zombie vacation | Teen Ink

zombie vacation

May 16, 2013
By benny12345 BRONZE, Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania
benny12345 BRONZE, Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zombie Vacation

There once was a man in the forest named Jim on a vacation with his wife named Jill. On the first day everything was fine. They got off of their plane and got their gear and got started on their hike in the woods Jill said, “I am nervous we are going into the wilderness with all of these wild animals and we could get lost.” The next morning they continued everything was great until later in the afternoon they came upon a pack of wolves. Jill said, “What did I tell you we are going to die in the woods and nobody is going to find us.” They walked for about an hour they got a fire started and camped for the night.
On the last day of the hike they came to a beach and didn’t remember how to get back. So Jim decided they were going to try to stay at the beach and try to build a raft to get back to civilization. During the building the wolves returned. But this time they were prepared they had spears to protect themselves Jill began to cry and asked, “What should we do there is so many of them we can’t fight them all off”. They thought that if they built a fire the wolves might stay away. They were correct the wolves returned and they turned back Jill began to stop crying and stated, “it is a miracle that the wolves have not eaten us yet”. They were working on the raft and just when they finished a helicopter saw them but ignored them so they continued on the raft. When they were done with the raft they began to hunt so they could have food for the trip. They killed two squirrels a rabbit and one wolf.

That night they began to skin the animals Jill said, “I hope we don’t get sick from these
animals.” Jim said “we won’t if the meat is cooked well.” So they cooked the meat and ate the small animals. Jim said, “We better save this wolf for on the raft or we will go hungry.” The next day they put the raft in the water and it floated well so they loaded the raft with food and water and began their trip. They did not talk much during the trip back scared for their lives. Jim said, “We must be getting close. Jill agreed. Then only after about three days they landed on a populated beach Jill again started to cry with tears of joy and said, “I cannot believe that we made it this far.”
When they got onto the beach with the little cash they had got into a cab to the airport. At the airport Jim got airplane tickets and they got something to eat with his credit card. While they ate they talked about their crazy trip. Jill was upset because she did not know if their family and friends were worried. So they borrowed somebody’s cell phone and called her parents Jill said, “We are ok but they wouldn’t be back for a while”. When they were done it was about time for them to get on their plane but they still had two hours so they began to explore. When they got near a shop and jill said, “We need to get some new clothes for the trip home. Jim agreed and said, “Yes we do these ones are ruined” .So they went in to get clothes. When they were done Jill said, “we should get back to the airport.” When they got on the plane they slept the whole way back. When they got home they stayed at home for two days before they went to see their family. When they saw their family her mom said, “ that she thought they were gone.” When they told their family and friends about the unbelievable trip they were speechless. They returned home only to see more friends.

After they were done talking they went to bed and the next day began their normal lives again. Jill went to work at McDonalds and Jim went to work at the hospital. All of the workers there had something to say. They came home and Jim again to think he needed to take his wife on another trip since the first one did not go to well. They planned to go on another trip to Paris to see all of the statues. This time they got a guide to go to go with them so they do not get lost in the city. On this trip they got a very fancy hotel and planned on staying for two weeks. When Jim told his wife she was so happy she almost began to cry. They packed their bags and told their family her mom said, “Please don’t get lost this time.” and got on their plane. When they got to Paris they went to their hotel and the guide greeted them at the door his name was peter. They explored the city for three days when they mysteriously disappeared and were never found. Their family got the news and soon her mom killed herself. The whole family went to Paris to see if they could do anything to find them. They had all search teams trying to find them but they didn’t. They got back home and there was a phone call. It was from Paris they said that they had been found but had been murdered. The family had three funerals in one week. Jim and Jill were buried by each other. And her mother was buried not to far away from them. Over the next five years the rest of the family has mysteriously disappeared and have never been found. But then two years later the whole family came back as zombies. At this time the whole family is spread all over the world so slowly they are reproducing and taking over the world. Ten years later the whole zombie family has reproduced into 300,000 zombies. As soon as they start to make threats the whole world is at war against zombies. The military try to reduce the problem but it will be a very long process and they could all take over before they are eliminated. All of the military’s agree on a plan and take all of the zombies within a matter of three years.

Now the world is amazed that the zombies had been taken out but all of the zombies started with such a weird story. After this happened the whole city of Paris has to be rebuilt and the city for the most part has been rebuilt. The zombies are at a controlled level now but they are still there. They have put up traps for them when they are in there they are studied then killed. The zombies are trying to make it to other countries but if they do they will probably be killed and if they don’t they will have to go through the same process all over again. But now the zombie virus is being spread and if it gets too far it can’t be controlled. This is being spread through water and touching an infected area. Scientists are working on a way to kill off the virus but it will be complicated because the zombies cannot be touched without getting the virus. What they are doing now is getting the blood samples and seeing what their options are to make a preventive shot. The scientists think that the shots made will work but it cannot be tested because the vaccine could turn people into zombies.
After they heard about this all of the cytologists met in Moscow Russia to talk about the vaccines and their options. They decided to develop a new vaccine that would kill all of the zombies. This vaccine would take them probably two or three years to develop. This is their only option though during these two years all of the armed forces will have to control the numbers of zombies. This vaccine will change the world it will completely eliminate zombies after they kill off all of the zombies.
Two years later the vaccine was almost completely perfected. “It would be done in about two more weeks,” said the scientists. The time came for the vaccine to be tested. They found somebody that was willing to be tested on.

The man was classified so that nobody knew his name. The vaccine was injected and the man was supposed to be able to come in contact with zombies and not be killed or infected. When the time came for the vaccine to be tested against zombies the man was still infected but the vaccine seemed to help him because he didn’t have the same traits as normal zombies. They tried to capture him and put him in a room to observe him. After two days of observation they tried to inject him with more of the vaccine. After they injected him he turned back into a human. So they found another classified test subject. They injected him with the vaccine but this time they injected her with three times the amount. They exposed him to zombies and the vaccine worked. He was not infected the scientists were so happy that after all of their hard work that the vaccine was finally finished and it worked. Soon all of the people were injected with the vaccine and they could finally kill off all of the zombies. After all of the zombies they had to clean up all of the cities. The cleanup took about another year. Now they can start rebuilding all of the buildings to get the entire city back to normal. It was expected to take ten to fifteen years to complete the buildings. Now the people are just happy that the zombies did not take over the whole world. Now all they can wonder is what is going to happen next to change the world for all of the future generations.

30 Years Later

All of the vaccines have worked until now the virus is now spreading throughout the world again but in controllable amounts. The military has taken care of all of the issues but now we know that we need to spread the vaccine every twenty-five years to prevent it from spreading. This time the military did not have to use as much force to kill the zombies so the damage is minimal compared to the last time. Everybody has been protected again and will be safe in future generations now that we know how the zombies attack and how the zombies react to certain things.

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