Working hard | Teen Ink

Working hard

February 26, 2013
By Anonymous

“Angel this is the third day in a row you have been late”, Angels boss Mr. Crabs said. “You have to take responsibility for your actions”. Angel sighed in shame. He was always late to work and couldn’t find a way to stop being late. Angel was then dismissed by his boss and went to start his job. Angel is a fry cook at the Crusty Crab. He started up the grill and started frying patties. When the day was over he packed up his stuff and headed home to his pet snail Larry.
“I can’t be late again tomorrow or Mr. Crabs will get really mad”. Angel started to think of some ideas to get to work on time tomorrow. Usually Angel would just walk to work but Angel gets to tired on the walk, which makes him late.

Angel went to bed that night with a crazy idea in his head, but you never know if his crazy idea might just work. Angel’s idea was to hop on a speeding rocket ship and zoom to the Crusty Crab.
As Angel was getting the rocket ship ready in the morning his pet snail Larry came to tell Angel that this was a vey bad idea but as stubborn as Angel is he didn’t listen to one thing that Larry said. Angel is like a stubborn kid that whines about everything. Angel then hops on to the rocket ship eager to get to the Crusty Crab. Angel just starts hitting all of these random buttons and then all of a sudden, Vroom he’s off. The wind in his face is making his chubby cheeks jiggle as he glides through the air. The wind is so fast it’s like you are in Kansas while a tornado is happening. As Angel rides his speeding rocket ship through the air he takes his time taking in all of the nice scenery that the bottom of the ocean has to offer. As angel glides through the air he starts to smell the warm smell of fresh Crabby Patties off of the grill. Angel knows he is getting close to work. Angel now has the Crusty Crab in his sights. He starts to try to stop the rocket ship but it won’t stop. Angel just starts rapidly pressing every button that he sees trying to stop the speeding rocket ship. It wouldn’t stop. In fact, instead of the rocket ship slowing down it actually started to speed up. Angel can now feel the cold wind blowing his cheeks back around his ears. Angel rode his rocket ship right past the Crusty Crab. As he goes by his boss
Mr. Crabs yells out, “What was that, it looked like Angel on a rocket ship”. Angel realized that the rocket ship was going to take a big crash so he started to plan his escape. Angel was going to jump off of the speeding rocket ship. Angel sees a couple bags of trash on the side of the road and decides to use those to break his fall. Angel leaps off the rocket ship sending it flying into the sky then exploding into a million pieces.
Angel landed in the trash bags, which did break his fall, but the bags were full of dirty socks and old banana peels. Angel then walked to work and of course was late. As he walked into the Crusty Crab Mr. Crabs asked him why he was late. Angel told him what happened. All of a sudden, out of nowhere somebody yelled, “What is that awful stench that I smell”. Angel knew it was he so decided to go freshen up and then get ready for work.
The day was over now so Angel hung up his hat and headed home to Larry. Again Angel had to think of a different way to get to work on time. He and Larry started brainstorming ideas for Angel to not be late tomorrow. They stayed up for hours thinking of ideas but nothing came to mind. And then Larry meows an idea to Angel and he loved it.
Angel then went to bed with the confidence that he would not be late tomorrow. But knowing all that we know about what kind of person Angel is we know something will go wrong with this idea.
Angel woke up the next morning and went through his morning routine. Get dressed then eat then out the door he goes. Angel’s idea today was to sprint all the way to work without stopping. As Angel was beginning to start his long run his best friend and neighbor Rick came out to see what he was doing. Angel told Rick all about how he was being late and his crazy rocket ship idea. Having heard that Angel was going to sprint all the way to the Crusty Crab, Rick decided to give Angel a part of his donut so he would have enough energy to get to work on time. Angel took a bite and instantly went crazy with energy.
