Changing Tide | Teen Ink

Changing Tide

May 19, 2014
By brigirathjen BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
brigirathjen BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jezebel stared into the starry sky and thought about Cole’s question. She wasn't sure how she felt about the choosing. She had felt so many emotions rushing through her the past couple of days that it was hard to choose just one of them. “I’m not sure” she answered, and sighed “ I’m glad we've been together more, that might help.” But they both knew that the choices had already been made months ago, and there was nothing they could do to change them. “Maybe they’ll put us together because they know we’re a couple.” Cole answered hopefully. But Jezebel just shook her head. “We should at least try to make the most of our last week before we become citizens.” Cole said. “ Yea, you’re right.” Jezebel answered softly, and nuzzled his shoulder, breathing in the familiar scent of freshly cut grass. She’d learned to love that smell. They’d met when she was painting a picture of the field workers, and he came up to her and told her how beautiful she was. No one had ever told her things like that, and after many times of Cole coming up to her, they became a couple. After a long day of working in the fields, Cole would come to her, smelling just like he did now. In a week she might never smell that again… “Come on, I’ll take you home, it’s getting cold out.” Cole said, gently shaking her. “But I want to stay here with you.” Jezebel answered, her voice muffled by Cole’s shirt. “Come on, Jezebel.’ “Alright” Jezebel answered, and they slowly walked to Jezebel’s house, stopping at the door step. “ I don’t think I could ever leave you” Jezebel told Cole, “ They might still put us together, you never know.” But even as Cole said it Jezebel’s heart sank, she knew the government wouldn’t put them together. No one had expected them to get together, they had such opposite personalities. Cole was gentle and kind, always eager to please others. She could be harsh and unpredictable. But whenever she was around Cole she was always trying to be more considerate and quiet. Maybe the government would see that he brought the best out in her, like Cole always said. She leaned into Cole and gave him a tight hug. “ I should get going.” he said, and kissed her good night. That night Jezebel dreamed of being put in the same group as Cole, staying together with him, having children with him, and all together her having a wonderful life with him.

The days passed by quickly, everything blurring together. It seemed like everyone was excited about the ceremony, but Jezebel was scared at the thought of losing Cole. Once you were put into a group, you very rarely saw anyone else. It wasn’t illegal to see others, but if the government found out that you weren't happy with the group you were in, you would be sent out of the city, into the unknown. It was a risk very few people were willing to take. Jezebel often complained to Cole that the rules were too strict here, and he would always remind her that the rules kept everyone safe. The whole reason they have the choosing was to determine who you belong with. The government watched everyone’s progress and saw how they interacted with each other growing up.Then, when they turned eighteen, everyone would attend the choosing and be assigned a group of people to live and work with. Sometimes the groups were five to six people, other times sixteen to twenty. It all came down to who you got along with the best, and who would help you be the most successful in life. Usually you were with your friends, because they shared the same interests as you. But on rare occasions you could get separated from your friends if they weren’t similar to you. She’d always been told in school,that, left on our own, we would make friends with the less productive people and not live as productive lives. So, to ensure the most successful society possible, the government would choose who you would live and work with. Jezebel agreed with this, because as far as she knew it had always been this way. But she’d never thought that she would ever lose someone she loved because of it. The thought of losing Cole made her stomach wrench and her head get dizzy. If only they weren’t so different… Tomorrow was the last day she had left with Cole before the choosing. He’d said he wanted to meet her tomorrow morning, it was very urgent, he said, but what could he want to tell her that was so urgent he’d skip his morning work hour? She’d just have to wait and see.

The next morning she woke with a start. Someone was covering her mouth. What was going on? She needed to get them off her, and fast. She started thrashing in her bed, it was too dark to see who was there. She started kicking frantically, then she recognized something. The room smelled like freshly cut grass.“Cole, what are you doing?!” Jezebel asked frantically. “Shh, why can’t you be quiet?” He asked her, obviously annoyed that she had figured out it was him. “I asked you a question!” Jezebel was confused, why was he here so late at night, she thought they were going to meet in the morning. “I’m sorry, but I can’t explain it right now, you just have to trust me.” Cole pleaded with her to follow him , this was important, and he wasn't allowed to tell her about it yet, he said. Jezebel didn't understand what was going on, this wasn’t like Cole at all, but she decided to trust him. She put on the bandana he gave her over eyes and blindly followed him.

