A Gifted Freak | Teen Ink

A Gifted Freak

November 7, 2014
By Anonymous

  I am studied by masked scientists. I am contained in this thick, glass walls that keep me in. They give me a serum injected in my blood and analyze the results. I don't feel anything. I don't know anything. I wear only a thin white dress and scurry around my container like a cornered rat.

  I been caged for years. I am about an age of 17, they say. I have been the center of the government's attention for a decade. They only study me, but I don't learn. I know a very few of the language and has the knowledge of a 5-year-old.

  I press my hands against the glass. I feel the urge to break free, the urge I held for years. This time, my emotions are mixed with a feeling of power. I notice the scientists staring at me. I see that my golden blond curls are turning blood-red. I press on the glass harder, and it starts to crack. The scientists are panicking, but they can't stop me now. The glass shatter, and my prison is open. I am free.

  I step out. The scientist are fleeing out of the doors and sirens are blaring. The heavy metal doors are closing, trying to trap me in. I step again. The glass crunches under my feet, cuts, and blood pours. The cuts heal, and I don't feel pain.

  I walk up to the door. Everything seems to go in slow motion. The sirens continue to blare, and I see my reflection in the cracked glass. My golden blond curls are blood-red, and my blue eyes turn slowly to black.

  The metal doors are still closed. I know its purpose was to keep me locked in, but I am done with imprisonment. I press my hand on a door and it explodes with debri. I walk in the hallways, light blinding me. Siren are blaring louder. I hear shouts of scared scientists and people, calling for security. They panic and flee from my sight.

  I run.

  I don't know why I ran. Perhaps because I wanted to leave this place. Perhaps I wanted to run for once in my lifetime. I run through this maze in twists and open the doors. I finally push the last door open and I escape. I feel crisp air blowing into my hair. This is how wind feels like. The sky is blue, the same color how my eyes used to be. I hear animals singing and see I am in a forest. I don't think. I run inside the trees.

  I slow down as the day begins to darken. Am I a freak? I ask myself. I see a puddle of water and peer into my reflection. I look like a monster.

  If you do think you are a freak, go back! A part of my mind says to me.

  Everywhere I step, flowers bloom. No! I cry back to my mind. I am fed up being imprisoned!

  Then, think. How are you going to live you life now?

  I... will manage to survive.

  My mind feels... strange. I know things somehow, and I know I'm not normal. Is this what they call...?

  Supernatural. The corner of my mind responds.

  I smile. Supernatural. It makes me sound gifted.

  Maybe you are.

  But nobody is like me!

  So why think of yourself as a freak? No one has powers like you do, and how many people want it?

  But the scientists is just going to get me again!

  You got supernatural powers. Learn to live with it and control it. You can become invincible.

  I stop trudging through the forest and sit down. A lush of grass spring beneath me and form a chair. Invincible... supernatural...

  I say to my mind, I... I will give a try, maybe.

  My mind says, Go for it baby.

  I smile. And get up. The chair disappears and flowers spring up on me. They pull their petals together to make a dress. A beautiful dress. It turns to black and feels like silk, matching my eyes. Animals gather around me, all animals. Rabbits scurry, birds chirp, and deer prance to gather around me. I look up ahead and see a light.

  Well, I say to my mind. My journey is beginning.

  Yes, it replied. Are you ready.

  I smile again, but this time, I can feel my eyes turn to red. I don't stop it. I will it to turn red. 

  I think to myself, Gifted Freak.

The author's comments:

 I've had a taste of the girl's situation. I have been raised in a lab and has been mutated to write and write. I also have some powers of my own. Remember to Read, Rate, Share, and 'Rite!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 19 2014 at 4:15 pm
GirlGenius SILVER, Oakland, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
The question for today is* : If you could solve any world crisis right now, what would it be?
(*-GirlGenius's favorite quote)

I accidentally requested for anonymous, so... yeah.

on Nov. 18 2014 at 1:00 pm
Rennok_and_also_Cire SILVER, Fort Sill, Oklahoma
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Loved it so much :D