Toby Gets Revenge | Teen Ink

Toby Gets Revenge

October 6, 2014
By Jdog2018 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Jdog2018 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you can do eny thing with the help of god.

 It is fair week and Toby wants to go to the fair.  Toby’s mom seas that it might be kind of late that afternoon when they go because she has to do some things with her friends.  So later that day, Toby and his mom goes to the fair.  When they get there his mom seas that he can go hang out with his friends because she wants to go do something.  So Toby finds his friends and they start riding rides.

Later that night it was getting dark so Toby decides that he is dune riding rides.  He goes to find his mom but he cannot find her.  He tries to get help from his friends but they could not find her either.  They looked and looked and Toby is starting to get scared and he is wandering were his mom could have went.  He only lives about a block away from the fair so he decides to just walk home.  He told all his friends that he was going to walk home. He is scared of the dark so he rain home really fast.

When he gets home he don’t see his mom’s car there so he tries to open the front door but it is locked.  He was thinking of ways to get in and he remembers that he keeps his bedroom window unlocked so he climes in the window.  When he gets in it is really dark in there he looks around the house nothing looks different, but he hires this strange noise coming from the kitchen so he went to check it out.  When he walked in the kitchen his mom was laying there on the floor there was blood everywhere he calls nine one one but when they arrive about two minutes later it is to late his mom has died. The cops asked him if he had a plays to stay for the night so he calls his friend and asked them if he could spend the night.

When he got to his friend’s house he was scared that the killer might get him in the middle of the night so he did not get very much sleep.  In the morning the cops show up at his friend’s house and they asked him a lot of questions, like if he knew anyone who would of dune this or if he knew who his mom was with that night of the murder.  He could not think right because he was all sad and all that from his mom dyeing.  The cops and the investigators go to his house and they start sweeping the house for finger prints or anything that could help them find the killer. After a few weeks of trying to find the killer the cops show up at Toby’s friend’s house and told him that they found the killer and they told him that the killer was his dad.  His dad left him when he was a child and his mom never told him why.  He did not know why his dad would do such a thing like that.  The cops ask him if he knows were his dad lives and he did not know.  The cops do what they do best and they track down Toby’s dad and they put him in jail for murder. So Toby goes on with his life he lives with his grandpa and grandma now he lives a good life toby died of a heart attack thirty years later so he only lived to be forty two.

The author's comments:

My english teacher inspired me to write this.

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