They walked for a long time. She was sure they were miles away from her home town, it was going to be a long way home. The road had steadily been getting more rough and she could feel thick gravel under her shoes. She was beginning to wonder what her parents would think when they found out she was missing. Finally, they stopped. She took off her bandanna and looked around. The sun was just starting to come up and Jezebel was tired from all the travel. It looked like they were in some kind of an alley. Cole cautiously knocked on the black door standing before them. It seemed to Jezebel like Cole had never been here before by the way he was constantly looking around. Jezebel was getting nervous, how would Cole know about someplace like this? They had both grown up in nice neighborhoods, and this place looked dirty and run down. Finally a slit in the door slid open, and wide eyes looked them over. She heard what sounded like locks being put into place, then the door slowly began to open. Jezebel grabbed Cole’s hand, this place was was starting to scare her. “It’s ok.” Cole whispered to her, but he looked scared as well. They cautiously walked in together.

The room was eerily clean. Everything shined so intensely Jezebel had to squint her eyes. There was a long silver table in the center of the room, surrounded by dozens of chairs. She had expected something trashy, like the outside of the building, but the difference between the outside and inside of the building was so severe it almost seemed unreal. Suddenly people started filing in, it seemed like they came from thin air, they must have come when I wasn’t looking, thought Jezebel. They came in a single line, reminding her of the days back in grade school, but their faces were anything but childish. They wore stern expressions and long gray robes. The man that had answered the door was wearing a gray robe as well, but he didn't seem as severe as the others. They sat down without a sound, one after the other. The one who walked in first started to speak. “You have brought her.” “Yes, she doesn't know anything yet.” Cole answered. Was this some kind of a cult? What was Cole doing with these people
“ Are you looking forward to the choosing?” the woman asked Jezebel. The question caught her off guard, but she answered with certainty. “No, I’m afraid of losing Cole.” Jezebel surprised herself, she hadn't meant to say that, she hadn't even told Cole that much of her feelings. The woman noticed Jezebel’s surprise and a small smile crept on her face. “It’s always the same with the new ones, never suspecting a thing” the woman said coldly.

The woman explained that the reason they dressed and looked like they did was to ensure that people would be more truthful than they usually were. She then went on about how our brain worked and how certain looks can trigger certain responses. She explained that she was part of an organization that tried to prevent the effects of the choosing. She said that everyone was entitled to their own opinion and choice of who they wanted to be and be with. For the government to plan out your life by choosing who you live the majority of your lifetime with wasn’t right. She said that their organization was called Changing Tide, which represented them changing the tide in how this country was run. It had starting out small, she explained, but now the organization had spread to lots of different cities throughout the country. “Right now the organization is used to set up secret meetings between people who wanted to meet others outside of their own group, but in the future we would like to little by little change the entire country.” she explained, with a spark of pride in her eyes. She explained all of this while Jezebel was sitting there, her head spinning. An organization like this existed? How had she never heard of this before? How did Cole ever find out about it? But the biggest question of all, was this all true? Could she really live a life secretly meeting with Cole, they’re relationship never ending?

She wasn’t sure about this whole thing, I mean, change the entire country? It all sounded so far fetched. Once the woman had explained all of his to Jezebel, she immediately started questioning the woman. “ How can I be sure all of these is true?” she asked. “Hmm, interesting.” the woman mumbled. Cole obviously looked shocked from her question. It occurred to her that he might have just went along with everything, not even questioning a thing, Cole was convinced easily, after all. “You can’t be sure if we’re real or not.” the woman answered. The answer surprised her, did this lady want her to join the cult or not? Then I won’t join you people, I hardly know why Cole joined you in the first place.” Jezebel answered quickly, she wasn’t going to let this woman boss her around, she would get answers, one way or another. The woman looked calmer this time, she had begun to understand Jezebel. “This is your only chance at staying with Cole, it’s your choice to accept it or not.” the woman answered coldly. That made Jezebel’s stomach wrench, she couldn’t lose Cole, she just couldn’t. “Fine, I’ll join your little cult, but only for Cole’s sake.” “Good, we could use someone as strong as you, I’m glad your love for Cole is as strong as I thought it was.” The woman looked satisfied and motioned for all the people to stand up. They began to leave silently, “Wait!” The woman turned around, glaring at Jezebel. “What?” the woman asked. “What will my parents think, wouldn’t someone be suspicious for me being gone this long?” Jezebel asked. “Don’t worry”, the woman answered, “We have people on the inside that will take care of that.” The woman glanced one more time at Jezebel, then left the room without a sound.

