A Dream Come True I guess | Teen Ink

A Dream Come True I guess

June 14, 2024
By Anonymous

 This may sound a bit crazy but, you have got to believe me. Have you ever had a situation where your dreams seem to come true? I know it isn’t the most believable thing ever, but I have had some of mine come true. The first dream I have ever gotten that seemed to come true, was in February of 2021, 7th grade. I woke up on a Friday morning, ready to go to school, and it felt like a normal school day. I got into my dads series 5 white BMW, and we got out of the green and white striped gates that boarded our driveway onto the cracked roads. Man, they really needed to fix those roads. Besides that, we left the town of Petarson, where I lived, and entered route I-80 like we did everyday. We exited the route on exit 61 entering the town of Elmdrive Park. My father dropped my brother and I off at St. Leo’s, our school, and it was just as I was kissing him ‘Goodbye’ that he started to cough horribly. My first initial thought was, That’s weird, because we went through the entire car ride and he seemed fine. Then,  I thought, maybe it’s just the pollution in the air or something, considering the fact that we lived in a dirty area. 

I entered my school, and by that time a horrible sickness was spreading. People reported it to be called Fluvid-20, and we have been suffering the effects of this sickness since 2020. It was quite horrible, you would have had to have been there to know how bad it was. Anyways, I went inside and it turned out that about 5 people were absent from my class, which had a total of 22 students, due to this Fluvid-20. I really had thought that it was over, I really did. I mean they brought out a vaccine, and the death rate started to go down, but I guess it was spreading around again. We all still had to wear masks, to protect ourselves and others from this sickness. Besides that, I went through my day perfectly fine. I talked and messed around with my best friend, and then went to basketball practice. It was a normal day, it really was. Then I got home.

It was around 6:00 pm and my mother, brother, and I were just waiting for my Dad to get home. He normally does at around 7 p.m., just in time for dinner. However, his business had been very busy lately, so he had been getting home later than usual. My Dad owns a mechanic shop down in Petarson, H&A Auto specialists, sowe just assumed that people’s cars have been breaking down a lot more than usual. However, not that night. My Dad came home just about 10 minutes after I got home. He had a sore throat and a terrible cough. It was worse than what it had sounded like that morning. I asked him if everything was okay, and then he assured me that it was probably just a cold or something, that it happens all the time. So I again, just dropped it.

Later that night I started getting ready for bed, around 9:00 pm. I took out my contacts, brushed my teeth, and headed for my bed. I prayed for my father, and for everything I was grateful for, and then shut off the lights. I was so tired to the point where I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, I swear it felt extra soft and comfy that night. Then came the dreams. Or should I say the first dream. It was white, meaning my headspace was completely blank, and I was there alone. My surroundings were white, but not any white I’ve ever seen before. It was a bright type of white, almost blinding, but my eyes adjusted quickly. The weird thing was that my personal-self wasn’t there, but I was. For example, when I tried to look at my hand, it wasn’t there, however I felt it was there. It was a weird way to start a dream, and honestly I didn't know how to feel about it. Pun intended. I attempted to begin walking, again, I couldn’t see my legs but I could hear the clacks of each step I took on this white floor, and I could feel movement in my “nonexistent” body. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew it was the right place to go. It was quiet there, peaceful. It was as if I didn’t want to leave this everlasting whiteness. It was the type of peacefulness that you would want to stay in forever, so I stopped, sat down, and just stared into my empty head space. 

“Katlyn,” A voice said, “Katlyn, listen to me.”

I was startled by this voice because it wasn’t a familiar one, but I felt a sense of comfortness in the smoothness of this voice. It felt like a friendly voice, one to whom I would tell all my worries to.

“Who are you?” I had asked. 

“You know who I am, and if you don’t right now, time will tell who I am,” The voice replied. “However, there is something I need to tell you, but let’s get into a better change of scenery. Where do you want to go, think about it”.

I thought about this beach in Maldives, “The Sea of Stars”, on Vaadhoo Island. I have always wanted to go to that place, and whenever my mother would ask where I would like to go for vacation, this island would always be the first that came to mind. It was always a bit pricey, so I’d usually settle for something like Florida. Just like the voice said, the scenery was changed, and then I started to see myself. I looked down and saw my legs, only by the glow of the stars from the ocean, and my toes wiggling in the damp dark sand. I saw my pajamas that I had on for the night and the pandora bracelet stack on my left hand, there were at least 4 bracelets fully completed. I saw the ocean that I have always yearned to see, and my black hair blowing in front of me as I sat down on the wet sand. To the left of me there was an endless beach and I saw the water wash up on the sand each time a wave came up as it left the stars on the sand. It was like a dream, pun intended. To my right was a figure, a Man, who was wearing what looked like a robe, and He was barefoot. He had nothing on but a robe, and what was most weird out of it all, was that I couldn’t see His face. His body was existent but his face wasn’t, it was strange. 

