chase each other. I was in icicle A-8 when I heard Frostline, our Ice queen or “The Royal”, telling us in her overly fake and perfect voice: “ There is no reason to worry, my loyal subjects,” “ The plan seems to be working perfectly,”. Hi, I am Icein. I am one of the many people who live in the Kingdom of Ice.

Right now all the Ice Kingdom residence were in an iceshard lockdown. “Why?” you may ask. We are being attacked by the Thunder Empress who wants to take over…..well, everything. According to Frostilina she is bad news. Empress Draktra is said to have mastered her powers completely, which was thought to be impossible. Only the most powerful, who are usually in the royal line are chosen to be the leader of a Kingdom, and trust me I believe that. I have seen Frostline use her powers, it is like watching grace,beauty, and excellence in one short glance.

I watched as the Crystal Ice barrier speared over the Kingdom. My hand shook, I was shivering …..again! Everyone else in my Icicle seemed to be just fine in their shorts and skirts while I was Shivering...IN THREE ESKIMO JACKETS! As usual I am “that girl” . I saw someone stare at me from the corner of my eye, I ignored it. I was used to getting dirty looks, ever since I was little. Those cold, dead stares used to pierce through me like knifes, but now, normal. It’s all normal. “ Why does everyone stare at me like that,” I used to ask yelling “What did I do?”

Either way I am practically useless. I can’t do spells, actually I doubt I even have powers. Then there is Jake, the idiot who has to ruin my life even more to make his better. I told my teachers about him, but who would listen to me? I was “that girl”. Nobody cared about me, and that was just my life.
I walked out of my icicle into the iced Hallway. “ Icein…” I heard a fake sweet and gentle voice behind me. I turned on my heels and bowed. “ Yes your majesty,” I spoke. “ Anything you need dear?” Frostilina asked. I shook my head. “ You never know who Draktra has allied with, maybe even the Fire Kingdom,” she continued.

The Fire Kingdom is our sworn enemy, I don’t know why, but they are. I know I am supposed to hate them too, but there is something about them. The don’t just survive , they create…and I seem to like that. “ Okay,  I will go back,” I said wryly and dragged myself back to my horror house, A.K.A my home.

I walked in through the door and realized that the icicle was dark. I turned to the clock. 9:45. Everyone was in bed, or so I thought. I headed to my bed and slammed my eyes closed. I sighed a sigh of relief. It was finally night, the time where I can have a peace of mind with no worries.

                               * * *

They were red eyes. They looked at me with confusion and then with worry. I gasped. Those bright red eyes blinked and then I lost it. I screamed out and ran into the hallways of the
castle, bumping into the royal. Before I knew it I was out like the light.

My eyes opened and I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my head. “Ouch,” I squealed. “Icein, how are you feeling?” I looked at her and told her nothing. I stared at her for a long time and I
took a deep breath and sighed. I stood up and just walked away with my hands turning into fists. “Huh, some Royals,” I whispered to myself grounding my teeth. And as I walked I heardFrostilina murmur: “ Sometimes...I wonder….,”


                                Section 2

The loud noise of a bomb forced my eyes open and scattered my thoughts. “What is that,” I thought to myself. Just then I heard something slam the wall. I saw as slits of ice from the walls started to spill. I rushed outside, only to see Frostilina’s body slammed into the wall with tears on the rims of her determined eyes. I heared a general on the speaker “Commence evacuation plan immediately.” Suddenly there was a shock of silence and everyone was in evacuation mode. I tried to go back into A-8 but the doors were all already locked. “Tell me where she is!” Darktra yelled to Frostilina. Her long jet-black hair fell to her back and her pale skin glowed withfrustration. “ I am never going to tell you” the Royal replied back. “Give in already,” Frostilina said as she gathered darkness from every corner of the room and turned the lighted up Ice castle into a dark hole of despair. This was Darktra’s turf now and I just happened to be in it.

Frostilina’s eyes caught mine and they fled with panic. “ I am your opponent Ice queen!” “ What are you staring at,” Darktra yelled as her arm stretched out into a jet black thundering fist which shocked Frostline and hurt her bad. Blood escaped her mouth and she was unconditionally weakened. Gasping for air she motioned her eyes for me to get away. I nodded, but by that time it was way too late. Darktra's cold eyes had turned to my direction. “No!” yelled Frostilina gasping. “Shut up,” Draktra replied with annoyance as she slammed the queen of Ice with thunder. Then looking at me as though trying to see through my soul Darktra smiled. “There you are,”. Her voice was so harmonic it was hard to believe that she was who caused this much damage to the castle without a single drop of sweat.

My body froze in panic. A small tornado appeared in her hand and Darktra shot it at me. I winced with pain.  “ It’s not seeming to come out,” Darktra responded. “No matter,” “I know ways,” she said grinning. I choked but managed to find air. Her mini tornado tried to get through my arm, and it hurt, so bad. Now, I was mad. I saw the same look in her eyes. The same look everyone else always gave me. “ What are you looking at, you don’t even know me!” I screamed and ice knives shot out of my body cutting the Empress's cheek and arm.

Trickles of blood bled through her thin crested jacket. “Ammature,” she replied in return but before Darktra was able to put into a black darkened torture case, Frostilina shot her shard arrow off of her ice bow right in the middle of Darktra's back. The empress chuckled and then somewhere in her castle the Darkness called. “Well, well, luck you,” she said as she turned around and burst into spectacles of darkness. I huffed, and sighed, staring at my hands. “I have powers,” I whispered.

