Existence | Teen Ink


December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

“What is this?” It asked quizzically as there was a sudden sense of existence in its being.
Surveying, it realized there was nothing; lackluster and void of anything, like a blank slate. “What am I?” Its memory could produce nothing past the instant sense of being it felt moments ago. Moments ago… What’s a moment? For all it knew eons could have passed; so what good would it do to define it? All it knew was that there was something missing.

Then, just as suddenly as it came to be, something like an idea formed: I’m alone. Instantly something clicked! What it had perceived as nothingness expanded into an infinite plane, all around the being was darkness. And along with that darkness came what we call sorrow, for it knew there was nothing in this great expanse; no other being to sooth its loneliness.

Then it said, "maybe I could just disappear! If I came to be, then surely I can just go away." As soon as it said that, it tried… it tried not to exist, but that didn’t seem to work. Even more sorrow came over it now because there was no simple way out of being, at least not from its point of view. "Who knows," it said, "there has to be something else; some other being that can console me." So from that point on it had decided to move until it found something else.

But moving wasn’t as easy as it seemed! Since there were no waypoints with which the young explorer could set goals. For all it knew it was staying stationary… Frustrated it yelled, “I wish there was something I could go towards!” All of a sudden there was a small hazy dot in the distance. Surprised, it went to the dot instantly. “Wow… Did I create that?” it asked.
After thinking about it for quite some time, it realized that if it could create a hazy dot, it could create anything. Whether that creation was a simple particle or a vast galaxy, it had the power to make it within this void! Immediately the sense of sorrow lifted from the being because of its newfound talent, and yet something remained… "What was it again" the being said as it went into deep thought. The feeling that was lost in all of this excitement finally resurfaced; coaxed out by the limitless plumbing of its host: that feeling was loneliness.

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