A Life With Out School | Teen Ink

A Life With Out School

February 26, 2013
By Anonymous

Kids are born each day. There parents don’t know how to teach them things because there has never been schools on this planet.

So imagine little kids walking on there own, talking on there own, eating on there own, etc.

There parents want to move to a planet where schools exist, but they cant move.

So now imagine these kids parents. There sitting on a card board for furniture. There arguing and crying because they don’t have real furniture, and none of there family members want to help them out because her mom doesn’t care about her and her dad is dead so he is not able to help her out.

So as they are struggling to afford food for the family.
So back to the kids, they ask there parents for money or some knew clothes because there other ones are all ripped and stained but there parents tell them they don’t have any money right now. There parents are crying because they don’t like to tell there kids they don’t have any money. They tell there kids soon they will have money to move to a place were they can get a job and give them money for clothes, shoes, food, and furniture. They tell there kids not to worry at all because it is going to get better real soon so don’t worry just do what you normally do until we leave. So the kids dad is on the phone with his mom and dad, asking them for some money to get out of this planet and go to planet earth so my family can she you and dad he says. His mom says that they are struggling also and they don’t think they have enough money for your whole family his mom say, Well we need to get out of this place soon, are you sure if you and dad each pay half you still wont have enough he says, No we wont because we just payed all of our bills so we don’t have that much and we need this for food in are house but , if we are able to come up with the money before you are able to I will call you and let you know that we have enough money and then I will send it to you so, until then just start packing and don’t worry about this you will be here soon I will have you dad clean out the guest bedroom for your kids and I will have him move some stuff around in the basement for you and you wife. But I have to go I will call you later when I get home from work have a good day and don’t get stressed out from this.

So one of the kids walk into the living room and his mom is on the phone he says “ Mom who are you talking to “, She says “ I’m talking to someone “. As she is crying the kid is too. She tells him its going to be okay there is no need to cry. His mom says we are going to go court and sue the government for not having schools on this planet and we are going to get some money to get out of this place. So the day of court they have to walk 10 miles to get to the court house. There in court arguing back and forth. Finally court is done, they won..! So now the government has to give them enough money to leave the planet. So they pack and pack for days, months, they are finally done packing they get to the airport with tons of suit cases. So they have to sit in the airport for hours and hours till there plane leaves from planet x to go to earth. Finally its time to bored the plane. They get on and they have so much stuff they have to sit with there suit cases on there laps because there isn’t enough room. The whole family is really nervous to fly on a plane because they have never been on a plane before and they have never left planet x. There kids are scared to get there and go to school and have kids make fun of them because they are poor and don’t have any money yet because there parents need to go to school also so they can get money and a job.

So a year has gone by now and the family is not poor any more, they have a nice house with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a 3 car garage, and they have nice furniture also, and there kids have really nice clothes, and they have a flat screen TV in there room and there kids have king size beds.

The family has a lot of money and they are doing good and the kids mom is now talking to her mom and they are good friends now and they don’t argue any more and they have dinner with the family all the time, like tonight they are going to have a big with the kids grandparents, and mom and dad.

So life is going really good for the family both the parents have good paying jobs and they actually have some nice cars they have 4 cars and only 3 of them can fit in the garage so they park there really expensive ones in the garage so that nothing will happen to the cars. They live in a really nice neighborhood and when they first came to earth they never locked there house door because they thought that they lived in a pretty good neighborhood where nothing will happen and they got proved wrong.

The family has lived here for about 3 years now and about 2 months ago they where going to bed, so they said good night to there kids and in the middle of the night there house was robbed. The robber took $1,000 dollars from them in cash, he took one of there cars which was the one that was parked outside, he took there brand new flat screen TV out of all of the rooms, he took a PS3 and an XBOX 360 from them. There hearts were crushed now that this happened, they never thought that this would happen they thought they lived in the nicest neighborhood ever but they obvisly didn’t. So that morning when they woke up the parents called the cops so they can come over and dust for finger prints. So when the cops came it took them about and hour or two just to dust for finger print. But by the time they were done they had got a lot of finger prints because the people didn’t like where gloves or anything and they didn’t like dust of where their fingers touched so they now who did it now. One of the cops say “they have to just find the people who did it they could be any where” the cop said. The mom says “I want these people found soon and I want my stuff back please so will you try your best to find them” she says. The cop says “ Mam we will try our best to find these guys and when we find them we will get your stuff back and they will be arrested for stealing. She says “Thank you so much we really appreciate you doing this”. So a couple of weeks have gone by so far probably about three weeks now and the cops really have’nt really found the guys who took the stuff, so the family didn’t know how long it was going to take until they go there stuff back so they just went out and bought all new flat screen TV’s and a new XBOX 360 and a new PS3. The family only got a new flat screen in the living room because they didn’t want to spend a lot of money on ALL new flat screens but the one in the living room is WAY bigger then the one they had before they had a forty two inch in each room including the living room so when they bought this new one they got a EIGHTY TWO inch.! That’s way bigger then the one they had before that’s forty inches more then they had and they paid $987 dollars for there forty two inch and they paid $1,699 for the eighty two inch and I think it was a pretty good amount they bought the eighty two inch for because it’s forty more inches for only $712 more so it was a pretty good bye. So they get the TV home and they hook all of their stuff up and this time the kids parents let them put the PS3 in their room this time because last time they thought that they were going to break it but this time they trusted their kids with it. So they bring a TV in from the garage because they have had an extra so they put that in the kids room with the PS3 and the kids are SO happy. About Three to Four hours later the cops call them and tell them that they found the people who robbed their house and the people who robbed it sold the TV’s but that the cops where going to take them to a place that sells ONLY flat screen TV’s and that the cops would by their kids a fifty two inch for the kid’s room and the parents room. But the cop told them that they did not sell the PS3 or XBOX 360. The parents were sad that the people that robbed their house sold something that wasn’t even there’s but when the parents heard that the cops were going to go by the kids and the kids parents a fifty two inch for there room they where pretty happy but not really because someone sold THEIR kids TV’s but they were going to get even bigger one. So the cops went and took the family besides the kids because they wanted to stay home and play their PS3. So they came back about and hour or two later with brand new “Sony” flat screen TV’s. The kids were SUPER happy with there new TV’s and the cops even bought the kids a HDMI cord for there game system so the picture of there game was better then the other one. After the cops left the kids parents went to the store, they went to “Home Depot” to get new locks on there house door and they got a couple extra locks for there house door so that there house would be safe and that they can go to sleep Knowing that it is safe and that the extra locks they bought will protect them so that not another person will rob there house and take there stuff. So its been about four to five years now and ever sence then they have not been robbed or anything and they still have all there stuff. The family even went out just to buy some camras so they can see if any one has broken in there house or messed with there cars or anything.

So it has been a couple of years now and the family had actually moved out of there house about 2 years ago and moved into a nicer and better and bigger house then there other one. There kids are in high school now and they are doing good they have jobs and have some money so they can buy there own stuff and they both have there license and there own cars and they drive there own cars. There kids work at the mall of america, they work at footlocker so they get like discounts on shoes and stuff there so they have a lot of shoes and stuff they have like 100 pairs of shoes. They also have a lot of clothes because they go shopping a lot for new clothes even though like all of there clothes in there clothset is like brand new but they still go to get new clothes and shoes. The kids buy there parents clothes and shoes also because they feel sorry for all the stuff that has happened in there life and all she has done for them so they buy there parents anything they need. The kids parents really appericate them buying them stuff they always tell them that they don’t need to go out and spend money on them but they do it anyways.

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