Secret Hidden In Us | Teen Ink

Secret Hidden In Us

May 15, 2014
By becca_george BRONZE, Mountain View, California
becca_george BRONZE, Mountain View, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Secret Hidden In Us

I stood, waiting outside the house, for him to realize what was going on. It seemed like ages and was wondering if I should go in, when suddenly a man, about 6 foot came stumbling out of the house. I turned to look at him, I put my gun its holster but still in view. In case he got any ideas.

I flipped my hair out of my face and looked him up and down and rolled my eyes.

“Come with me.”

“Who are you?”

“Not important.” I walked over to my car.

“Whoa! Is that yours?” I glanced back at him. A dreamy look in his eyes as he admired my car. It’s sleek black coat and tinted bulletproof windows. But the best part was the engine. It was like a whisper in the wind.

“Yes its mine, now get in.”

“It’s such a beautiful car.” He continued as if he hadn’t heard me. “The shape, the design. It looks like you are literally driving the night sky.”

“Shut up and get in.”

“Yes ma’am.” We got into the car and headed to H.Q.

I pushed a button on my dash, making the screen pop out and display different buttons with different symbols representing different people. I clicked the one representing my boss. She appears on the screen. Her scar looking very intimidating. Great that’s the perfect way to look for the new comer. I thought.

“Did you get him?”

“Yea he’s right here.” I say as I turn the screen to show the man to my boss.

“Hello, Jayden.” Jayden? That sounds familiar. But I don’t know why. “Its so good to see that you are alright. We have come to collet you for a reason. I hope Agent V has explained why.”

“Who is Agent V?” Jayden asked.

“The woman sitting next to you. I assume that since you don’t even know who she is she hasn’t explained anything. I will deal with her later. But for now, Agent V, I need you to get here as soon as you can so I can explain some thins to Jayden.”

“I will.” I turn off the monitor and pushed it back into the dashboard.

“What’s the “V” stand for?” Jayden asked looking at me.

“That information is classified.” I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

“Oh c’mon. What’s so bad about it?”

“I have never told anyone my first name and I am not about to tell a total stranger.” For the rest of the ride we didn’t say a word to each other. I drove up to the top floor of the parking building, parked my car and headed for the elevator. When the doors closed I pressed the button symbolizing my boss and we started up. But then the music started playing. I hated that music. So I simply took out my gun and shot the speaker. I forgot about Jayden and glanced over. He was of coursed shocked by what I did. Oops.

The elevator stopped at the top floor and we got out. I lead the way to my boss’s office. I stood outside the door till I was invited in.

“You know, you are the only one that follows that rule. Thank you.”

“Well, I’m going to e here awhile, might as well follow the rules.”

“Follow the rules! So shooting the speaker is allowed?!” Jayden said backing away from me, still slightly scared.

“Really? You shot the speaker again?”

“Just take out and it wont happen.”

“You’re lucky I can’t fire you.”

“I know. You tell me all the time.”

“I’m sorry about that, Jayden. I would have sent someone else but we don’t have any one qualified to do this job. About that. You and Agent V are part of an endangered species that lives, or rather lived, on another planet. It exploded by something we don’t know and you were all projected into space. For thousands of years people just floated right outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Occasionally, one would fall down to earth. Unseen by most but we saw them fall and we went to the sight where they did. In fact that first person was Agent V. She fell into the same pool that you landed in. But with out a scratch. She wasn’t burned or anything. We brought her back here to see if she could do anything else and she still had quite a lot of memory about what happened so she told us her story although some parts were fuzzy. She told us about the powers she had and still has. Now we bring other people here to see if they have their powers. Most were fried by the fall and that is why we brought you here. Agent V will explain the powers when you get down to the training center. Good luck Agent V.”


“You too Jayden.”

“Thank you.” I took Jayden down to the training center. I opened the doors to reveal many rows of colorful test dummies.

“Why are they so colorful?”

“They are colorful because each color is supposed to activate a certain power inside of you, The first row activates your fire, the second row: lighting, third row: ice and in the last row is the one I hate, we test to see if your skin is impenetrable. Each set of dummies can only be destroyed by the power it provokes. For instance, you can’t destroy the fire with lightning. Make sense?”