“Is it You?” I asked Him, “From before?”.

“Yes. Listen, we don’t have much time, I need to tell you something very important about your parents. One of them is going to get deeply and horribly sick.” He replied. 

“With what, Fluvid-20?” 

“Yes, they are going to be out of work for a month because of this sickness, and no matter how hard you try to avoid it, it will spread throughout the four of you guys.” This Man warned. 

“Which one is going to get it?” I questioned. 

“Your-” And then He was gone. 

What a strange encounter, I thought as I sat alone where He left me. I sat there while watching the beautiful beach as I let the water make a hole in the sand where my feet were planted. At that moment I forgot what the conversation was about, or that there was even some other Man in my dream. I was just there, a place where I never wanted to leave, staring into the beautiful ocean that was full of stars. It did only last about five minutes though, until everything was white again and I was right where I was at the beginning of the dream. Although, this time there was a brown door with a gold knob. The knob had a cross embroidered around it, looked almost handmade, but it was gold. I walked over to this door and admired this knob, looking at every detail. I turned the knob and then my eyes opened. My 6:00 AM alarm went off letting me know it was time to wake up and get ready for school. 

It certainly was an interesting dream but I thought nothing of it as I got ready. I showered, changed, brushed my teeth, ate, and did everything that goes into a normal morning routine. It was when I went into the kitchen that was different. My parents were there, and I stared at them as my mom poured my dad a cough serum so that he could drink. 

“Hey, are you feeling better?” I asked. 

“No, not exactly, I am going to go get tested today for Fluvid-20,” My father responded. “I am going to stay home today”.

“Okay, have a good day, and feel better.” I replied, kissing him goodbye. 

The drive on the way to school was a quiet one. I was there alone with my thoughts and my mother and brother, of course. My brother was too tired to even say anything and my mom was focused on driving, so that morning no one was really up for any conversation. Is this the moment my dream was warning me about? Should I tell my mother? How did the Man in my dream know what was going to happen? I stopped thinking about all these thoughts coming at once, as my mom entered exit 61. Nothing has been confirmed yet, I am just being dramatic , I had thought. So I kept my dream to myself and went on with my day. 

I got through school and talked with friends as usual. I got into the car after school because I didn’t have practice that day, and we drove home as I told my mom and brother about my day. Once we got home dinner was ready and it turned out my dad had cooked, and he looked like he was doing much better. Guess my dream was just a dream after all. Then I continued on with my nightly routine and went to bed and closed my eyes. 

It was white. Same  thing as yesterday. 

This time the door was there again and I could see the figure from last night’s dream the exact same way I saw Him on the beach. He was still wearing His robes and I couldn’t see His face, however this time He wore a necklace with the initials “JC”. 

“JC? Is that your name?” I asked.

“Yeah, it is something like that, maybe an abbreviation or nickname,” He stated proudly. “Listen up, it is still going to happen. The warning from yesterday will come true. I am sorry.” 

“Why are you sorry? You are just trying to help out.” 

“I suppose you are correct. I wish I could help more, but all I can do now is provide you with limited information.” 

He started to walk towards me as He reached out his hand. It was so tempting to grab it and walk wherever He wanted. So I did, and then I was back in my house. I walked around with JC still holding my hand until I reached my parents door. It was closed, which was odd, because it is never closed, so I reached for the black door handle with my other hand. Problem was that it was locked and all I could hear was someone coughing in there. 

“We are out of medicine,” I heard my dad say while coughing.

I looked at JC, still holding His hand, and still saw nothing but His body.

“My dad is the one who is going to get sick?” I questioned.

“Yes, but you already knew that” That is all He said, and it sat with me for a minute. He let go of my hand and then everything went away. It was blank again. Pure White.

JC was gone and the door was there. As in my previous dream, I turned the door knob and my alarm went off waking me up. This morning was just like yesterday’s, except for the fact that my dad did not leave the room. My mom had told me that he’s staying in bed. It was all coming into realization now. Maybe my dream is coming true, but how could it be possible? 

“When do the results of the Fluvid test come in?” I asked my mother. 

“Today, you will find out after school.” She stated.

So, again, I went to school and everything was normal, per usual. The day ended and I was waiting for my mom to come and pick my brother and I up. It was when she pulled up when she had told us the news. 

“Your father tested positive for Fluvid-20. We have to quarantine.” My face practically dropped.

We entered the car and drove home and my dad had to stay in his room with the door closed so that my brother and I didn’t risk getting sick. That’s what my mom said, although I thought that getting sick as well was going to be inevitable, we all live in the same house.

Long story short, we all did end up getting Fluvid-20, my dad stayed out of work for about a month or so, my brother and I had to do online classes, and my mom worked from home. It was gone after that month, but the after effects were still there. Ever since that situation I hadn't had another dream like that until about a year later, but that is for another story. 

The author's comments:

Enjoy reading. 

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