The two of them walked quietly out of the room. Once Jezebel was sure none of the people could hear her she started yelling at Cole. What were you thinking?! Bringing me here in secrecy, never telling me a thing! How many other secrets have you kept from me? How do I know you even love me? He looked shocked, Jezebel hadn’t planned on saying that, was the truth thing with the other people affected him too? He looked at her apologetically, with innocent eyes. Why was he always so innocent? Did he ever do anything wrong? “I’m sorry.” he told her quietly. Did he really think apologizing would help anything?! “I can’t believe you, sometimes you can be so stupi-Jezebel! What other option did I have?! It was this or lose you forever! She backed away, suddenly scared of Cole. He had never shouted at her before. She didn’t even really know who he was, what other secrets had he kept from her? “Jezebel, please, you know I didn’t mean it like that.” he pleaded with her. Cole was confused that she didn’t understand. This was the only way they would be able to stay together, did she want them to break up? Jezebel started to slowly back away,this wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.“Jezebel…” He tried to touch her, but she pulled back in disgust. “Get away from me! I don’t even know you!” Jezebel screamed, then ran away, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Cole ran after her frantically. She didn’t know her way around, if Cole didn’t find her soon, she could get lost. He might never see her again. He started sprinting as fast as he could, had she gone left or right? Then, he saw a streak of long, brown hair. It was her. He charged full speed through the streets. By now there were a few people out and he hurriedly pushed them away. Just as she was about to turn the corner Cole grabbed Jezebel by the arm and yanked her to him. He started panting heavily, and Jezebel tried to skirm away from him, but it was no use. Cole was strong from working long hours in the fields, and Jezebel didn’t stand a chance. He pulled them up against the wall and they sat down. Both their faces were red, and Cole was exhausted from the sprint. He was grateful that he had caught her while he still could, but Jezebel’s mind was on other things. What was the government going to think about this? Two people who weren’t technically in the city running around? Especial when they were both so close to the ceremony? The government would be on them for sure. Soon, all of this would be for nothing. Soon, an entire year of her relationship with Cole would be washed away by the choosing. Soon, she would be a new person, have a new life. Soon, all of this would be gone. She couldn’t wait.

Jezebel was surprised that guards hadn’t stopped them yet. Surely this was all on camera. “The government doesn’t know about this.” Cole said, as if reading her thoughts. “How do you know that?” Jezebel glared at him, spitting out the words like venom. “Why do you think we went so far out of town into a filthy place like this?” he asked her. “There aren’t any cameras out here, the city doesn’t have the money for it.” “Oh.” Jezebel said flatly. She’d never thought about that, then again, she’d never thought that a thing like Changing Tide could exist either. She asked Cole the question that had been nagging her since this whole thing began. “When did you find out about all his?” she asked. Cole sighed. “It was a few months after we got together that they came to me.” “You mean you didn’t come to them?” Jezebel asked. “Of course not.” Cole answered. Jezebel was relieved, that was something she would expect Cole to do. Maybe Cole wasn’t lying to her the whole time after all… “They came to the fields when I was working by myself.” “I had already been thinking about the choosing, and by then I had already fallen for you.” Jezebel smiled, she remembered the first few months of them being together, they had been so happy. “I was scared at the thought of losing you, and I suspected that we would get separated.” “When the person told me that we could still be together after the choosing, I didn’t know what to think.” “But I knew I wanted to stay with you, so I agreed to join their “group”. Jezebel was shocked that he decided to join them so quickly, he was always jumping into things, never really thinking about it. Cole saw that she was surprised and quickly added “It took me a while to decide if I wanted to join them, this would change my life, you know.” Jezebel was glad to know he took decisions seriously, why had she ever doubted him? This was Cole, after all. He continued talking to her. “ I only went to two of their meetings, and the only reason I didn’t tell you right away was because they had told me not to tell you.” “I really did want to tell you, but they said I was more trusting and that you needed more time.” Cole looked at her longingly. “You have to understand I never meant to keep any secrets from you.” “I’d never keep anything from you, Jezebel.” she smiled, she was glad he had kept her from running away. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you, it’s hard for me to trust people.” “It’s ok, Jezebel.” Cole told her soothingly. “Were together now, that’s all that matters.” Jezebel looked into Cole’s eyes fiercely, “I’ll never leave you, no matter what the cost, choosing or no choosing.” She was going to keep her promise, no matter what lay ahead, she and Cole would go through it together.

The author's comments:
It's called Changing Tide and it's a futuristic story about a girl named Jezebel and her soon-to-be forbidden romance with Cole. (You'll understand when you read it.) Enjoy!

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