Time Comes | Teen Ink

Time Comes

May 9, 2014
By 1212a23 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
1212a23 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My journey began with a loud crazy noise beside me, when all of a sudden a weird man in a bunny suit woke me up dragging me to the floor. Through a LONG explanation of the hole (more like a creator) through my wall caused by a random jet engine out of nowhere…

I was a catalyst for this object and if not sent back in time to where it came from in the past/future this tangent universe would end!!! With this “Job” I received many supernatural abilities such as controlling water and fire. Thus I spent many hours doing nothing but comprehending what has happened.

It turned out that I HAD to go and travel with the object and literally kill myself in order to save the universe. Even though no one would remember me I felt satisfied with what has happened and what will remain as my final thoughts of life.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by my extreme thoughts on theoretical sciences.

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