I Can See | Teen Ink

I Can See

September 1, 2013
By Monologue BRONZE, McLean, Virginia
Monologue BRONZE, McLean, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I see things.

I can see things normal people can’t.

“Esther!” The girl beside me turns around and pouts.

I suddenly realize she is talking to me. The girl looks familiar from school, but I can’t remember her name. I observe the girl with the corner of my eyes. Watching her sigh, and keeps on talking excitingly to me as if she doesn’t care about my reaction. Her long wavy hair sways gracefully when she walks, the dark hair has strong comparison with her unusually pale skin and light grey eyes, making her look strange in a way I can’t quite explain.

“Who are you?”

I slow to a stop, but the girl keeps on pacing forward. I find the words coming out of my mouth by itself without permission by my brain, also using a cold tone I have never heard before.

The girl looks over her shoulders and rolls her eyes,”Come on. Don’t tell me you don’t know me.”

“Who are you?!” I raise my voice so high that I thought I was going mute the next second. My heart pounds faster, pumping all the blood up to my head, making my finger tips ice cold.

The girl turns around and faces me. Her smile fades, her eyes freezes to a point that gives me chills. Even from the distance, I could still see her stiff expression and muscles tightening. My eyes widened, I uncontrollably step back a few steps. I finally know what seems abnormal about this girl.

She is lifeless.

My legs are shaking so hard they almost couldn’t hold steady my body, but the voice in my head screams at me until my ears are ringing. My body decides to do what the voice says and immediately escape from the black fog gathering around me. Running as fast as I could, not even noticing where I am or where did my school bag go. When I slowed down, I suddenly realize I have been running in circles, but the girl was no where to be found. The streets that were filled with people minutes ago are now empty. I hear my heart clamoring with fear, striking my eardrums harder each time, I wonder if it even echoes on the street. I feel the muscles on my arms and legs harden, screams almost were set loose from my vocal cords. I twist my neck so I can see what is behind me, sweating like I was just out of a sauna each inch I look back.

“Don’t leave me.” The girl, or should I say, the monster says softly.

I couldn’t help myself and let out a long cry. The body of the monster couldn’t be seen, only the head was floating in the air, looking straight into my eyes, so close that I could see the blood tears rolling down her cheek, bringing down pieces of skin and muscle. Her hair grew wildly, just like a live creature, quickly surrounding me until I was sure the chance of killing myself was larger than escaping.

The blood kept on flowing, until the face was nothing more than muscle, tissue, and bone; until the thick red stained on my clothes and hands, covering my shoes and the sidewalk; until I couldn’t make another sound from my throat. Her eyes kept staring into mine, repeating the sentence again and again.

“Don’t leave me.”

I almost thought I went crazy when I burst out laughing silently in front of this formidable monster. I could clearly see the madness in my eyes reflecting from her lifeless pupils. Where else can I go anyway?

The monster’s hair suddenly sharpened, a thick strand of it easily makes a smooth hole through my heart. It is still slowly beating when the strand of hair starts to greedily suck my blood. Pain was the only thing I could feel. I stop my silent laughing, and helplessly breathe in all the oxygen I could. My arms and legs went numb, I could hear my blood being sucked out of my veins, as if life had been pulled out of me. The body falls to the floor, eyes and mouth wide open. The tips of the dark hair turns red, and covers up the lifeless body. When they moved away, the body was gone, the hair rumbles as if it is chewing and digesting the body.

“Esther, what are you doing?” Someone calls to me.

I was startled.

“Did you lose something?” The girl walks towards me.

I start trembling when the voice comes nearer. I look down to my clean hands and clothes, flipping back and forth, trying to find a spec of red. The blood everywhere disappeared; people and cars fills the streets again. Everyone busily walks by not noticing what happened. The girl with long wavy hair and almost colorless eyes kept on walking towards me, looking normal like any other human being. I cover my face with both of my hands.

“Esther? Are you okay?” She comes close and pushes my hands away, my hands tremble harder. Her hands are warm and soft.

“Sorry, I’m just a little dizzy.” My facial expressions and voice finally functions normally again, I give her a smile and quickly walking forward as if to leave the nightmare behind, too afraid to look back. If I did, I would notice the faint humming of an unknown tune, and the girl smiling and licking her lips with satisfaction.

I see things.

The cold knife reflects me as a blur. Boiling tears roll down my cheeks as I hold the knife under my chin, miraculously feeling peaceful inside.

I can see things others can’t.

I don’t want to see them.

I hate this ability.

I am so lonely.

I live in fear.

I want to die.

“I must be crazy.” I whisper to myself.

The blade glares as it slashes across my throat.


The author's comments:
It is just a piece from crazy imaginary. No promise of logic or meaning. Thank you so much for reading it!

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