Worlds Unite | Teen Ink

Worlds Unite

May 15, 2014
By GageSinger BRONZE, Saint Michael, Pennsylvania
GageSinger BRONZE, Saint Michael, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Day 1

On Sunday, since I go to school on Monday, I was doing homework. I have a study hall at school, so I got most of my homework done on Friday. It was only math homework I did not finish. I was never good at math; my best subject was always science. I always get A’s in science, but this homework is not science, it is math, so I need to spend a lot of time on it to finish it. Once I finally was done with it, I turned on the television. It was on the news channel because my father normally watches the news. Therefore, I decided to watch it for a little bit. The heading was, “War Against Powerful Country.” Then, a reporter began to speak. “Hello, this is James Robertson. I am reporting live from the White House, where the President has just declared war against China.”

I was shocked. How could we, the United States, go to war against China? Reasons flooded my mind, but the reporter began to speak again. “The President is giving no statements on his decision at this time. However, the President of China has given a statement.” The reporter said.

Then, the screen changed to a man other than the reporter. He was giving a speech, I assume in Chinese. Then, the reporter came back on the screen and began to speak. “The President of China says, ‘I am not looking for violence, however, if the issue of the United States is not addressed to the public immediately, I will use my power to bring justice.’”

Right after the reporter stopped speaking, the President came on the screen. It was unexpected. Then he began to speak, “Hello people of the United States. You may be wondering why I have declared war on one of our best allies. The reason is, the Chinese government is trying to bully us into doing something we are not willing to do. The Chinese are trying to make the government confess for something we did not do, therefore we must defend ourselves. We will use everything in our power to seize the issue. For now, we ask you to be alert, for anything could happen. Thank you.”

I wondered, “What does he mean by, ‘anything could happen’?”

The reporter came back on the screen, he was clearly unready. He looked at the camera and said, “Follow us on Facebook or Twitter, where we will have updates on this issue!” Then I turned off the television.

How could this happen? I learned about wars in the past, but why now? What did we or China do?

Day 2

Today is the day that our government told us everything. Today is also the day when every country went to war against ours, the United States.

The president addressed the country with shocking news. I watched what the President said on the bus ride to school. He addressed really early in the morning, while I was sleeping, and I really needed to know what was going on.

The Presidents speech was, “Hello fellow Americans, I am here to address the reasons why the world has gone to war with us. First off, I want to let you know that this is not a joke. For the past fifty-six years, the United States has been allied with an alien species. This species is an extraterrestrial species. Because of this, all of the countries are going to war with us, even our allies. We have been trying to convince the world’s governments that this is not an issue, but they do not believe us. Therefore, we are going to war with the countries. Not only because of them not allowing us to make allies with extraterrestrial life, but because they have killed all of our troops in other countries. This is not a joke, this will be a bloody war, be ready for anything.”

The words he just said, I could not comprehend them. They could not be truthful, it was impossible. There is no such thing as extraterrestrial life. As I was thinking that, the bus stopped. It stopped in the middle of the road. Then, I stopped. I could not feel anything, move anything, or even breathe. Then the ground began shake. That is when it happened. Things were falling out of the sky, or I should say, they were. These things came in the thousands, then came to a stop and began hovering in the air. That is when I began to breathe again. Then the bus began to run again, it felt like it had been years since I was breathing. I looked to my side and there was a girl, she was twitching severely. I asked, “Are you okay?”

She turned to me and then I could see the crimson on her face. Fragment (consider revising) The girl sitting next to her was screaming. I could hardly hear her, though I knew what she was probably screaming. Then the bus driver began to drive to the school, he was going fast. The school was only about a mile away, but he did not intend to go the right speed. Once he had got to the school, he opened the door of the bus and bolted. I never knew anyone could run like he had. Then I got off the bus then walked to the door of the school. A note was on the door, it said, “ALL STUDENTS, REPORT TO YOUR FIRST PERIOD CLASS.” This was not normal, but that Monday was not either, so I had no reason to question it. I walked into my first period class, where my science teacher was standing. He said, “Sup.”

I said, “Nothing much, just things dropped from the sky a few minutes ago, and I watched someone die.”

He said, “Yeah, I don’t even know why we have school today, but I am almost sure people’s parents are already pulling their kids off their busses.”

I said, “Yeah, probably. Too bad my father is dead from a crash and my mother can’t even live without a machine.”

He said with a face of terror, “Do you remember how your body couldn’t move before? Well, at least it happened to me. But, what actually happened was the disturbance from all of the objects entering the atmosphere caused an electrical disturbance. Since our brains use electricity, we could not do anything. The machines keeping your mother alive were probably were effected. She, she…”

I said, “Could be dead.”

He nodded. It finally struck me; people were dead and still are dying from all this. I could feel the warmth of my tears running down my face. He started to speak once again, “Look, it is a possibility. Want me to take you home, I am not staying at a school while the world is going through a war.”