                          Section 3

Clip, Tap, Clip, Tap. “Icein?” I heard someone call “Icein, you there?”. It was Chase. The one and only person who actually respected me. He had short chocolate brown hair and glass like orange eyes. Compared to me, having shoulder length hair with natural blue highlights and dark brown eyes he looked like a god. “Yeah,” I huffed back. He looked at me and then went into deep thought. “What?” I asked. He opened his mouth but then closed it again. “What?” I practically screamed.

“Okay, Icein,” he began “ I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to live in the Ice Kingdom any longer,” he finished “There I said it,”. I just stood there like an idiot trying to comprehend what he just said. Was he saying this to just make me feel like I didn’t belong like everyone else . “Why?” I asked him in a tone harsher than I expected it to be. “ Icein, I heard about Darktra, she knows about you and she knows where you are,” he stated seriously. “Do you really want to be an easy target--,” he stopped, almost like he had “revealed too much”. “ Do you really want to be easy to get?” he started again choosing his words more wisely this time. Without another word I passed Chase and walked out to what was now a destroyed Iced hallway.

                                Section 4

Clothes. Chek. Tent. Check. Food. Check. Jackets. Check. First Aid Medicine. Check. Seems like I had everything. I took in mind of what Chase had said and decided that he was right. “He would never do anything to hurt me. Right?” I shook the thought out of my head and zipped up my bag. I grabbed the ripped map I stole from Frostilina’s icicle to find my way to the Kingdome of Air and stuffed it inside my pocket. “No one likes me here anyway,” I thought. “No one would probably realize that I am missing,”.

I jumped out my front window while no one was watching and sprinted on the hard Icy path. I saw frozen and snowy trees run behind me and I heard my heels clicking on the ice. My plan was to live in the Kingdome of Air...forever. Just one problem though:- I had the features of someone who lives in the Kingdom of Ice, I had the magic of ice not air, and I probably didn’t dress like the residence of the Air Kingdom either. Okay, so  more than one problem but it was still worth it. I could make a new life there, and actually have….friends. I chuckled at the word. “Friends,” I said outloud. “Frrriiieeennnddsss,” I pronounced the word in a stretchy manner. “Yes,” I thought to myself. “That would be nice,”

I sat down underneath a tree and stretched out my legs. I realized that I had been breathing heavily. I took out a Mulcheery out of my bag and held it out in front of me. I bit into the soft cherry-like fruit and it’s soft skin cut through my teeth as it’s sugary juices dropped onto my tongue. My body relaxed and I hungrily devoured the fruit.

As the sun went down my eyelids got heavier and heavier, and before I knew it I was in my world. The world in which I am free.


                                  Section 5

I pressed harder on my coat but the wind and snow wouldn’t show any mercy. I finally reached the middle forest. Dividing the whole Ice Kingdom and Air Kingdom it had to be a very large . I kept walking and in about 10 miles I saw two caves. Both leading to nowhere. I fished out the map from my pocket and looked at it closely. Very closely. The map did not seem to show the caves at all. I started to panic. Had I gone the wrong direction. “I am sure I followed the map exactly,” I cried.

I looked around with blurred eyes and saw a small opening in between the two end edges of the caves. I stuffed the map into my pocket again and wiped my eyes. “What have I got to lose,” I thought and crept in between the edges and my eyes grew wide. My breathing got heavy and my heart pumped so loud that I could dance to it’s beat. I pulled on the straps of my backpack. “What have I entered,” I whispered out loud.

                                    * * *

“ Where is Icein ?” Frostilina yelled out. The castle echoed with the sound of her voice. All of the people whispered. “Who’s Icein,” someone asked. “She’s that girl in A-8 with the thing inside-”replied another but got cut of. “Shhh, we aren’t supposed to talk about that,” spoke someone else. “Has anyone seen her,” Frostilina yelled in a tone that could have melted the fire itself. “No, great royal,” replied one of the army generals. “ Not for the whole day,”. “Well,than find her,” Frostilina said turning around. “ And make sure she is still a pentauser,” she said while slamming the door to her luxurious icicle.
“Yes, Royal,” replied the general.

                                     * * *

I was in a bigger cave filled with jewels. Every single kind of jewel was in there. From diamonds to sapphires. Their shimmering alone lit up the cave. I bent to the ground and broke free a bright orange topaz and put it in my bag. Before I knew my bag weighed more that I did. After a while of scraping and pushing my eye caught a glimpse of daylight. I ran out and saw an open field . I took out my map and sighed in relief. I was getting close. Just a few more miles to go.

“Icin!” I heard someone call. That voice, it seemed so familiar. “Chase?” I said, turning around. “What are you doing--,” . “No time to explain--” Chase started but got cut of by Ice Kingdom guards trying to throw spears at him. He held out his arm and Magma burst out melting them slowly and painfully. “ Look,” Chase started again but got cut off again. This time he punched the ground making it burst open. A wave of lava emerged out from underneath. I watched wide - eyed at the way he had his powers completely under control. 

The wave of lava went over us. Expecting to be ash I opened my eyes, only to find out that I was completely fine. I was seemingly enjoying the warmth of the lava. I saw the first row of guards try to defend themselves with Ice magic but many of them failing and getting burned into nothingness. “What is happening,” I asked again. “ Icin they want you,” Chase said before he suddenly moved behind me and yelled out in pain. He lost control of his powers and his body and fell to the ground. I stood there in shock looking at the ice knives that had pierced into his back. Chase had protected me. His breathing slowed. Tears blurred my eyes as he tried his best to speak, blood running from the side of his mouth.

“Icein,” he began again “They want you,”. “But why?” I yelled out. “I am nobody to them, they--,”. “No, Icein,” Chase said in almost a whisper. “You are something to them,” “You are something to everyone, something very important,” “Important,” I thought. “Icein,” Chase said closing his eyes, “You are a weapon,”.

The author's comments:

This Article will soon turn into a novel.

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