War Torn | Teen Ink

War Torn

June 10, 2013
By Worane12 BRONZE, Seymour, Missouri
Worane12 BRONZE, Seymour, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
freedom doesn't come free.

The year is 2552; man is fighting for its very survival on the half ice, half fire planet Neckron, where the only way to survive the intense temperatures is to wear specially made armor created for the specific climate of both sides of Neckron. Man is at war with an alien race known as Yeti’s and Blaze’s the names give away which side of the planet they’re on. This story is about two of the millions of the young soldiers taken from birth to fight the deadly creatures.

Warren awoke
“Ahh my head, what happened?” said Warren
“A Yeti got you pretty good along the side of your head you’re going to be alright Warren, just try to get some rest,” Said Shane
“Alright but I’m going to walk around for a while if that’s okay?” said Warren.
“No problem,” said Shane. Warren quickly got up and looked for a mirror of some sort because even though Shane was his best friend the last guy he told that to only had half his chest. As Warren searched for a mirror he stumbled out into the hallway and noticed he was in block C, the emergency room.
Thinking his injuries were much worse than previously expected he frantically looked for a nurse saw one four feet away and asked, “Are there any nearby restrooms? I think I’m missing half my body, more precise my head.”
The nurse replied, “Okay I understand.”
She then turned looked at a tall man wearing white scrubs and said, “Another one of those psycho patients of yours is out.”
Warren clearly saw the workers I.D. card flash a brilliant blue from the overhead lights and could tell he was a psychiatrist “I think I can find the restroom on my own,” said Warren and as he turned to run a large man was behind him and before he got a good look at him he cried out, “Please I’m not crazy I just wanted to make sure I’m still all in one piece.”
The large man laughed and as Warren looked up he could clearly see General Hughes standing in all his glory. Warren jumped up and gave him a crisp salute.
General Hughes then said, “We need you and your platoon, in Block A, Stat!”
“Sir, yes sir, but isn’t that the barracks?” said Warren
“Yes Sargent, is there a problem?” said General Hughes.
Warren replied with a bit of hesitation “Uhh, No Sir, but given my current cond…”
“That’s enough chit chat. The enemy is advancing and we need you down there serving your country and protecting her people, is that clear Sgt.!” yelled General Hughes.
“Sir Yes Sir!” and although Warren was hesitant after only being out of bed for a couple of minutes he quickly gathered his team together and headed for Block A.
“Where are we heading?” asked his platoon.
“We are going to fight. I thought that was obvious considering we’re readying up,” said Warren.
“Well, we want to know where,” asked Shane
“Just up over the hill about three clicks out,” said Warren
“They’re already that close?’’ asked Shane
“They’re closer by now and if we keep chip chatting, they’re going to get even closer! So from here on out we’re going quiet.”
“Sir Yes Sir,” replied his platoon. His team then jumped on a Stealth tank and headed on towards the enemy, and as they rode the unmanned vehicle, Warren took a deep breath, because he somehow knew that it would be his last, and as he dwelled on that thought another emerged
“I’m going to fight for what I know is right, I’m going to fight for my country and her people just like the General said to do, and if that requires my life then so be it!”
As they approached the battle field they checked their guns. All of them were ready for the oncoming fight or so they thought. Warren and his platoon jumped off the stealth tank and punched a few buttons sending it to the far side of hill. As they approached the hill, Warren pointed to the far side of the eastern half of the hill Warren immediately yelled
“Take cover!” but as just as Shane was about to take cover a round rung off from behind them and a fifty caliber sniper round pierced his lung Warren quickly ran to Shane fired a round hit the sniper and bent down beside of Shane.
“I was the one that was supposed to get shot not you,” Said Warren
“It’s okay… hey remember when we were kids and we would always give each other or words of honor?” asked Shane.
“Yes, but what does that have to do with you?” asked Warren.
“When we were kids, on your birthday, I promised you that if push came to shove that I would be the one to fall, do you remember that?” asked Shane.
“Don’t you say that, don’t you ever say that, you will make it out of here alive you hear me!”
“No Warren I gave you my word and Quatrells never go back on their words.” Then a thought entered Warrens mind
“He died doing what he believed what’s right, he died knowing that he served his country and her people, and I will do the same.”
Just then Warren turned around only to see his worst nightmare his platoon all falling one, by one, by one.
“I’m going to be with you guys pretty soon, whether there at the gates of heaven, or in the depths of hell, I know now that it would be for the best. See you on the side.” Warren must have killed two dozen Yetis’ and Three Dozen Blaze’s before the Yeti’s started to retreat, with the Blazes following behind them. For his heroic actions Warren received the Medal of Honor, and for his head wound the Purple Heart, but in truth Warren didn’t care about any Medal because no medal could fill the void in his heart, that his platoon took when they left for the pearly gates.

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