Power lies within | Teen Ink

Power lies within

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

The rain comes pouring down and the wind picks up speed. I throw off my hood and let the rain soak me down to the bone. I never though the rain could feel so relaxing. I face up, towards the sky, and let the rain cascade down my cheeks. I like the water, it gives me strength and I am filled with energy. Somewhere in the distance I can hear the thunder rumbling. Just like the thoughts in my head, my whole world is crumbling down.
So many thoughts are going around, it is impossible to keep them all in check. I feel like sleeping, and wish this were all a dream and I will wake up and all my problems fade away as if they never existed. Though I know that could never happen. This is my reality, this is who I am, and I simply have to take the burden. When I moved here I knew it could never last, I would have to leave, just like always. Though I know this is true, a small part of me is still objecting, the small part which keeps me alive, my heart. It feels like it is breaking, shattering into a million pieces.
I sit down on a rock and look out over the water. The waves come rolling in on the beach coming further and further up. I can feel the waves getting stronger. I know it is because of me. Lately I cannot control my emotional powers, whatever mood, or whatever emotion I feel, the water senses it too. It senses me, just as I can sense it. I can sense the power of the mighty element. I wish I could jump in and wash away all my fears, worries and anger. I lean against a rock and let myself recall the last time I saw Brad.
Earlier this morning Brad and I were out on a nice walk down the beach in Malibu. The sun was shining and everything was perfect. Brad and I had been going out for two years and he had just given me a beautiful necklace as an anniversary present. We walked hand in hand down towards the water and I felt better than ever. The water looked peaceful, I heard it humming, I felt the warm breeze, the water had been calling me out. While I had been lost in my thoughts, we had ran into Cassidy, Brads’ ex-girlfriend. She was pretty; her black curls hung down her back, her big brown eyes radiated with beauty. However her personality was not as pretty as her looks. She was mean to people who were different, the fat ones, the lonely ones, and the “freaks” as she called them. People like me. She would never take a second look at me, only Brad. My shoulder length blond hair could never compete to those beautiful curls. And my sea blue eyes were nothing compared to her brown eyes that radiated such beauty. Cassidy looked at me like I was some infected animal. We lock eyes for a split second, before I look down. She made me feel clumsy and uncomfortable. She had decided that was a good gesture and she was done with me. She moved on to Brad.
“So Brad, how is your new life? Don’t you miss your old friends?” She glanced over at me with an evil eye.
“Nope, I’m great. How about you? How’s your little minions?”
I could tell Cassidy did not like that comment, for a second I felt her unease, but it disappeared just as fast as it came.
“I’ll see you around.” She flashed a beautiful smile and winked at Brad, then looked straight past me.
On her way past us, she decided to push me from behind. I fell flat on my stomach. I had had enough of her cruelness. I had been scared of her for too long; that had to stop. I directed my energy towards the sea and summoned a 10 feet tall wave. The wave was high above me, waiting for a command. I raised my arms and thrust them towards Cassidy. The wave sped past everyone in the way and slammed right into Cassidy. Once she got over the shock, she looked at me with such fear and confusion, I even felts sorry for her. I realized what I had done too late. I toke one last look at Brad, then dove straight into the water and did not take a breath until I reached the beach outside my house. I walked out of the water and straight in to my house.
Sprinting footsteps bring me back to the present. I turn around and almost fall of the. Behind me standing with open arms is no other but Brad. I feel so happy and confused I run straight into his arms. I feel so at peace in his arms, it takes all my will power to pull away from his warm embrace.
“Why are you here?”
“Because you’re here.”
“You shouldn’t have come.”
“I need answers Sky, please”
I give in, his green eyes; holding such confusion, lock on me, trying to insuring me he is not bailing on me now. I feel so guilty I just want to kiss him, but I start explaining instead.
I tell him how I was born with a power to control water. Water is my element, I can sense it, feel it, it is a part of me. The water acts on my emotions. As I say this I realize the rain had stopped and the sea is calm. My powers are strongest in the water, but I can control it even if I am not in it.
“I’m also immortal….” I wait for a response, nothing. “You probably want to get as far away from me as possible.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I love you Sky. We will go together, over the waters of time.”

The author's comments:
"I had been scared of her for too long; that had to stop."

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on Apr. 7 2014 at 2:59 pm
TrixLovegood PLATINUM, Lisboa, Other
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Favorite Quote:
“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
― Cicero

I love it! It's wonderful Alicia! Keep writing!! ;)