I see fire | Teen Ink

I see fire

February 28, 2014
By Kairotechnics BRONZE, Renton, Washington
Kairotechnics BRONZE, Renton, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I saw fire in the eyes of the monster. It created a sensation of confusion inside me. I’d known this giant for years, but now it was betraying my trust. To be exact I have lived with these giants for 3 years. I know them well enough to have called them part of my family. But apparently I didn’t know everything I thought I did.
One day I was walking along the forest trail with Kat, the woman giant. She and I were very close and we loved to walk along and converse. When I first came to this land, we took walks and I would point to things I had never seen before and Kat would tell me what it was, just like a child with his mother. On this particular day there was no sunlight, but it wasn’t entirely bad weather, just cloudy. We were talking about Jake-the other giant I was living with-Kats Husband.
When we got to the end of the trail, we heard some loud noises coming from behind us. We looked back to find trees falling. I was frightened and Kat was too so she picked me up gently and held me defensively. It turned out that it was just Jake so we settled down a little bit. But by the time Jake got to us, I could see his eyes clearly. They weren’t friendly. This is when my fear returned.
Jake started yelling at Kat. I couldn’t understand what in the world he was talking about because my mind was filled with thoughts of confusion, my inner peace which had allowed me to think clearly had been disturbed too greatly. I had known Jake the giant as one of the nicest beings ever and now it had come to this. It turns out that Kat had apparently messed up the traps in near the house and all of the potential food had gotten away. This fact baffles me even more because it doesn’t seem like too big of a deal, but apparently to Jake, it was. In the event which seemed to last for hours, yet in reality was seconds, Jake was so angry that Kat started to cry. I started to shiver in fear, especially because of my size. I wouldn’t fare well in a fight between giants.
All of a sudden Jake moved closer and gave a great shove. Kat and I started falling down backwards and time seemed to stop completely. Did he really just do that, I thought. Jake wouldn’t, but he did. He really did, I’m living it right now. How is this possible?
How did I end up in this situation in the first place? Well I was in the human world in 1998, I believe and I was on my way to becoming a high school graduate. I ended up going to a party, which was not at all like the parties I was used to. Anyhow, I decided that I should leave and on my way out, I found a bright blue glowing pool of liquid next to my car. I kneeled down to get a closer look at it when someone ran by and either accidentally brushed me or intentionally pushed me into the strange liquid.
When I fell into it, I immediately felt a stinging pain all over my body. I thought it might have been some sort of acid, but that was definitely not the case. After the pain, my inner ear was definitely not liking the sensation of the gravity shifting from up to down and back to up. I seemed to toss between two worlds until I ended up settling in this mystical land.
It was extremely quiet compared the rave music I had just come from. I felt like I was taking a hike in the forest with birds chirping and trees cracking. Dazed, I began to pick myself up and walked towards a small pond I could see nearby. Then, when it hit me that I was in a completely different world, I ran back to the spot where I had appeared and looked for any signs of the liquid or something that might allow me to return. I found nothing.
For the first day I was there, I did absolutely nothing except try to comprehend where I could be. The next few days, my survival skills kicked in and I started to build myself a home base and I managed to make a few traps for catching animals. After what I think was about two weeks here, I was surprised by an extremely loud noise coming from across the nearby lake. When I looked over there, treetops were disappearing, which definitely matched the sounds.
Finally, I could see what was causing the commotion. It was humanoid in shape, but much much larger than a human. He came close and stopped suddenly when he saw me. He looked just as afraid as I was. Apparently he’d never seen the likes of me before. After we both got over the awkward staring, we greeted each other and found that we could easily understand one another. Long story short, he introduced himself as Jake, I explained my situation and offered to shelter me for as long as I needed.
THUD. We hit the ground hard. My back felt as if it had been stabbed by a knife. My arm was twisted in a direction that it should never have gone and the rest of my body was aching. Kat didn’t seem to be feeling much better than I was considering she landed on a fallen tree. Jake looked at us with sorrow in his eyes knowing what he did. He walked away solemnly. Kat and I began to get back up from our fall. To me it was more than just a normal fall though as you can imagine because I was in the arms of a giant. We looked at each other and both felt extremely shaken. I couldn’t speak and I’m pretty sure that Kat couldn’t either. Her husband had just shoved her to the ground.
We were in shock, but we knew that this was no good. Kat then told me that before I came Jake had abused her before and so the next day, we fled far, far away. As we were fleeing, I suddenly found myself lying down on a very soft surface, eyes closed. I tried to move, but my body would not cooperate. I opened my eyes ever so slowly. Light poured into my eyes like the floodgates to heaven had just been opened. When they finally adjusted, all I could see was white and some blurry brown figures. Just as my vision was fuzzy so was my hearing. I could hear faint voices as if they were speaking to me through a long tube, my body still unable to move.

“Hey, Karl. Can you hear me?” said a faint voice.
“Kinda,” I replied.
“This is Janna, your sister” said the voice. I looked around in confusion with my still blurred vision.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“You are in Saint Christopher’s Hospital,” She said, “You have just woken up from being in a coma for three years”

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