“Yeah I think so.”

“Good, now this first set of bright red ones provoke the fire. You blast it out of your hand when it feels hot. You stand with your side to the dummy and your arm across your chest like this. When you feel a great amount of heat, swing your arm around and blast the fire. Like so.” I stood with my side to the dummy and my arm across my chest waiting for the heat. It grew and grew until it felt like my hand was on a stove. Then I swung my hand and blasted it at the dummy. Disintegrating it. “The fire is the easiest one in my opinion. You should be able to do it on your first try.”

Jayden walked up to the second one in line and copied what I did. But I noticed something on his hand while he was warming up but didn’t think anything of it. He swung his arm around and completely obliterated the dummy. Making my blast look childish.

“Whoa. Let me see your hand.” I said grabbing it, but the symbol had disappeared. “Never mind. Follow me.”

I lead him to the second row of test dummies. These had a dark blue background with bright splotches of white and light blue scattered across it.

“This one provokes lightning?” Jayden asked.

“Exactly. Now for this one you stand feet shoulder width apart and hands to your sides. You will look straight at he dummy till you feel as if electricity is flowing through your brain, and then you close your eyes. When it feels like electricity is all around your brain and has reached your eyes open them and it should shoot straight out at the dummy. Watch.” I did as I described and waited for the electricity. But while I was waiting I heard Jayden gasp. I thought nothing of it because I was about to shoot. I opened my eyes and electrocuted the dummy. Leaving the dummy burned and an awful smell filled the room. “Think you can do that?” I asked Jayden.

“Um, maybe… but when you do that did you know that blue symbols appeared on your face. It looked almost like zigzag lightning. But it’s gone now.” Jayden says moving closer to get a better look at my face. “Yep all gone. Well I guess I’ll try now.” Jayden did exactly as I instructed him too and again he out did me in his blast. None of the other recruits were ever this powerful and that simple on his hand was very familiar. I couldn’t place the symbol, until it hit me. I ran over to the bookshelf with all the books about our history. I pulled out my favorite one which was also the oldest. I opened to the page of the long lost king and queen of Urdania.

“Jayden! Come here. Is this what the symbols on my face looked like?”

“Exactly like that. That’s like, an exact picture.”

“And that’s the same symbol that appeared on your hand when you did the fire shot. Come back over to this last set of dummies, I have something to show you.”

“Yes ma’am.” We walked over to the light blue dummies.

“Now in the picture, you know how their hearts were glowing? That’s because of the last power I am going to show you. We can shoot ice out of hearts. I know it sounds really dark but we just can. Now for this one, you stand the same way you did with the lightning, but this time you think of the darkest thing you can and your heart will seem to freeze. Do not freak out when this happens otherwise it will actually freeze. It feels weird the first time but you will get used to it. When it feels like your heart is completely frozen you push your chest out and pull your shoulders back and the ice should shoot straight out. Watch.” I did as I instructed and the darkest I could think of was the explosion. I am the only that can remember what happened because I caused it. It was a simple mistake but I ruined so many lives and it has created a dark pit deep inside me because of what I did. I will never be able to get over what I did. As these last words were thought I pushed out my chest and shot the ice at the dummy, it was my best one yet. What does that mean? Never mind.

“Damn.” Jayden muttered. “What were you thinking of?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” But just when I said that, my heart started glowing but very faintly under my black shirt. “Your turn.” I said to Jayden trying to hide the glow.

“Ok.” As I expected, he didn’t get it the first time

“You need to think sadder.” He almost got it the second time; snowflakes flowed out of his chest. “Almost there.” And the third time he got it. A full blast came out and froze the dummy solid. But then his heart started glowing too. Both of ours started glowing brighter and brighter as we got closer. When we were a foot away the light was so bright we couldn’t see anything. When I stumbled back I looked around. I saw Jayden and gasped. He was in the same outfit as the lost king and I was in the out fit of the lost queen. Then the memories started flowing back to me. I remembered everything. Everything about my kingdom, my planet…the explosion. But how could this be. I looked up and Jayden was looking at me and said only one thing.
“Hearst glow bright when together but dim when apart.”
And that’s when I knew what had happened. That’s when I understood.

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