Evangeline | Teen Ink


December 16, 2012
By Cbergher BRONZE, Satellite Beach, Florida
Cbergher BRONZE, Satellite Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Police sirens screamed. Helicopters thumped their wings. Megaphones echoed their shouts behind me. And I was scared. Scared because, I had no idea what was going on, or how I got to this huge city. My long golden hair whipped my face as I occasionally turned back to see behind me. They were getting closer and closer. I flapped my feathery white wings faster and faster, maneuvering around the tall sky scrapers. I kept looking back. Despite all my efforts, they still were close. I turned to look forward and fly faster but, I hit something. I don’t quite remember what is was, but it hurt. I blacked out for only a few seconds then struggled to keep flying. I couldn’t move. Paralyzed by fear I fell into one of the police cars chasing me and destroyed it. Luckily, there was no one inside of it. Men surrounded me, bellowing to freeze and throw my hands to the air. I did as told and felt a sharp shock on my side. I blacked out again.

I woke up. I was in a metal room. There was nothing in this room except me and a small bed in the corner with a very thin pad, a sheet, and a small pillow. It smelled like dust. But, it felt safe to me. I tried standing up and was sore all over. My wings were tied up in rope which chaffed them. I went to the bed to lie down when a loud echoing voice shook the room saying “Where are you from? Why are you here? Do you expect war with us?” I was afraid and ran to the bed and tried to hide. But, alas, they still knew I was there. The voice repeated the questions in a more calm tone this time. “I know not of whom you are, who I am, or anything related to that of which you inquire. I am just afraid.” I replied. A door appeared across the room with a man walking through it. I shivered.

He had brown hair that looked only a few inches long and slightly curled at the end. He had nice grey eyes. Dark ones, but nice. He asked if what I said was true. I tried to hide more into my arms and legs replying “Yes.” He very slowly walked towards me. “My name is Jefferson.” He said. “I just want to help.” He got very close to me and sat down on the bed. To be honest, I was shocked he could trust me so quickly. He got very close and touched my wings. I looked up at him. He started untying them. Once that was done, I politely said “Thank you.” And stretched them out. Or, at least tried. It was a very small room. “They’re beautiful.” Said Jefferson. I started to stretch out a bit, put my arms at my side, and extend my legs. “Do you remember anything before you were chased?” “No.” I replied. “So your whole life so far is being chased? Do you know your name?” He asked. It was a sad thought. My life so far really was being chased, as for my name, I did remember that. “Evangeline.” I said. He told me goodbye and said he’s be back tomorrow. Jefferson was very kind. He was the only person I liked so far. Even though he was the only person I knew.

The next day came and so did he. He told me that there are people who needed my help. Help in fighting crime. I didn’t know why they needed my help. I couldn’t even help myself. But kind Jefferson convinced me to help. For the next few months, I spent every moment with Jefferson. Training in crime fighting, flying, all indoors. He taught me that I am the only one with wings and should be careful not to go outside because bad things will hurt me if I went out there alone. Jefferson never specified what they were but I trusted him. He was always kind. Never raised his voice once. I never got to meet the people who needed my help. He told me they were outside and wanted to stay hidden. After a couple of months of training, Jefferson decided to take me outside to go eat at a “restaurant.” They sounded like fun when he explained it. I was given a long red gown to wear and a light brown leather jacket to hide the wings.

When we went outside, the city looked very different from on the street. Buildings towered above everything, cuddling you into staying down here. He walked me to a smaller building close by. The food was great. It was remarkably better than the food back at the training facility. We had a great conversation. We held hands on our way back and when we got back to my metal room, he kissed me cheek, said goodnight, and walked away. That night was the first time I smiled.

As I grew stronger, so did my feelings for Jefferson. We went out more and more. Eventually, after two years and seven months of training, we went out again. To the same restaurant we went to our first time. But this time around, he proposed. I, of course, said yes. He was the only one I knew, and taught me the world. He gave me a silver ring with a light blue gem on top. It was a fantastic evening.

