Before Dawn | Teen Ink

Before Dawn

March 4, 2014
By Grantz BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
Grantz BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are two sides to every hero. The side people recognize and praise, and the side they ignore.

“Before dawn is when the darkness creeps.
Before dawn is when the wicked creatures feast.
Before dawn the darkness is complete.”
-Benjamin Mercy

The rain spattered against the now mud covered ground in the dark night. Thunder rolled loudly across the storm clouds high above the forest treeline. No lighting split across the sky alongside the thunder. There was never any lightning in these parts.

The shapes darted across the muddy forest ground. They were barely visible against the blackness of the night. The pack leader sniffed the night air. It paused, growled, and then began to run again.

“We are very close,soon we will be upon him.” rasped the pack leader in a low voice.

The pack leader howled towards the treetops. The boy began to run as fast as he could. His bare feet smacked against the mud hard. He could hear the pack close behind, he could hear them gaining speed.

Then, the boy slipped, his feet fell from under him. He hit the ground hard. As his face became caked with wet mud he could hear the pack leader approaching.

“Why struggle? You know there is no escape.”
The pack leader opened his mouth, his black teeth somehow gleamed in the darkness. He positioned his fangs around the boy’s neck. Just as he was about to bite something whirred through the air.

A spear burrowed itself into the pack leader’s neck. A moment of surprise crossed the pack leader’s mind, then he was hurling through the air. Only then did the it notice the chain attached the spear’s handle. The pack leader landed suddenly with a thud on the ground.

It struggled to lift his gaze. Finally managing he saw a man come into view. It was a tall muscular man wearing a raincoat. The man then raised a pistol to the pack leader’s eye and pulled the trigger. The weapon made little light in the dark forest.

The boy stood and stared at the man eyes wide.

“Caught you just in time didn’t I?” The man said to the dead figure as he removed the chained spear from the body. The the man fixed the spear back into a launcher like contraption.


“Yes sir?” Said another raincoat clad man emerging from the shadows.

“Get four riflemen up here, I want them to take this boy back to camp."

“Right away sir.” Faint motioned a signal with his hand and four men holding rifles came forward. Faint spoke with them briefly, the men then saluted and led the boy back behind Raygier.

“Any word from Crest?”

“Yes, scouts just recently reported that she spotted a husk patrol.”

“Very good. Now onto the next order of business. I think I am going in alone tonight.”

“Are you sure sir? Your leg hasn’t completely healed and-”

“Yes Faint I think my leg will be able to take it now.”

“I’m not one to question you sir’s just that...”

“Don’t worry, I’ll return to camp in the morning. Oh and no need to call me sir, you know that.”

“Of course sir it’s just that the soldiers-”

“The soldiers will know sooner or later.”

“Very well, good hunting Raygier.”

“Same to you Faint, oh and take this.” Raygier commented handing Faint the spear launching contraption.

With that the two men went their separate ways rain streaming down their raincoats. Raygier walked on as the thunder rolled overhead. As the thunder came a second time Raygier removed his raincoat and drew his sword from the sheath at his side.

Raygier held his sword in his left hand and his pistol in his right. Dark shapes began stirring around him.

“What’s this?”growled a voice.

“An armed man in our forest? He must be seeking revenge” said another.

“How admirable.” stated a third mockingly.

“I have come only to smite the wicked.” Raygier stated evenly.

“You think you can kill us?” came the first voice.

“I know I can.” answered Raygier as he steadied his aim and fired.

A growl of pain sounded out.

“Fetch me his head!”commanded the first voice.

Then black wolf like shapes came from all directions. Raygier plunged the blade of his sword into the nearest creature. One of the creatures jumped for Raygier only to be met by bullets.

Raygier pulled his sword from the carcass of the first creature and swung it through the head of a third. Two of the creatures came for Raygier’s left side but he anticipated the move. He quickly turned and swiped his sword across the chest of the first. Then, as the second lunged for Raygier’s side Raygier dropped his pistol and grabbed it’s neck.

Raygier then threw the body into that of five more. After the five recovered He was upon them sword in hand. He launched a relentless barrage of strikes. The strikes tore head and limb from body. Sounds of pain rang through the dark rainy night.

“You have courage I will give you that man.” said the first voice from the shadows.

“And you have been bested you, wicked creature.” replied Raygier

“Who do you think you are?”
“I know who I am, and I will be your reckoning.”
“Your courage will be your downfall.”

“Says the defeated. You may live to tell the rest of your filth this: Your time is near it’s end.”

“We will see about that.”

With that the wolf like figure ran off into the night. Raygier smiled to himself. Then he set to work removing the teeth from the dead creatures.

“Before dawn is when the darkness creeps. Before dawn is when the wicked creatures feast. Before dawn the darkness is complete. Before dawn the wicked run and never miss a beat. Before dawn we used to meet, after we had cut the wheat.
Before dawn she used to say, I should let the children laugh and play. Before dawn is when you wicked creatures took them away. Before dawn...before dawn.”

The author's comments:
Before Dawn is an excerpt from my work in progress story "The War Unseen". This excerpt was inspired by a short piece/poem I wrote and goes by the same title. Please note that Benjamin Mercy is a fictional name within the story world, any relation to an actual person is purely coincidental.

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