I said yes, then he and I went to his car, then he began to start taking me home.

He said, “Want to know why they are here?”

I said, “Yes, why are all of them here?”

He gave me all of the news. How, when it began, why the world is in chaos currently. He said, “In the 60’s, unidentified flying objects began to start being seen. Not only here, but all over the world. So, I am guessing that is when we began our allegiance with them. Later in the 80’s, a program named S.E.T.I. began transmitting signals to other worlds. This probably allowed the United States to begin speaking to them. Now, there are thousands of them above our heads. Just before you came into my classroom, I was reading that in the 60’s the world’s leaders made a treaty called ‘The Treaty of Extraterrestrial Life’s State.’ This treaty has been held from the public, because if the governments made a treaty like this and the people knew, the people would have gone into chaos. The treaty says that if any country has an encounter with any extraterrestrial life, all of the countries must come together and come up with a plan to deal with them. The United States didn‘t follow this treaty, so now, we are in war. And, all of the extraterrestrial life forms are about to show the world a war also.”

I didn’t know what to say, how could this be happening? Once we got to my home I got out of his car, shook my head, and ran to it. I unlocked the front door, opened it, went inside and ran into my mother’s room. She was lying on her bed, pale, and still. I began to cry, and then I was screaming. “Why is this happening? Why!”

I walked out of her room, shut her door, then locked the front door once again. Then, I turned on the television. The channel was on the news channel from yesterday. It was the President and a humanoid. I immediately turned off the television. Then, I went into my room. Shortly after that, I went to sleep.

Day 3

When I woke up today, I smelt the corpse, so I took it and buried underneath the ground. Once I was finished, I looked at the sky. It was blue as normal. I began to think everything was normal. The only weird thing was that there was ash everywhere. It was just a coating, but still, it was very strange.

I went into my home, then I began to watch television. It was still on the news channel, so I watched it. A person was talking over footage saying, “The United State’s capitol has been destroyed.” The footage showed a mushroom cloud, and I assume it was over Washington D.C. Then the footage turned to a picture of the northeast part of the country with a circle over most of the states in the region.

The reporter then began to say, “On your screen right now is a map of places affected by the bomb. If you live in these areas, do not go outdoors. There could be mass amounts of radiation from fallout.”

Once I heard those words, the world stopped. I was no longer breathing. I began to think. “What if the ash outside is fallout? I just dug a hole in the ground, I could have inhaled the fallout!” Then the world resumed.

The reporter then said, “The explosion was the biggest explosion ever recorded in history. No country is claiming responsibility, but it doesn’t matter anyway. Any country would do it.”

Then, more footage came on the screen. The footage showed the flying objects destroying buildings. Then another reporter began speaking, “These videos are from countries all over the world. The objects are diminishing due to all of the methods used to destroy them. Using bombs or kinetic bombardment, all methods mostly resulted in casualties for both sides. The United States is out of the war due to our government’s downfall. But for now, the world is still at war.”

I turned off the television. Then, I went outside, took some of the ash, and ate it. I could not live in this crazy world anymore. There are aliens outside killing thousands of people, and most of my family is probably dead from all of the fall out anyway. I went into my bedroom and pursued to think about my life. After a great while, I fell asleep.

Day 4

Once I woke up, I felt a sensation I was not familiar of. My insides felt like they were rapidly being touched. In addition, I was warm. I got out of my bed and went to my living room, where I turned on the television. The television was on the news channel, like it had been. I could see the footage but nobody was speaking. The heading was “War Ended, Earth Won,” and the footage was people saddened, then it was footage of what I presume to be world leaders addressing ways to fix the damage caused from the war.

The sensation began to go to the middle of my body. I felt very sick. I went to the rest room.

Once I was done, I began to wash my hands. They were covered in blood. I tried washing it off but it wasn’t. Then I realized, most of it was coming out my hand, the hand I used to eat the ash. I dried my hand as best as I could, then went into my mother’s room. I went through her drawers and found a mirror. I looked into it to see how bad my face looked from eating the fallout. My lips were covered in ulcers, and around the ulcers were bright red skin. Also, there was blood all over my face. It was from my nose, which the blood was still oozing its way out of. I threw the mirror. I couldn’t look at my face anymore. I ran outside onto the road and just kept running.

I began to feel warm again. This time it was hotter. It felt like a fire was all over my body. I stopped and began to vomit. The vomit was red, black, and orange. I began to feel thirsty, tired, and very hot. I began running again, then I fell.
Once I fell, I felt liquids pouring out of me from all over me. Then I began to feel my body shake violently. My eyes looked straight up then they were looking in my head. I fainted. I never woke up after that.


After my death, the world was still in chaos. Radiation filled the world’s atmosphere. In the next ten years, all of life of humans on the planet was gone. My corpse still lies on the side of the road to this day, but why wouldn’t it? Humans only think about themselves, not other people, especially the humans who have power. This is probably why I am still on that road to this day.

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