A Pencil | Teen Ink

A Pencil

January 16, 2014
By mathjack BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
mathjack BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Here we have a story of a pencil. His number is 1454986740, but we'll call him Ten for short. Ten was like all the other pencils a tree. Next thing he kenw he was being chopped down being hauled away to a strange place. "Where am I?" moaned the young tree.
"They're 'Humans'," croked a old tree "and this is a 'Factory'" creaked the old oak. the oak was losing his leaves and was turning brown. "I've seen many of our kind cut and shaved us turn us into 'Pencils'." When Ten was done looking around the oak was gone! A human grabbed the oak and was taking him away! The old oak whispered 'Good-bye'.
When Ten woke from his slumber he was in a strange clear contaner, surrounded by other 'Pencils'! 'this can't be happening!' thought Ten 'I must be dreaming!' so he went back to sleep but when he awoke again he was in a strange place full of faces. He was in a school! All he could do is just sit there in horror. The childs hand was warm and sweaty like on a foggy day in the valley where he originated from. Maybe he could get used to being a Pencil, MAYBE.
After the day was done Ten went home with the boy, and guess who he found at the house? It was the old oak! "Hey, little fella! You made it through the shaver!" said the oak. "Also I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Oakrig and u are?" questioned Oakrig. "I'm... I don't know who I am." squeaked Ten. "Well what is your product number?" Oakrig asked. "My number is 1454986740." replied Ten. "Well I guess I'll call you 'Ten' for short."stated Oakrig. "Thanks for the name Oakrig!" he said with a smile. "What is this place, Oakrig?" 'Not again!' thought Ten. when he looked around he found the oak being handed by the boy doing homework. All was going well until one day, let me tell you about it.
The day started like any day the boy packed his backpack for school, ate his breakfast, took a shower, and finaly brushed his teeth and was ready to go to school. In the middle of seventh period( the boy is in middle school) there was a loud 'SNAP' when Ten looked at Oakrig he was snapped into two pieces. All Ten could do is sit and stare in horror as his life long friend was just thrown away, like common trash.
Not even a year later the same thing happened again only to our friend Ten and he, also was thrown away like trash. Ten years later something began to grow in a park. It was Ten! He was growing as a new tree!
This was a story of 'The circle of life'- lion king
To continued in my next story 'Afterstory of a Pencil'

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