Three months after the proposal, I was released to help the police in that city with Jefferson. The police were very wary of me at first. But once I proved myself with 20 successful car chases, they soon accepted me. And so did the people. Every time I did a good deed, they cheered for me. They liked me and my wings. Shouts spread my name everywhere. “Evangeline!” They cried. “Evangeline!” These people made me happy to help them. Soon I was on the cover of magazines, newspapers, blogs, and in the voices of the people. All ages too. Children told stories of my “awesomeness” whilst the elders spoke of my serviceability. Jefferson was proud of me. That was what made me happy to be me.

More months passed and our wedding came and went. We now lived together in a small apartment. We were indubitably happy. And he was still just as kind to me as the day I met him. Whenever I had a nightmare, he’d hold me and make sure I was alright. And I’ve been having the same nightmare very frequently now. It was a bridge, a popular bridge in the city, only about six metres long. But the bridge was covered in blood. I don’t know why, but that bridge made me scared. I started going to it every day, to check on it and it was fine. Until one day.

One day when I went to the bridge, I saw five bodies hanging. They were just average people in their late twenties, early thirties. And on the bridge, written in their blood was “5 days.” Blood was all over the bridge. I called Jefferson and the police to it. Everyone was disgusted by it. We didn’t know what to tell people. Jefferson comforted me. I was aghast at the display. I didn’t sleep that night. The next day was worse. I went back to the bridge where the police made a boundary around it and took down the five bodies. But when I arrived, the four police officers stationed there at night were gone and hung on the bridge which now said “4 days.” I collapsed in anguish. No one had an idea of what was going on. Jefferson stayed with me and tried to help me figure it out. But it was too strange for us. The next few days were the same, with people going down in age. Three teenagers for three days, two children for two days, and a baby for one day. I had no idea what to expect on the day.

I didn’t sleep. I went out and flew to the bridge. Early in the morning. There, a man with long black hair and big black wings waited for me. “Hello Evangeline.” He said. “Where are you from? Why are you here? Do you expect war with us?” Then I realized, I just asked the same questions I was asked when I first arrived. “Aww, Eve, you don’t remember me? Such a shame.” He replied with a cackle. He pulled out two swords and tossed one to me. “Come on, let’s fight. For this world.” He said. “For the world? Are you insane? How do you expect to take this world?” I shouted. He lounged toward me with his sword and clashed mine. “Oh, you’ll see.” He giggled. He fought with our swords, flying around when Jefferson came and tried to help. We were also starting to attract a crowd. Jefferson tried to shoot the mysterious black winged man but only scraped his leg. “Oh, Evangeline, are you cheating? This is a one versus one battle honey. I’ll have to correct this.” And then he killed Jefferson with one quick blow. “Jefferson!” I screeched and flew to his side. He smiled then relaxed. The fury in me was at it’s height. He had taken the one thing I have ever loved.

“You shouldn’t get too distracted, Evey.” He laughed. He flew at me and cut my arm. I screamed in pain. By now the crowed of people were everywhere, cheering me on, that I can do it. I tried to fight with one arm but alas, that one was lost too. I didn’t know what to do now, no arms to fight, just wings and legs, and if I didn’t stop him, I don’t know who would. “Well, this looks like a goodbye Eve. Too bad we could fight some more. Adios.” He said, cackling loudly as he decapitated me with his and my sword. I heard screams then darkness.

But I woke up. Only, to more screams. I looked up and saw fire. Fire everywhere. I saw people on fire. Being burned and melted and becoming almost nothing until they reformed again and kept burning and melting. I saw the people from the bridge. The five, the four, the three, the two, and the one. I then saw Jefferson, burning over and over. Screaming over and over. I cried. He couldn’t see me but I could see him. Then the burning started. To me. My face caught on fire. My arms and legs and wings. I burned to ash over and over. Each time I saw more people around. Until it seemed as though, the world was burning with us. Then I realized, the man with dark wings really had taken over the world. And killed everyone and everything. And now they were here. Now, in hell.

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