Cursed | Teen Ink


March 18, 2014
By SAwork BRONZE, Chennai, TN, Other
SAwork BRONZE, Chennai, TN, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A life without adventure is a life not lived at all" - Hellen Keller

Maledictus (Latin; cursed), is where all the horrors begin. It is a place where not a spark of light can be seen for more than a thousand miles, where sirens pierced the silence of the night and nothing but thistles grew, it was like a veil of darkness had covered us, our village wasn't always like this it was green as far as your eyes could wander, meadows, pasture, cattle.... now death walks this accursed village. It is because its people shared a common history, all their souls were stained with the blood of innocent's, not even a lake of acid could wash the sins away, and this is how our curse begin. When a group of vagrants came in seek of refuge they never had names nor did one know where they came from. The new comers were rather strange people, mostly seen inside the cemetery; it was like they almost lived there. A few days passed since they arrived, villagers started dying one, by one, each in a different brutal method. A decision was to be made amongst the villagers as to who should be appointed to solve the mystery. Every name in the village, was to be written on bits of paper and then cast into the flames, whomsoevers name was written (whether old or young, man, woman or child) on the last paper to turn to ash would be chosen. It so happened, a child was chosen no more than 8 years of age, she couldn’t refuse nor could one take her place, for if that happened it would be said that she were misfit for life and would be cast into the very flame her name was taken from. The very same night, roundabout the same time other murders took place, the village was awoken by the screams of the girl, not a soul dared to go out and help her. When the sun rose the next morning all that was left was a torn in half body and blood poured all over the village as if it were a sacrifice. For years to pass people continued to die in vain. Then came my turn, I hoped I would die a painless death but it seamed to be unreachable dream. That night I set of to the cemetery cause I believed it was the name less that were behind this series of murders, for hours i sat watching in the graveyard, it almost felt like i was dead, suddenly white ghostly figures started to appear from the dark, they started to dig out the graves, it was to dark, I could hardly tell what they where doing, but it seamed like they were eating the bodies, so i waited till they left, then I went to check, most of the bodies had been mutilated not eaten only the hearts were missing from all the corpses, then I heard a noise coming from the tall grasses behind me, I looked within it there lay a trail of beating hearts it was as if I was supposed to follow it and that’s just what I did, as I walked I kept counting there were more hearts than corpses that lay in the graves, I kept on going till it reached a huge dark cave decorated with human parts. The skins where used like wallpaper, skulls to light the way, blood covered the floor like a carpet, the bones and organs as decorations, I was scared, I could barely breathe, I heart my heart pounding in my own ears, my eyes so dry I felt like they would rip apart, but all I had were two options die with trying or die without, so I picked up all the courage I had left and walked on for hours and hours the cave seamed endless, just when all hope was lost, I heard a faint sound much like that of a person singing, so I kept going on as I got closer the sound got louder, I reached the end of the tunnel there sat a lady singing to her dead child, she was the mayors wife who was supposed to have died years ago, yet alive right before me. I took her with me and head of to the mayor’s house. The mayor wasn’t there at that time so I waited till he returned. When he arrived he wasn’t happy at the sight of his wife and he feared as to how much I knew, so he insisted I stayed for the night, I accepted as it was late and since I didn’t have a home to go back to. A maid led me to my room, Just when she was about to leave she hid a pistol under my pillow and told me I shouldn’t have brought his wife home and I was next, before I could ask anything she had vanished .I tried to stay awake that night but my body to weak I fell asleep. When I awoke next morning I heard the sound of someone crying coming from the next room, I went to check it was the mayor lamenting the death of his wife lying besides her, I asked him as too what had happened he confessed to have killed her and that the other murders had been done by our own people, the little girl who was put on watch years ago was killed by her own father, the villagers used the opportunity of the of the coming of the vagrants to kill people they hated or were jealous of so there would be someone to take blame. After he had finished confessing he took the pistol I had hidden behind me put it into his mouth and pulled the trigger. His last wishes were that he and his wife and child were burnt and ashes scattered into the ocean so that his remains went far away from this land. I didn’t think he deserved it so I left his body just lying there and walked away as though nothing had happened, left the village and never turned back. Even till date his body still lies there next to that of his wife Unburied just like what he had done to all those people.

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