He said goodbye to Rick and then he was off. Angel was running so fast that his cheeks were feeling like they were yesterday when he was on the rocket ship. He was speeding through the air as if he was running from a bullet. Angel was running to the Crusty Crab as fast as he could. As he was running he started to slow down because he was getting tired. He stops to take a break. As he was sitting he started to get a side-ache from that donut he ate earlier. Angel is now regretting eating that donut that Rick gave him. Angel just started to walk to work but it was taking longer than expected because of his unscheduled stop. Angel took a look over at his watch to see the time. It was 7:59. He had exactly one minute to get to the Crusty Crab and it was in plain sight. He started running for the Crusty Crab but it was hard because his side was really hurting. As he was running for his job he saw Mr. Crabs look down at his watch and then look up. Angel knew that Mr. Crabs was wondering where he was. Angel looked down at his watch and it still said 7:59 so he knew he still had about 10 seconds to get there. Angel was now running so fast it was as if he was still on the rocket ship from yesterday. He was so close to the Crusty Crab that he could almost touch the door. He took one last leap for the door hoping he wouldn’t be late. Just as he jumped for the door his watch turned 8:00.
Angel landed in the Crusty Crab exactly one second late. Right as Angel stood up Mr. Crabs started scolding him about being late again.
“This is the third day in a row you have been late”, Mr. Crabs said. “If you are late again I will have no choice but to fire you”, Mr. Crabs said with a sad tone in his voice. Angel then went through another day of brainstorming ideas to not be late tomorrow.
Angel hung up his hat once again and headed home to Larry.
“Larry this is the third day in a row that I have been late. If I am late one more time Mr. Crabs is going to fire me”, Angel said with a sigh in his voice. He now had to think of a perfect way of not being late tomorrow. He was determined to not be late and keep his job at the Crusty Crab. He once again was going to stay up all night thinking of the perfect way to not be late tomorrow. He and Larry started brainstorming ideas once again. He and Larry had been thinking of ideas for the past two hours and they still had nothing going for them. Another hour passed and Angel and Larry still had no good ideas and they were getting pretty tired. Then it came to him. Angel realized that the reason that he was late was because he didn’t have enough time to do all of the things he had to do in the morning and that his crazy ideas just made him even more late. So the next day Angels idea was to just wake up ten 10 minutes earlier. He knew that both days he was only late by five minutes or less. So he knew that if he just woke up 10 minutes earlier he would get to work on time.
Angel went to bed that night with the complete confidence that he wasn’t going to be late tomorrow. Angel had sweet dreams that night. He dreamt about him going to work the next day and showing up on time. For Angel it would be a perfect day if he wasn’t late to work. Angel got a good nights sleep that night dreaming about how the next day was supposed to be.
Angel awoke the next morning 10 minutes earlier so he would not be late today. He went through his morning routine with a grin on his face as if he knew the biggest secret in the world. He was very happy because he was almost certain that he would get to work on time and not be late. Angel laced up his shoes and headed out the door and on his way to the Crusty Crab. As he was walking, Angel looked down at his watch to see if he was running on schedule and sure enough he was. In fact he was actually five minutes early. When the Crusty Crab was in his sights he looked down at his watch another time and sure enough he was on time and five minutes early. Angel was so happy that he had five extra minutes so he decided to do a two-minute happy dance right in the middle of the street. Some people started to stare at him wondering what he was doing but once he was done dancing they all went away. Angels happy dance made him feel as he could fly around the whole world in just only a couple seconds. It was a great feeling for Angel. When he got to work he was so happy that he wasn’t late and still had a couple minutes to spare be fore he had to start working. He let out a sigh of relief that he would be able to keep his job. Mr. Crabs congratulated him on not being late to work today and sent him to work. As usual Angel fired up the grill and started frying up those patties. This was Angels best day at work since he got the job at the Crusty Crab. Angel now knew that if wanted to be on time for work he wouldn’t have to ride a rocket ship or sprint to work he would just have to wake up 10 minutes earlier.

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