W.I.P | Teen Ink


December 11, 2013
By Unusualkat423 BRONZE, Lake Lure, North Carolina
Unusualkat423 BRONZE, Lake Lure, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t turn out – take another shot.

I wake to blood. Blood everywhere. My ankles and wrists are bloody raw, as they are bound to a metal table. A sharp pain stings my temple, I try to remember what the hell happened to me. Why am I here?
No! This can't be! Why me?! What did I do this time to deserve hell? I feel lightheaded, as if I'm going to pass out.
Footsteps echo in a hallway, followed by faint whispers. I calm down just as I hear the sound of a door opening, assuming the door to my 'cell'. A wave of panic washes over me as a silent whimper escapes my lips. All I see is black.
"It's nice to see that you have awaken, miss Prisce. We've been expecting you." A deep gravely voice claims.

"What is going on here? What's happening to me?!" My voice, dry and cracked. "Why can't I see anything? Most importantly, why the hell am I here?!"

"We have temporarily blinded you, it should start wearing off soon. As for the 'binding', well that's for your own good."
My vision slowly returns, although things are still ablur. I come to see a young man with, might I add, unusual features. His eyes, a gold being drained of it's fears. As for his hair, black as night. A pair of glasses lay in perfectly on the bridge of his nose. The man picks up what looks like a shimmering feather, but lays it back down as he notices me observing the queer object.
"We have brought you here today to let you in in a little secret. An important piece of information your so called parents forgot to inform you of. They were really quite stupid not to tell you earlier....and it looks like they never will get to tell you. We regret to inform you that your parents were murdered this evening. We are investigating this situation as we speak, but enough about them, let's talk about your predicament." The strange man shifts his position and slowly paces the room. He stops beside my table and picks up a little booklet off of a stainless steal nightstand. "This right here is your ticket out of here, or should I say your ticket to school. This ticket will take you out of the country to our institute in Greece. You will be safe there, now that you are our responsibility. I assume you have no other guardians left. They are all dead, am I correct?"

Beads of sweat form on my upper lip, I nod my head. My parents are dead. Dead. Gone. Forever. What is going on?! What does he mean you'll be safe there? Wasn't I always safe? How does he know my relatives are dead? "Wha- What do you mean? Why am I unsafe? I still don't understand why I am here! How did you know my parents are dead? I wouldn't mind if you explained yourself a bit, I mean I'm tied to a freakin' table! I'm not a science experiment here!!" My voice is filled with rage.

The man crosses the room and picks up an odd item, a crown. A crown made up of, what seems to be, silver twigs and thorns. He places the crown on his head and speaks, "Darling, this is a dangerous situation. There is no easy way to put this. Okay let's see, there are children born to, er, un-human beings: witches, wizards, trolls, goblins, fairies, ect. You may think I'm a loony, but you might want to pay attention. It is rare to find a child born to two different species. Although I come across many Mysts, you are very different. Your mother, a very intelligent fairy, a little-miss-know-it-all if I say so myself, had the guts to marry your father. Your father was a caster, a sub category of wizards. He knew nothing until your mother helped him find his way. These kinds of things don't happen, in fact they are illegal. That is why they left the institute and went into hiding. Gosh, okay, sweety. Miss prisce.... You... Your a Mystic.

The author's comments:
WOAHHHHHHHH! I uh wrote a chapter to a book.... I have no clue what to name it yet, but hey! It's coming along perty good, am I right? No? Okay... Well tell me whatcha think! Should I continue? is something I wrote for English class c:

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