Apocalypse | Teen Ink


December 27, 2012
By Anonymous

For this purpose they say I was born. For this purpose I have lived all my life. All my twenty-three years have been spent training me for this purpose; for this day. My name is Eureka Hennins and I am the savior of East-North. I am the chief commander of the more than 4000000 battalions of East-North Army. We will win this war, we'll have victory - for this cause every single minute of my life was spent, training.
My mother died at my birth. She was a major officer - commanding two hundred battalions. My father died the same day at war. He commanded a thousand battalions. Both parents of mine were war enthusiasts. So, I guess my blood is flowing with it too.
My mother and father at their death requested that I should be trained as the savior that East-North is seeking. My parents were very influential people in the army and in the whole of North-East bloc. Therefore, their request was honored. I was born in the Army Base 3 Hospital. All my life, I have lived in this Army Base. I have never seen anything outside of it. Base 3 is the base for the highest army officers and like every other base it is underground. In essence, I have never seen the real world, the sun. I have heard a lot about it. From day one since my birth, I was never fed with breast milk or milk of any sort. I was given nutrition from an intravenous. That's all I have been on all my life. I see others munching solid food in their mouth but my tutors say I'm not to. They say I'm different. I wonder what it'll be like to for the first time taste food. From three months of age, my toy has been a gun. The more I grow up the more sophisticated it becomes. At one year of age, I learned to pull a trigger. At three, no one in the whole of East-North could use a gun like me. I could aim a point from miles away. I could pull a trigger with my pinky finger and aim from any position.
When I was six, girls of my age would scurry in pink gowns for ballet classes but I never joined them. Martial art was my ballet class. I so badly wanted to do that but I’m different - they say.
I was taught not to say many words from my mouth. I conversed from my mind with a brain-graph attached to my head. It converted my brain waves to speeches. So whatever I thought came out as a speech.
I command the whole 5000000 battalion of East-North and none of them know me. No one else has seen me except my three tutors and my doctor. At the age of five, I could operate the weapon of highest technology. At four years of age, I had already been taught how to create a nuclear bomb. At fifteen, I fought with 300 robot mannequins and destroyed them all. By twenty, there was virtually no warring skill I hadn't learned. For the next three years after that, I was engaged in hatred sessions. I have been told that every evil I could imagine was the capability of the West-South bloc. The West-South is an enemy, they are infidels. They are rebels, they are the worse set of humans and it is my destiny to wipe every one of them out. They had killed my parents and many others East-North-erns. I am to take revenge and be my people’s savior.

I have been taught the history over and over. The East-North and West-South had once been united. We were called “Earth” then but aliens from Mars and the Moon formed an allied force and attacked earth so, we decided to defend ourselves against them and we built weapons. Warring machines and we wiped off every other creature on every other world on our universe.

We built this weapon for our good but soon it turned into a curse. The people on earth started turning against each other and killing each other. And then we divided into two blocs. East-North wanted nothing to do with West-South because of their ruthlessness, and heartless self’s. And so East-North and West-South decided to settle it once and for all in the war of APOCALYPSE.

I let out a faint noise from my mouth and switch off my brain-graph. I look one last time at my room. It’s filled with posters of weapons, warring machines, and picture s of war. I remember when I was little, I wanted to have pinky flower and cute animal posters but I couldn’t. I am different – they say.
“Are you ready?” Mr. Regnold – one of my tutors asks from outside my room.
I breathe in and out. “Yes” I reply and step out of my heavy metallic door. There’s a mirror in front of me and I stare at my reflection on it. I’m very tall and huge with muscular features. My limbs are packed full with muscles, my chest is huge and heavy – hardly any breast on it. I practically have no hair on my head, it’s been shaven off. I’ve worn my hair this way since as long as I can remember.

I walk across the air to the robot body I’m about to put on. Yes I walk across the air. The floor is too primitive to be walked upon. Nothing is placed on it anymore. Everything hangs some distance meters away from the floor, including my robot body. My robot body is controlled by my brain. I only think about what I want it to do and it does it. I am used to this; I learned how to use this when I was two. But this one is different; it is a lot huger than any I’ve ever used. And I feel a surge of happiness within me. I stay at the spot I’m asked to by one of my tutors as my robot body is being clasped around me. When it is done, I admire my new look in the mirror. I switch on my brain-graph. With it the whole East-North army which I command will engaged in brain-versation with me during the war. I will directly give them orders from my brain-graph.

“It’s time” Howard- another tutor of mine says.
I nod as I am led out of Army Base 3 for the first time in my life. I air-walk in my robot body up the stairs to the real world above. The roof opens as we walk out. For the first time in my twenty-three of living, I see the real world. I look up and I see the sun! The sky is blue and beautiful. Green stuffs have popped out from the ground along with some colorful thingamabobs. I was never taught that the real world was this beautiful. I imagined it to be a dry, drab and dusty place and very empty. I knock out it. In forty second s, the war of Apocalypse begins. I look through my ultra-binoculars and sight the West-South also preparing. They are over a million kilometers away. Through the binoculars, they look like little creatures. It will take us twenty seconds to get to them and the war to begin.
“Charge!” I brain-yell not wasting any time. I and the whole of East-North race towards the West-South, I can see them, they are just like us in their armor cars with armor guns and bullet proof machines. They also have different flying machines, war helicopters and flying saucers - just like us. But I don’t see a savior; I don’t see one man ahead of their whole battalion. Each battalion has a commander but there’s no overall commander as we have. I’m the only savior.

I look closely at them; they look very much like us. They are no different, they too are seeking revenge. They hate us like we hate them. They think we are the wicked ones and need to be wiped out just like we do too. If they think they are wicked and they do too then who isn’t. I look around once again at the beautiful real world. The sun is shining softly, partly covered by white tufts of cloud. I see the green thingamajigs all over and the colorful ones too. They are all beautiful and if we fight we might destroy them. I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to wipe people like myself. But it’s too late, the war has started. East-North and West-South are fighting. East-North needs a savior and I’m the one. West-North needs a savior but they don’t know. Earth needs a savior! Yet I am the only savior I see. Maybe I can save us all!

I look up, the cloud has darkened and water drops are falling. I didn’t know the sky could cry too. It must be sad, perhaps because of our fighting. I have to stop this. I notice the Wes-South have brain-graphs on too. They can be brain-versed with too.
“Earth!!” I brain-yell to everybody fighting. I don’t segregate, I don’t differentiate. We are one.
Everyone stares at me.
“Let’s have peace. Let’s give up the fighting. Can’t you see the world’s crying?”
Everyone stares at the sky as its tears fall.

It’s been ten thousand since that day. I saved the world the destruction that would have followed the war. I abolished the segregation. We became ‘Earth’ again. We became one. Wondering why I still exist even after ten thousand years? Man doesn’t age again. Age is so primitive, we conquered it.

I was Earth’s savior ten thousand years AGO… I doubt if there’s any way out for earth Life has become mundane for man as a result of his prolonged life and now man kills others just for the fun of it to compensate the boredom.

And now I think perhaps if I had let the war of apocalypse happen it would have turned out well. Maybe the remnants of the war started a new life on earth. But I realize that the longer man lives the more problems arises. As it seems, man and this world is headed for self-destruction.

The author's comments:
It came to me when I realized that the more man tried to solve his problems, the more he creates problems. Maybe man is the problem and only Jesus can solve that...

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